Chapter 11: Helga in Wonderland ?

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Helga's P.O.V. (because it's about her right now)

Have you ever had a dream so real, you thought it was the reality you've been living in since birth ? Remember that part when Helga and Arnold were supposed to get ice-cream ? Well .... she might or might not have passed out from all the excitement.Now that we're all caught up...Lets get this started! Helga awakened finding herself in a completely different world than she ever had remembered.She was wearing this cute but weird frilly blue dress that was assumed modern Victorian women wore in the Victorian period. She was wearing blue high heels that complimented the dress even Rhonda would praise.The world around her was filled with bright colors flowers,mushroom,and weird snail shells as big as a house? Helga was confused as she picked herself off the beautiful vivid colored green strings that were called grass.It wasn't just the grass she was laying on though, it was a huge bed of flowers that surrounded her. " I?" she asked herself hearing her voice echo through the wind.This was too freaky, it was so mad, what is this place that seemed covered in nothing but...glam? Helga explored her surroundings as she walked to what seems like the end.It wasn't exactly the end but it sure was a dead end, Helga was at the edge of the cliff seeing nothing but clouds.I guess Helga leaned a bit too close to edge of the cliff, because she fell right off doing all kinds of flips as she screamed in fright. The strange thing was as she was falling their was furniture falling along side her.First it was a couch,tea set,old British literature books and the loudest thing ever known to old grandfather clock that rung in her ears.She screamed in fright freaking out until, she found herself floating down to safety landing in a room with pink and red tiles on the floor.


That's when she saw the weirdest thing in her entire life . She saw a little white rabbit running around holding a big pocket watch."ooooooooh! I'm late OOOOOOh i'm late !" she heard the little bunny cry as he ran into a giant door. "Eugene?" she questioned following him behind the same door.When she entered the next room,Eugene the rabbit hopped into a much tinier door.Helga was simply too big, she leaned down as she pulled and yanked on the door knob , that was until she heard someone cry. "ow ow ooooowww! don't you have any manners?" asked the door aching knob that wanted to know why she disturbed her slumber. It was Rhonda of course looking fabulously rich, she was covered in nothing but pure gold and rubies around her. "Oh it's you, I should have known" she spat out rudely as Helga huffed " look her princess I just need to get to the other side." Helga explained in a sour attitude.Rhonda laughed snobbishly "don't you think you're a bit too big ?! there's no way you're coming through !" she hollered and went back to her beauty rest. Helga was just about fed up with Rhonda until something caught the corner of her eye. A yahoo soda sitting on the table that had a tag hanging off of it that read "Drink Me" in big bold fancy letters."Well don't mind if I do , I mean what idiot in their right mind wouldn't have a drink after dealing with royal drag queen over there".And with that Helga guzzled down the delicious orange fizzy beverage, as it trickled down her throat she felt as if she were shrinking. Helga opened her eyes and it dark as night realizing her dress had disappeared she screamed embarrassed by the situation.When she stepped out of the darkness she realized it was her dress she was underneath. When she looked back down at her body she had a dess similar to the one lying on the floor , except it was just her size considering she shrunk."what the..?" suddenly realizing she was small enough to go through the spoiled rotten door. Rhonda snored loudly her mouth opening and closing as she snored.Helga gently twisted her door knob nose and went through without somehow awakening her. Walking through the door ,Helga found herself in this garden. It was beautiful yet too girly for Helga's taste, it was red roses all over the pushes and trees.That's when she saw a bunch card guards painting the roses red."hey, can you guys tell me where the heck I am ?" she asked gently tapping on the shoulders of one of the cards. As all 3 guard cards turn around they were all Sid. "Sid ?" she asked in annoyed voice realizing it wasn't some stranger."Sid why are you painting the roses specifically red, there are other colors you idiot !" Sid turned to her with a wobble with an annoyed expression plastered on his face "Because the queen ordered me to" Helga put her hands on her hips and laughed "queen ?! who in their right mind is fit to be queen of this place other than me?!" she asked obviously mocking the queen of her position. "I am queen" the mysterious sweet voice said out loud with her card guard Sid army. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SweetJazzCandy: Hey guys ! okay so I wanna just say that I'm going to make this a 2 or 3 part chapters because I forgot how freaking long being in wonder actually takes especially in this crazy story. This chapter goes to someone who made my imagination burst with inspiration when she/he said they wanted more of this ! Thanks n3rdy_book_lov3r_143 <3

Arnold Has Returned !{Editing slowly}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon