Chapter 22

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I got interrupted by an alarm. It was the newbie alarm.
I looked at Newt and we both ran towards the box.

More boys ran towards it. Newt and I were there first, with Thomas.
'What's going on?' The boy asked.
'We don't know...' I answered.

All the boys had circeled around the box when it finally opened.
Newt jumped in.
'What do you see?' I asked.
'It's a girl, again... wait, what's this..?' Probably Teresa, I thought.
He took something out of the girl's hand, and said 'she has a note.'
'What does it say?' An boy asked.

'She's the last one.' Newt read out loud. The last one? What was that supposed to mean?
I wasn't the only one thinking this, because everyone began talking at the same time. You could here they were all worried.

'Last one?'

'What does that mean?'

'No more supplies?'

'Are we going to die?'

Everybody shut their mouths because the girl woke up, gasping, and said
'Thomas.' Then she passed out again.

Everyone looked over at Thomas.

'Someone get me a rope please!' Newt said.

Alby let down a rope, and when the girl was up, I immediatly reconized her face. It was Teresa.
She was the last one. The last greenie, ever..? Last box? My head was spinning. How long could we survive without any supplies?

Newt climbed up, too. He and Alby exchanged a weird look.
What was going on?

Jeff and Clint carried Teresa away, she was still unconcious.

Everybody was in panic, boys were talking to each other with concerned voices.
Alby and Newt were talking to each other, with worried faces, looking at the note.
People were talking to Thomas, asking him if he remembered her.

I walked over to Thomas.
'Do you remember her?' I asked him. 'You can trust me, I won't tell. Come on, let's walk for a bit.'
I took his hand and Thomas and I walked away from the crowd.

'I remember her. I remembered you, too.' I said, when we were alone. 'You can trust me.'

Thomas glanced at me. 'I... I do remember her. It's Teresa. I remember you, too. I had a dream last night. You and Teresa were there.'

'Yeah I had a dream, too. Multiple ones, actually. Do you know anything about her being the last one?' I answered.

'No... I'm sorry. Why do you think we remember pieces?'

'I think it was a mistake. I don't think it was supposed to happen.'

We stopped talking because a couple boys walked past us.

'Can I see her?' Thomas asked, looking at me.

Thomas and I walked towards the homestead.

It was buzzy in her room, Newt, Alby, Gally, and the med-jacks were all there.
Newt had a serious look on his face, but it relaxed a bit when he saw me.

'Hey Rosalie, Thomas.' He said.
He blew me a kiss.

'Hey.' I smiled. Everytime I saw him I had this warm feeling.

I looked over to the bed, Teresa was still asleep.

Gally spoke 'Thomas, do you reconise her?'

He looked at Teresa. 'No...' Thomas said.

'Are you sure about that? Because she seemed to know you.' Newt said.

'I'm sure. I don't remember this girl.'

'You are lying!' Gally said with a angry voice.

'I'd say we wait till she wakes up and ask her what she knows.' Newt said with a calm voice.

'Yes. Everbody, get out, Med-Jacks take good care of her. She needs space and rest.' Alby said, and clapped in his hand.

Lost without you × Newt × A Maze Runner fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora