Chapter 41

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'Hey, what's wrong?' I asked him.

'I'll tell you in a minute. Are you okay? Where's Minho?'

'I'm fine, in the map room, why?'

'Come on.'

He took my hand and we entered the map room.
'Hey Newt, what are you doing here?' Minho asked.

'It's Gally, he'd lost it. Telling everyone it's all Teresa's and Thomas's fault. They're locked up in the pit. He's going to offer them.'

'Offer them? What do you mean?' I asked. That sounded really bad.

'For the Grievers. He thinks if we give them fresh meat they'll leave the rest of us alone.' Newt answered.

'But that doesn't make sense. They'll just come back tomorrow night for more. And the night after that and the night after that until we're all dead.' Minho said, furiously.

'That's right. Come on, let's go to them. I have a plan that we need to discuss.' Newt answered, looking at us.

I nodded and looked over at the boys. I handed Minho the rock and he quickly ran towards the map and placed the rock in section 7. He placed the piece of paper above it and I could see he had laid down bigger rocks around it. He placed mud beween them. What the hell was he doing? He took a bottle of water and springled water around the rock in the middle. With a smaller rock he secured the paper. He'd built a fort, it was genius.

We ran out of the room and went to the pit.

I saw Thomas and Theresa sitting on the ground, looking at each other. They didn't speak, just glanced at each other. It was weird, though, I knew they were speaking to each other, in their minds. Newt had told me they could a while ago.
Chuck walked over at the slammer from the other side of the glade.

They must have heared us coming because they stopped looking at each other and turned around to face us.
'Hey. Are you guys okay?' I asked them, and kneeled next to the bars. Thomas nodded.
'Why are they doing this to us?' Teresa asked. Her voice was so small.

'It's ridiculous, they think the Griever attack is your fault. That you somehow work with the creators. That you planned this all to happen.' Newt answered, he sat down next to me. So did Chuck and Minho.

'Well, he was right this far.' Thomas spoke suddenly. What was he talking about?

'What do you mean?' Teresa asked, looking at him again.

'I had a dream last night. I think it was a memory coming back to me. The creators put us through these tests, challenging us. One day a boy disappeared, and each month an other one. I always was their favourite, the creators'. I... We...' He looked over at Teresa, 'We helped them built this place.'

'No...' Teresa whispered, her eyes filled with tears.

'Teresa, we did this to them.' Thomas his voice sounded weak, guilty of what he'd done.

A tear streamed down Teresa's face.

After a minute of silence Newt spoke. 'It doesn't matter. What matters is what you do now. Those people we were before we came here don't even exist anymore. The creaters made sure of that. I know that if Alby was here he would have said the exact same thing. You just gotta go out there and finish what we've started.'
I looked at his face. I couldn't agree more.
I nodded approvingly, so did Chuck and Minho.

Lost without you × Newt × A Maze Runner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now