Chapter 3:Arnold Cracks

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Helga's P.O.V.

The bell rings for the students to go their next class. Everyone rushed out of the classroom leaving Arnold and Helga alone together.Helga packed up all of her school supplies, and was about to make a dash out of the classroom until she tripped dropping her backpack as it splatters all of her books and assignments all over the floor like water.Arnold catches Helga in his arms as he looks down at her."Helga, are you okay?" he asked shocked he actually managed to catch her in time. 'oh my gosh... Arnold is holding me in HIS arms !' she thought to herself as she blushed cutely looking up at him in shock. "y-ye-yeah." she shudders. Arnold smiled helping her to feet as he crouched down to pick up her things off of the floor.Helga crouched down beside him still blushing as red as a tomato helping him pick up her books. After all of her things were picked up off the floor, Helga stood up with her backpack on her back"Gee..Thanks Arnold" she said . Arnold smiled softly"You're welcome, Helga" Arnold walked out of the classroom making a dash to his next class. Helga and Arnold went their separate ways for the rest of the day. 


Arnold's P.O.V.

The afternoon bell rang signalling for students to go home. Arnold stopped by his locker to put his books away when he saw Helga in the corner of his eye. Arnold smiled softly shaking his head seeing her struggle with opening her own locker.Arnold put his books in his locker and  walked over to Helga to help her open her locker and then take her books out of her hands. "What do you think you're doing football head?!" she asked in anger. " Umm..Helping you?" Arnold said as he put the books she didn't need into her locker."Well.. i didn't need your help hair boy." Helga exclaimed in frustration. Arnold stepped away from her locker and looked at Helga with a serious expression on his face, his face so serious it held no real emotion behind it. "Helga, when are you going to grow up?" Arnold asked her slightly annoyed."Excuse yo-"Helga was interrupted "You're still the same old Helga i used to know when we were in the 4th grade... Do you hate me that much to where you have still make my life miserable ?!" he asked practically eyeing her down in anger. "Helga looked at him surprised how loud his voice was, it sounded like a lions roar. "Helga , I know you aren't this bad deep down, why do you keep acting like you're this mean person when you're not.." he continued "Helga, you're 16 years old and you're still treating me like ..." he hesitated sighing as he just walked away from her.' I can't take this from her anymore, one minute she's nice to me and the next she's calling me football head...' Arnold thought to himself as he walked out of the school going home.Helga watched him leave, feeling a small tear escape from eyes. Helga g. Pataki was in the hallway of the school crying her eyes out silently...


Helga's P.O.V.

Helga left the school as she wiped her tears, she walked to the park and sat on a bench far near the parks exit.'Arnold got so mad, I never seen him so angry.. I guess he's right. I'm still acting like i always have been since we were in 4th grade..'she thought to herself as she took out her heart shaped locket that contained a picture of Arnold inside. " Oh Arnold my love..why is it I can never tell you how I feel..?" she said in a low voice.She sighed thinking about how Arnold must hate her now'I'm not going to school.. I don't even want to go home..' she thought to herself as she sat on the bench as she cried again.


Arnold's P.O.V.

'maybe I was too hard on Helga.. after all she is Helga g Pataki after all..' he thought as he sat down on his bed tossing his baseball in the air again until Phil called Arnold down stairs. "coming grandpa.." he said feeling himself getting up to go see what his grandfather wanted. "Arnold, Big Bob called asking around to see if anyone has seen his daughter.He said he hasn't seen her since this morning and they were supposed to go to some wrestling match." Phil explained. Arnold began to panic deep down inside as he ran and grabbed his coat as he ran outside "I'll be right back grandpa, there;s something I need to take care of !"Arnold ran back to the school to look for Helga.Arnold didn't see her at all, so he began to look all over town for the beautiful blonde.After a full hour of searching, he found himself at the park. "Helga!" he yelled walking to her casually trying to hide the fact he was worried about her. "Arnold?" she asked looking up at her football headed lover. "what are you doing here?" she asked him as yet another tear escape her sparkling sapphire eyes. "Helga ,i-i-I..."


SweetJazzCandy: Hey guys, I'll upload again soon ! Anyways I hope you like the story! :D

Arnold Has Returned !{Editing slowly}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें