Chapter 30

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I had woken up after some sleep, and I was sitting on the bed, next to Newt.
'You're a hero. I just walked through the Glade and everyone is talking about you. I'm so proud of you. You saved Minho... And Chuck ofcourse. You are amazing.'

I looked at him.
'Chuck wouldn't even be in the maze if I wasn't here. Please, can we just do something else? I don't even know how I got out of that place, because I got stung.'

'What do you want to talk about?'

I kissed him. 'Something like this.' I whispered. He chuckled, leaned forward and kissed me back, harder, rougher. His tongue went in my mouth and he moved his hands over my body. The kiss was amazing, the butterflies in my stomach were exploding. I took his face in my hands and I pushed him towards the wall. We kissed like that for a while, and when we let go he gave me a tender kiss on my forehead.

'That was amazing.' I said between gasps.

'Yeah...' He said. He was gasping, too.

'How late is it, by the way?' I asked him. I had no idea how long I was asleep.

'Dinner time, are you hungry?'

'Bit.' I answered, and we walked to the kitchen.

We grabbed some food and began eating. Teresa and Thomas sat at our table. I saw Chuck in the corner of my eye.
I stood up and ran towards him


I hugged him and told him I was sorry. He apologized, too.
After a long hug I said, 'I'm glad you're okay, little one.'

'I'm glad you're okay, too. Thank you for saving me.'

'You're welcome.'


That night Newt and I walked over to the homestead for the gathering.
'Are you nervous?' He asked me.
'A bit, Gally doesn't like me so I don't know what he's going to do.'

He nodded 'It'll be fine, Rose. I'll be there the intire time.'
Newt took my hand while we walked through a couple of hallways until we came into a big room, with a dozen or so wooden chairs, facing 3 chairs in front of the room.
I saw Minho, Winston, Frypan, Zart, Gally, all the keepers. They sat on the chairs.
Alby was there, too. He sat on the left chair on front. Newt told me to sit on the right chair on front and whispered in my ear 'Don't worry. I'm sitting next to you the whole time.'

I sat down, Newt sat down next to me, squeezing my hand and letting it go.
He nodded towards Alby, who stood up. He welcomed the keepers, Newt and me ofcourse.

'We are here because of a incident what happend last night. Rosalie, a greenie, went into the maze, for the reason?' He looked over at me.

'Chuck went into the maze and I wanted to rescue him, but the doors closed when I got in.' I said, while I tried to hold my voice as business-like as possible.

'Come on, you were aware of the rule that you can't run in the maze like that, weren't you?' Gally said, angrily.

Alby spoke before I could. 'Slim it, only I ask questions. But it's a good one. Rosalie, were you aware of this rule?'

'Ofcourse I was. But I couldn't just let a 11 year old kid die, now, could I? I handled impulsivly and I'm sorry, but Chuck would have died if Minho and I didn't rescue him.' My voice was no longer business-like at all. How could they accuse me of something like this?

'She is right. She saved him. She was really good. You didn't see her run and how brave she is.' Minho added.
I looked over at Minho, nodded thankfully. Our eyes met and he smiled in return.

'Those in favour of punishment, raise your hand.' Alby said. Only Gally and another boy rose their hands. Gally looked around. 'Seriously?' He said, 'We can't have non-runners  walk around in the maze.' He added.

Newt spoke 'No, we can't. So let's make it official. Starting from tomorrow, you'r a runner.'
Minho nodded approvingly.

'Seriously? Dude...' Gally stood up.

'You didn't see her, Gally. Whatever it is she has, we need more of it.' Minho said.

'This is ridiculous.' Gally left the room.

Newt took my hand again and I looked at him. 'Thank you.' I said.
'You can thank me tonight.' I laughed. 'I will.'

Everybody left the room, until it was just Newt, Minho, Alby and me.
'Thank you all so much.' I smiled. I got my wish, I was going to be a runner. I was actually going to help search a way out. That was the most important thing, help. I felt so useless sitting in the Glade, doing nothing.

'No, thank you.' Minho said. 'Thank you for distracting the Griever. Thank you for going after Chuck. Thanks for saving us.'

'You are welcome.' I smiled. I was proud of myself.

'Rosalie, I'll wake you tomorrow. Go to bed on time.' Minho left the room.

Alby spoke 'Congratulations with your job. If I were you, I'd go to bed now, the runners wake up early. Really early.'

'Thanks Alby, will do that. Goodnight.'

Newt and I left the room together.
When we were outside I said 'Maybe I should sleep in my hammock. Minho will wake me up early and you look like you haven't slept in ages, so you need to rest for a long time.'

'Sure.' He moved forward to give me a kiss and I kissed him back. 'Good night, love. Good luck tomorrow. Be careful.'

'Good night!'

I walked towards my hammock, but turned around and ran towards him, giving him an other kiss.
'What was that for?'

'I love you, sleep tight.'

He smiled, 'Love you too, sleep tight yourself!'

I walked over to my hammock, not turning around anymore.

Lost without you × Newt × A Maze Runner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now