Chapter 12

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I opened my eyes and looked around me. Nobody's there. I laid in an empty room. The door, ceiling and walls are all white. There was no window, just an almost white light from the lamp hanging down from the ceiling. I looked down, and I saw I was wearing jeans with a white top.

I stood up and tried to open the door. It was closed. Why was it closed? Where was I? 'Newt!' I screamed for Newt but I didn't know why. It was like I didn't control my actions, just like I watched it all happen, like it was a movie. What was going on? I sighed and sat down on the floor, my back resting against the wall. My eyes were focused at the door. I didn't blink. My eyes floated up, and I saw a camera hanging down the ceiling. Under it I saw a small, green light.

All the sudden, I stood up, my eyes still fixated on the camera. 'You won't take him from me! You can't! Please! Let me talk to him, just for two minutes! Please, I love him. Let me see him one more time. You aren't that cruel. Wicked is good. I know that.'

I didn't understand anything of what I just said. What the hell is wicked? Okay, obviously I wanted to see Newt.

I was still fixated on the camera, and felt a tear streaming down my face. Suddenly the green light turned red. I turned around, and sat back in the spot where I just sat. I placed my hands next to each side and let them rest at the ground. I looked at the door and suddenly I heard a sound behind it. The door opened and a blond guy flew through it. Newt. He looked a lot younger, maybe 13? 14? I jumped up, and ran towards him. 'You have two minutes.' A women said.

The door closed behind him. 'Rose!'

'Newt! I'm so... so sorry!'

'It's okay now, it's okay.' he hugged me and stroked my hair. He held me tight, and then let me go a bit so he could look at my face. I leaned in and kissed him, not a small kiss on the lips but a rough kiss. His tongue tasted sweet.

When we let go, I chuckled and looked down. 'I needed that.' Then I began to cry. 'What if you don't like me in the Glade? What if we won't be lovers? What if you... die... like... like... some of the others?' I asked through large sobs.
He gently wiped my tears away and said, his voice slightly breaking 'Don't...'

'What if we don't ever remember?' My voice sounded so little, so drowned in sadness...

'We will. I promise. Don't even bloody think like that.' His hands stroked my cheeks.

'I'm sorry... I love you.' My voice was shaky. Tears was streaming down my face.

'I love you, too.' I saw he tried to be strong, but  then he snapped. He was crying now, too. His shoulders moved up and down, his eyes still focused on me. He stroked the hair behind my ear, while the tears diggled down our faces.

I placed a kiss on his lips and then the door opened. A women with blond hair pulled back in a tight bun tried to pull Newt away. I held him, didn't want to let him go just yet. 'Chancellor Paige, please! Don't!' I heard myself scream.

'Rose, it's okay. I'll see you soon.' Newt said, while he cried.

'NO! NEWT!' I was in panic now. 'Newt!'

'Let go, Rosalie. Let go now or I'll hurt him.' The chancellor demanted.

'No! Don't hurt him! Newt I love you, so much! Please remember that."

'I love you too. I'll see you soon.'

I let go and the door closed behind him. I fell down and broke into tears.

Lost without you × Newt × A Maze Runner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now