Chapter 9

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Darkness. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I heard a voice. 'She has lost a lot of blood.'
Probably Jeff.

'But she's going to be... okay, right?' Newt's voice was filled with concern and panic. I felt someone take my hand, stroking it. Then I passed out again.


My eyes fluttered open. I sat up in a rush and moaned. A sting of pain went through my head, so I lay down again.


Newt was sitting next to me, he had a handage around his right hand and bruises on his head. He was holding my hand with his other hand.

As soon as he noticed I was awake, he squeezed my hand and sat up and screamed for the med jacks.

'Rose! How are you feeling?' Newt's voice sounded scratchy, like he had a sore throat. Like he had been crying all night.

'I'm okay... what have you done? Are you okay?' I heard my weak voice and I looked at his bandage.

'I'm great, now... I was so worried about you. I'm so sorry.'
I didn't understand why he said sorry and wanted to ask him why but then Clint ran in and did some tests on me. He looked for my pupil reflexion, and stuff like that. He cleaned my bandage on my head and told me I had to stay in this bed for at least a day or two. Then he left.

I sat up again. Steven. I remembered all the horrible thing he had done and felt so grosh.
'Where's... Where's...' panic flew through me.

'You're fine, love. He won't ever be able to touch you again. He was banished.'

'But... but...' tears were streaming down my face. Even though I knew Steven was probably dead I still didn't feel save.

'Shh... It'll be okay... You'll be okay.' Newt said, trying to calm me. He stroked my back but I felt so paniced.

'No! No! It won't ever be okay... He...'
I was crying now. Out loud. I looked at Newt's face. He had red eyes, he probably had cried to. Then I remembered what he'd done. Coming to rescue me, fight with Steven.
I remembered that Alby told me hurting another Glader would lead to punishment.

'Newt, what... what happened after I passed out?' I stopped crying, looking over at Newt.

'Nothing much. Few gatherings. I was at your side most of the time.'
I saw it in his face.

'What are you not telling me?' I asked concerned.

'It's nothing.'

'Tell me, Newt, please.'

'I spend one night in the pit, that's all-' Newt fessed up. 'I just feel like this is all my bloody fault.' He looked at his feet.

'Newt, what are you talking about? Look at me. You saved me. I know that.'

When he looked up I saw that tears were streaming down his face. I stroked a tear away and hold his face.

'I... I should have never left you alone in the first place,' he began, 'I don't even know what horrible things that bloody slinthead did to you. I... I thought I lost you. And then I wasn't with you because I was in the pit and I was thinking about you and... it's just... it's just all... my fault.' He said through sobs. He looked to the ground again.

Lost without you × Newt × A Maze Runner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now