Chapter 33: A Night To Remember.. ( Part 4 )

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Previously on the last chapter ... 

The night was still young and gorgeous , but there was still something on Arnold's mind. He was keeping something from Helga and she could feel it. It was as if he was becoming more and more distant the more she tried to open it out of him. He would brush it off as if it were nothing. " Arnold what are you hiding behind that handsome smile ...? " Helga thought to herself 

And now the story continues : 

While Arnold and Helga were resting, the she devil herself decided to make her appearance well known to Arnold. Lila Sawyer. She decided she should wear a thin curtain instead of a proper gown.Lila was wearing a dark red dress, it almost looked maroon. The maroon fabric look like she threw glitter all over it, and it was extremely small. Her breast were practically exposed, and her hips were being strangled by the fabric. Her so called dress looked like something a stripper would wear. Her heels were maroon as well, but she had straps snaking around her ankles up to her legs. The straps stopped half way past her tiny chicken legged ankles. Lila gently tapped Arnold's shoulder catching his attention his eyes landed on her body. " Oh hello Arnold, you look ever so handsome tonight." she complimented him as she batted her eyelashes trying to seduce him. 

Arnold was smart, he didn't give in to whatever it was she was trying to pull. He gave her a devilishly handsome smirk as he stood up tall , practically towering over the she devil. " I wish I could say the same to you but , I would just be lying to you. " he simply said as his handsome smile faded when he looked down on her, this caused Lila to look confused. " Why Arnold, that wasn't very nice. You should treat your girlfriend with more respect and love." she countered in a sweet and innocent voice. Arnold was getting irritated with her, just looking at her made him cringe with disgust. " You wanna talk about respect Lila ?" Arnold spat out , his voice sounding darker than usual. It was as if a paranormal entity was possessing him, causing his glare to darken. 

Lila just stared at him blankly, surprised that when he answered her, he spat out his words full of poison and deep hatred. Arnold took this opportunity to continue " It was rude of you to interrupt MY girlfriend and I from our conversation. It's prom , not a strip club Lila. I know why you deliberately came here tonight, but I don't want you. I only love Helga, and I always will, you need to get over it and get used to it just like everyone else. I don't like girls who are spiteful, devious, manipulative, narcissistic, and disrespectful ." Arnold hissed taking Helga's hand, and walking away from the devious witch also known as Lila Sawyer. 


Arnold breathing heavily trying to cool himself off from the sudden argument he had with Lila. His cheeks were a bright red, from what it looks like to be frustration. The outside air was cool and crisp, it was as if it were a snow blizzard had hit. It was naturally humid outside as if it were summer. Contradicting I know, just think of it as a cool breeze on a hot summer night. The sky was a midnight blue with stars scattered across the horizon. The moon was full and bright causing the sky above to look gorgeous. Arnold and Helga had found themselves on the rooftop of the school. The view at the rooftop of the school was gorgeous. You could see a few houses from far away, and best of all you can see that harbor that looks all tainted with pollution. 

After redeeming himself, Arnold turned towards the beautiful blonde with eyes the color of the sea. " Helga are you okay ?" he asked gently touching her naked shoulder. Helga laughed turning her head slightly,  their faces just inches from each other " I'm not the only trying to recompose himself. " she countered smirking with the gorgeous smile that makes him melt inside. The two stared into each other's eyes , getting stuck into a new world of happiness. Their world made up two different colors, one side was emerald, the other was a deep sea blue. 

That's when Helga finally worked up the courage to finally ask " Arnold, there's something you're not telling me. You've been hiding something from me this entire evening. Every time I ask you, what's wrong you just brush it off and laugh like you're okay... Arnold, I'm supposed be your girlfriend, but you're hiding things from me." she said brushing his hand off of her shoulder. Arnold was speechless, and he was only able to stare at Helga blankly. " Helga, you are my girlfriend and you always will be  more special to me than anyone else." he countered this time putting both of his hands on her shoulders. This made Helga spin around, she stared at him with tears threatening to fall down onto her cheeks.

The Music ( Play the music now if you'd like) 


" Then, why are you hiding things from me..?" she asked slowly, her tears now falling onto her face, they began rolling down her cheeks. Arnold was beginning to cave in, he couldn't keep his secret from her any longer. Although, he knew Helga's heart might be crushed, he knew he had to give in and tell her. Otherwise she'll continue to cry and our evening will be ruined, because I decided to keep this secret from her. Arnold thought to himself, while gently wiping her tears from her face. Helga was too beautiful to be crying, and besides she deserves to know. 

Arnold allowed a shaky breath to escape his lips, as he began to speak the words flowed out of his mouth like water. It was as if a dozen gallons of water were flowing from his mouth. His words rang in Helga's ears like they were that familiar school bell. " Well Helga, I got accepted at that University I wanted to go to. Lake View University in Wisconsin, I know it might seem like great news but we're graduating soon. I won't be able to see you until well whenever we have breaks.." It was as if the world was collapsing around her. " Helga, I'm really sorry .." he apologized wishing he could change colleges but he was already accepted. 

This made Helga want to cry , she didn't want Arnold to leave her behind yet again. Not when they finally realized they are in love. " No Arnold, you can't .. I won't let you.." she started with a shaky voice. That's when she came to the conclusion. " I'll go with you !" she said blushing with tears pouring down her cheeks. " Helga, you'd do that ..? But don't you have your own-" Helga kissed his lips to stop him from talking completely. She pulled away blushing " I would do anything for you Arnold.." she said gazing to his green eyes. 

Suddenly a big gust of wind picked up causing Helga to shiver from the wind leaving goose-bumps upon her skin. Arnold took off his coat the threw it over Helga's shoulders gently holding the only girl he loves. That's when they heard it. 

The blondes were frozen in place, the stared into each others eyes yet again. The space between them were small. Their faces were very close to one another, as if they were about to kiss at this very moment. Instead Arnold took her hands began to slow dance with her outside on top of the roof top. It was one the most romantic nights of their lives, not only that Helga will be able to keep Arnold to herself. She'll be going to college with him so he wouldn't have to leave her behind anymore. The night was still young and beautiful. The stars and the moon shined brightly together in harmony upon the midnight blue sky. The two continued to dance under that gorgeous sky in privacy from their friends. 

' I love you Helga..'

' I love you too Arnold...' 

They shared one last kiss under the stars

This may seem like it's the end of our adventure, but there is many more to come lady's and gentlemen . Just take my hand and prepare for the ride of your life because the prequel is just around the corner ! Stay Tuned !! <3 -SweetJazzCandy

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this book and I hope you'll support the next one. I'm sure you'll all love it ! <3 Thank you all for the views and Favorites , and a special thanks to you guys who added this story in your reading lists and decided to follow me ! <3 

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