Chapter 14: Helga In Wonderland (Part 4)

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Previously on the last chapter...

"He's Mine Helga G Pataki , he will never love you !" the queen screeched breaking the blonde's apart by bashing Helga on the head with her scepter. Helga falls to the floor and everything goes dark as Helga hears Arnold calling her name repeatedly with worry .

And now the story continues...

Arnold's P.O.V.

"Helga ! Please wake up !" he shouted in worry as the queen gazed down at him as she evilly laughed. That's when Lila leaned down close to him gently creasing his cheek as her face grew softer"Listen Arnold, you don't need a girl like her..." she began as Arnold looked at her highly annoyed turning his face away.Lila sighed growing impatient with him as she put a finger under his chin lifting his face up as she looked at him sweetly."remember Arnold, she always made fun of you and called you mean names and publicly humiliated you .." she said knowing this would get him to leave Helga."I-I don't know what you mean.." he said looking away from her as he frowned to himself.Lila smirked cooking up a plan of her own "Arnold , if you kiss me right now, I can make your nightmare go away." she whispered to him in her ever so soft sweet voice. Arnold looked back at her as his eyes widened with shock as he truly thought about it.Arnold looked down at Helga and he smiled softly falling down to his knees as he picked her up in his arms gently creasing her hair."Helga, i'm so sorry but maybe it's for the best..." he whispered softly as he frowned getting up off ground as he lied the blonde maiden down softly. "Lila.." Arnold began as he kept his eyes on Helga frowning deeply, until he looked up at Lila filled with rage."I can't kiss you and I won't kiss you ! Yea Helga is mean sometimes but she has her sweet moments too and she isn't that bad. If i'm going to be kissing anyone it's going to b-" he was interrupted by Lila whacking his head with her scepter. Lila was angry that Arnold turned her down and refused to kiss her .She angrily growled at Helga for making him fall in love with her."Guards! Take Helga to my dungeon and leave this foolish man here but make sure you tie him up!" 


Helga's P.O.V.

There was nothing but darkness surrounding the blonde beautiful maiden.There was an annoying sound of dripping hitting the rocky surface.It was cold and somewhat moist deep dark place.Helga finally opened her eyes slowly being awakened by the echoes of dripping water hitting a puddle somewhere in the dungeon."Where..? oww.. my aching head, it feels like I got clobbered on the head" she said closing tightly feeling a sharp pain on the side of her head where Lila whacked her .Helga got up slowly and cautiously feeling somewhat lightheaded . That's when she looked around finally realizing she was in yet another cage.This cage however was bigger and darker and moister..."That witch..." Helga growls putting two and two together . "Oh Arnold , my love... he almost kissed me if it weren't for that she-devil" She scanned the dungeon looking for a way out, she even tried the cell gates that kept her captured."There's no way out .." she said quietly under her breath as she sighs.Not only is she trapped in this nightmare called Wonderland but her beloved Arnold probably sold her out so he could be with Lila.

Helga felt her heart shatter into a million little broken pieces, it was as if her heart was a ruby but Arnold shattered it with a pickax.Helga silently cried to herself in that dirty old moist dungeon for what seemed like forever until she saw a football headed kid just outside of the gate.


What Happened while Helga was in the dungeon...

The guards were too lazy to actually tie Arnold up so as soon as he woke up he ran to go save Helga from that wicked witch Lila.Arnold had a plan in his mind and that was to well save Helga and run away with and kiss her i guess...The thought made Arnold blush a deep red as he ran straight to the castle to save the gorgeous blonde maiden named Helga.


Helga was surprised when she saw her football headed hero on the other side of the cage. "Oh Arnold...!" she said running to him. Arnold quickly unlocked the gate and ran over to her as well "Helga.." he said smiling down at her looking into her lovely diamond blue orbs. Lost into each others eyes they leaned in to kiss each other, that's when they were interrupted by an angry witch. "Arnold ! How dare you betray me !" she yelled holing a dagger in her hand threatening to cut them into little bite sized pieces. Arnold smiled down at Helga for a small moment "Lila , i'm sorry but I just don't love you ... I'm in love with Helga G Pataki ." he announded as he leaned down to kiss her once again . Lila looked worried as she pleaded "Arnold don't ! if you do this , evil will corrupt the kingdom " she lied knowing what would happen if Arnold kisses her. "if you do this you will kill yourself " she warned but Arnold didn't care , he loved Helga more than anything and he needed to kiss her now. Arnold looked down at Helga who attempted to stop Arnold "Arnoldo... please don't .. you don't have to do this.." Helga said looking up at him with worry . Arnold smiled "I know , but I want to" he explained finally sealing his lips with hers as they both closed their eyes feeling the magic behind it all. Lila screamed as if she were in pain ,Lila began to lose power and the kingdom wasn't actually real.Lila lost her powers as ruler of Wonderland or Queen of Hearts or whatever she was "ruler" of. Arnold continued to kiss her with passion. In what seemed like forever, Arnold finally pulled away looking down at the lovesick gorgeous blonde. " ...elga " "Helga..." he kept saying a sweet voice until all of a sudden Helga heard Arnold yell her name with worry "HELGA !" Helga's eyes popped open startled by Arnold calling her name loudly. 

Arnold looked down at her as he lifted her up off the ground "Helga, are you alright ?" he asked looking worried about her as he sighed heavily. "I'm fine why wouldn't I be ?!" Helga replied with sass and fieriness.Arnold looked her puzzled " Helga, you fainted ...You don't remember ?" he asked her as he helped her to her feet finally putting her down but holding her by the waist in case she's still feeling off. "I-I- what ?" she asked looking puzzled as Arnold looked at her worried."Don'r worry Helga,i'll take you home and when you're feeling better i'll treat you to some ice-cream" he offered sweetly as he held her hand bringing it up to his lips as he kissed the back of her hand. Helga blushed finally remembering her actual current relationship with Arnold. Arnold walked Helga home holding her hand as they both smiled blushing.

"I guess it was all just a dream..." Helga whispered as the cool autumn breeze whisked her hair back and forth through the wind combing their hair. ' One day Arnoldo...I'll get you to kiss me like that and have true feeling for me . Just like that Mad Hatter ..' she thought to herself .


SweetJazzCandy:  Alright that was the last chapter of about Alice in wonderland. Awwww ! The ending was soooo cute ! I hope you all liked it ! Leave in the comments what you thought or any other suggestions for the next Chapter ! I'm thinking it's time to kick up the heat and make thing's difficult for Arnold and Helga >:D mwhahahha ! Stay Tuned My lovelies ! <3 SweetJazzCandy out ! <3

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