Chapter 15

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I was in the same, white room and I was sitting in the left corner next to the door.

I was waiting... waiting... and waiting.

After what felt like an internity the door opened, and the woman with the blond hair walked in. Chancellor Paige. She was wearing a white dress.

'How are you feeling?' She asked.

'Like you care.' I answered with pure hatred.

'You might not think so, but I do care.' She said with a calm, slow voice. 'How are you feeling?' She repeated.

'I still miss him. But somehow I know it's for the best. I've changed my mind. You were right. I'm... sorry.'

'Rosalie, Wicked is good.'

'Wicked is good.' I repeated.

I played along. Then I stood up in a second, and began running. I ran through white hallways, passing dozens of doors. I was quick. I ran around a corner, and... three men, all covered in white, stopped me. One had a big needle in his hand. I tried to turn around, but behind me were four men, who blocked me. I felt a sting in my arm, and the world faded away.

I woke up in the white room I was before. I was wearing handcuffs. Chancellor Paige was in the same room, looking at me.

'I really wished you would've listened. Follow me, please.' Her voice was still calm and slow and I hated it. She opened my handcuffs, but held my arm.
I had no choice but to follow her, so I did.

After a couple of hallways, we entered a big room, with all sorts of computers in it.
A boy was sitting on the leftside of the computers, a girl on the right side.
'Thomas, Theresa please leave to your rooms.' Chancellor Paige commanded.
The boy and girl both looked and me, and smiled.
'Hey' I said, and smiled at them.
The girl, Theresa, and the boy, Thomas, looked at my bound hands, than to each other. I shook my head, telling them they had to let it go.
'Good to see you, Rosalie.' Thomas said. Theresa, softly squeezed my shoulder while walking past me. Then they left, holding each others hands.
Sounded like were friends.

My eyes were wandering around the room, and on the computers I saw the Glade. Footage of things happening in the Glade. Were they watching us?

Chancellor Paige walked over to one computer, which was turned off and pushed a button.
'We made Newt do this. You really should have listened.'

'What did you... do?' I asked, with a shaky voice.

I saw the walls of the Glade. Then it focussed on the ivy. A boy was climbing up. Newt. When he was at the end of it, he looked down. Without hesitation, he let it go.
His body fell to the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut. I started crying with loud sobs. 'No... Newt!'

'From now on, you behave.'

'You just did the one thing that assured me that I won't. I don't care anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Newt's... he's... dead.' I ran towards the table. I picked up a knife and cut my right wrist open. Lots of blood streamed out of the wound.

Chancellor Paige acted quick, took the knife away and held her hand on my wound. I tried to kick her away, but I was fading quickly.
'I can't live anymore! Let go of me! Let go of me!'  I screamed.

Lost without you × Newt × A Maze Runner fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن