Chapter 29: Getting Ready (Part 2)

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Previously On The Last Chapter...

Helga enjoyed the smell but pretended like she was gagging, making her best friend giggle as she walked over to the chair motioning Helga to sit. Within minutes Phoebe was cutting,curling,and conditioning her hair as if she were a professional. After releasing a heavy sigh from phoebe and a good 45 minutes, Phoebe was finally done with Helga's hair.  

And now we continue !

"Well..? Phoebe what did you do to me , let me see it already !" Helga screeched out with excitement , bouncing up and down in the stylist chair. Her best friend giggles grabbing a mirror nearby on her bed , handing it to Helga. It was then she heard her best friend gasp at her beauty, Helga was in complete shock. After staring intensely at her beauty she felt a warm drop of liquid fall down her cheek.A salty tear. Helga gently wiped under her eye where the gently tear rolled down her cheek. "Thank you Phoebe.." she simply said closing her eyes and hanging her head. "Helga are you crying..? What's the matter ?" Phoebe asked rushing to her best friends side to comfort her. Helga wasn't really the type to show her emotions to anyone, even Phoebe, who knew how she felt deep down inside.

"I think Arnold might pee his pants." Helga joked not wanting to make Phoebe worry about he, after all this was supposed to be a happy time for everyone. Prom is supposed to be known as a happy filled romantic and fun evening within high schoolers. Girls dress in gorgeous glamorous dresses and jewelry, and males wear devilishly handsome tuxes and sexy smiles. If you've ever been to your prom then you'd most likely know what I would be talking about.(Hopefully prom will be classy again , not this prom 2014 and 2015 ridiculousness. I saw pics on twitter and YouTube commentary. ) One of the most romantic evenings anyone can live. Phoebe laughed knowing Helga was only trying to push aside her true feelings. Phoebe let it go knowing that Helga will one day come to her if she wants to talk about her feelings.

After lightening mood , Phoebe took the liberty to do Helga's make-up to perfection. Phoebe calls herself a beginner when it comes to make-up but her makeovers look like a professional's work. Not long after 20 minutes later, Phoebe was finally finished with Helga's full makeover. Passing Helga the mirror Phoebe stood back and crossed her fingers "What do you think Helga ?" she asked with a blank face. Helga stared at her reflection in the mirror, Helga was filled with beauty as she smiled "Wow... Phoebe you did .. unbelievable !" she exclaimed gently touching her face. Phoebe's smile beamed as brightly as a star. The girls share a light hearty laugh enjoying their self esteem boosted by the smell of hair spray and make-up lightly caked on their faces.

*Time Skip*

Helga was at home to getting ready to put her grey dress on, she finds it cut and ripped in certain areas. As she examined the slashed dress, a thin piece of paper fall out of the dress at the bottom. Helga picks up the note , after reading it she crushed it furious as the voice rang in her head. ' Hey Helga, sorry but That dress is hideous and ugly and I couldn't possibly let poor Arnold suffer through having to dancing with a hideous troll like you' love your greatest rival Lila. Helga was furious and filled with nothing but pure wrath and depression as hot tears streamed down her face. ' How in the world did Lila even get into her house and find time to do this ?!' Helga thought to herself wiping her tears fiercely. What was Helga to do ? She couldn't go to the mall on such short notice to find a dress as glamorous as they grey one. It was then Helga knew what she had to do. . .

Make her own dress with her mothers sewing machine of course ! I don't know what you were thinking . Helga went over to her closet, inspecting it, to see if she could find any kind of fabric to replace her dress. Problem was , all she had in her closet was pretty much pink. Nothing even close to grey ! ' I should really go shopping for myself more' she thought simply annoyed by her struggle. Helga got an even better idea and she might just have enough time to get ready. Helga grabbed her shoes, a big sun hat and a pair of sunglasses rushing out of the house to an fabric and crafts store known as Joanna's.

Helga bought everything she needed and dashed back to her house before anyone had saw her. Luckily no one didn't spot her , and if they did they didn't recognize Helga at all. Helga looked over at her alarm clock sighing in frustration, she's running out of precious time. It's already 5 o'clock , Helga has exactly 2 hours left. Quickly the blonde beauty rushed over to the sewing machine and began sewing like her life depended on it. After she was done and well satisfied with the dress , she went to her bathroom and dropped her dress into the marble colored bathtub. Plugging the drain to the tub, Helga began pouring pink into the bathtub as if she was getting ready to make some stew. Helga even began running scorching hot as she continued to pour more and more pink dye into the tub. Little did Helga know, it was actually starting to stain her bathtub pink ! It was nothing but a big pink mess, that's not even the last of it. Helga ran to the kitchen to grab the broomstick. Satisfied yet shocked that Miriam actually remember to get another broom, Helga snaps the bottom of the broom off; only the stick remained. Helga rushed back to the bathroom and began stirring the dye and her dress in the gigantic tub. 

After she got her dress the color she wanted, she threw pink and silver glitter at the bust of the dress. Helga sprayed the dress with something so the glitter would stick to the dress with ease. Sighing and relaxing , she blow dried her dress so the color wouldn't bleed if Arnold was dancing with her and holding her. After all that zipping and running around Helga couldn't believe how amazing her hair and make-up still looked. Phoebe is actually a miracle worker when it comes to this froo froo la de da girly stuff.It was almost time for Arnold to come pick Helga up and take her to prom, and Helga was still blow drying her dress. Finally, after the dress was completely dry and well presentable she puts it on and heads towards the nearest mirror. A heavy but shocking gasp escapes her lips and she became locked in a trance by her own reflection. It was then the doorbell to Helga's house chimed loudly and proudly letting everyone in the house know , they had a visitor...


SweetJazzCandy: Yay ! I finally thought of a way this morning on how I should start this chapter. I'm proud of this one as well ! Okay just to let you guys know I've been trying to get a job all week. One of the jobs I was most determined to get which was paying at $11/hr . I didn't get it ... But hey good luck to that person who did get it , congrats to them ! I have another opportunity not too far from my house which is cool pay is 7.75 . Hopefully I get this one ! wish me luck :D 

P.S. Please lets get back to being classy at prom not extra trashy !! 

<3 SweetJazzCandy Out ! <3

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