Chapter 25

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With high speed I walked towards the homestead, keeping myself from turning around. My whole body was shaking and I was letting out large sobs.

I noticed Thomas, and almost ran towards him. I needed to talk to someone, I was barely keeping it together.

Thomas glanced at me sideways and sprinted towards me.

'Rosa! How is he? I'm so sorry.' He put his arms around me and I tried to speak but I couldn't. I hugged him, leaning with my face against his shoulder and began to cry even harder.

'Hey, hey, shhhh. It's okay.' Thomas tried to comfort me and he stroked my back.

'He... He send me... Away.' Was all I could bring out.

'I'm so sorry. I think he's just feeling really guilty, and he's trying to keep you save. He's doing this for you, Rosa.' He was still stroking my back and I tried to concentrate on his voice, tried to breathe evenly. I was getting a bit less tensed.

'That's it, you're okay.' Thomas whispered.

'Thank you. For everything. You're a really good friend.' I said while I rubbed the tears out of my face.

'Yeah, sure, you're welcome.'

'How's Teresa?' I slightly let go of him and looked at him.

'Still the same. You want to see her?' He got the hint. I needed something that would take my mind of of it, so I quickly nodded.

'Okay, come on.' Thomas let go of me and I followed him into the homestead.


I looked at her face, it was even paler than she used to be. But still, she was beautiful. I slowly took her hand, which was really cold. I turned around and glanced to Thomas.

'She'll be fine, Thomas.'

'Yeah, I know.' His voice didn't sound convinced, he was really worried about her. He slowly walked towards the bed and smiled at her. I let go of Teresa's hand, and quickly took Thomas' hand.

'She'll be fine.' I repeated.

He squeezed my hand and I let it go. 'Thanks, Rosa.'



'I miss her too. But we just have to have faith she'll be okay, okay? I -'

I got interupted because someone knocked on the door. It opened, and Chuck walked through it.

'Hey Chuck, what are you doing here?' I asked him and smiled.

'Can we talk in private?' The boy asked, his voice sounded weird.

'Why? But yeah, sure. I'll be there in a minute.'

Chuck left the room.

I turned around to face Thomas again. He was stroking the hair out of Teresa's face, really careful and sweet, like she was a object that was easily broken.

'I'll be back in a minute, yeah?' I said and I left the room. I looked left, then right and I didn't see Chuck anywhere. I quickly walked out of the building and I saw Chuck was running towards the East Door. What the hell was he doing? I ran as hard as I could, trying to reach him but he was to far away from me.

'Chuck!' I yelled but I fell on the ground, tripped over a random shovel. I could see Minho and Ben ran out of the maze, it was almost closing time... What was wrong with Chuck? He'd almost reached the door. I got to my feet and sprinted towards the door. But it was to late, Chuck had disappeared behind the corner. He was in the maze right now. I almost entered the maze but somebody jerked my body backwards. I looked around my shoulders and saw it was Minho.

'What the shuck are you doing?' Minho asked, screaming loudly.

'You didn't see it? Chuck just entered the maze and I have to get him out.'

I tried to pull his arm away from my shoulder. 'What's Chuck doing in there?'

'Minho, I have no clue. Just... Let... Me... Go. We have to help him. He's just a little kid.' His grip loosened a bit so I pushed him away from me, and sprinted into the maze.

'Rosa!' I heared Minho scream, but I didn't turn around. I was running towards the corner where Chuck had just dissapeared around. I heared footsteps behind me and suddenly a loud sound. The door was closing. I looked around the corner, and saw that Chuck stood there.

'Chuck, what the hell? Come on!'

He just stood there, looking at me. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

'Rosalie, the door!' Minho said.

With a loud boom the hope of getting it out on time disappeared. I looked at Minho, then to Chuck.

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