Chapter 5: The Second "Big" Question

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Helga's P.O.V.

Helga began to contemplate on how she was going to handle the situation.'How can Arnold go ga-ga over Lila. I mean sure she's still pretty,popular,and nice to just about everyone (except Helga)' Helga thought to herself sighing miserably. She dipped the crunchy chocolate chip cookie into her tall glass of milk until she heard footsteps closing in on her from behind."Hey Gerty,can I have more cookies? I don't think I'm ready to go just yet." she explains continuing to eat the last cookie on her plate. "Helga? what are you doing here?" Arnold asked her as he took a seat at the dining table next to her. "Well if it isn't Arnaldo " she said with a large helping of sarcasm. Helga was glad that he came, but she was also upset that he even bothered knowing the only person he wanted to be with most was little miss perfect ...Lila.Arnold looked at Helga wondering what was on her mind"Helga.." he sighed trying to find the right words"What made you come here, instead of going home ?" he asked. 'Because you never pay attention to me, you even yelled at me earlier..' Helga thought in her mind until Arnold grabbed her hand on the table and gently squeezed it."Helga" he said in his more sincere apologetic voice."I'm really sorry, for everything. For yelling at you and then I didn't even take you home because I got distracted." he explained hoping that she would understand.Helga slid over and she turned to face Arnold as his face becomes a bright red. Their faces were so close they could probably see each others microscopic sized pores.Helga noticed how close she was to Arnold, she felt her cheeks becoming hot as she cleared her throat looking away. "a-a-a-Arn.." she stammered holding her heart until she snapped to her senses. "Arnold , listen I can't keep doing this anymore." she said out loud as she stood up, she walked to the front door to leave the boarding house. 'Football headed idiot , how can he be so , DENSE ?!' she asked herself. 


Arnold's P.O.V.

 'I can't let her walk home by herself, no matter what.' he thought to himself as he got up and left behind Helga , he called over his shoulder "I'll be back , I'm walking Helga home !" when he finally managed to catch up to her , he sighed trying to catch his breath."Helga" he said grabbing her hand and holding it tightly. When he finally caught his breath, he looked up at her and walked on as she followed beside him."Arnold, you don't have to walk me home you know .." she stated looking over at Arnold as he smiled softly."No Helga, I don't have to like you said; but I want to take you home" he explained gently squeezing her hand as she squeezed his hand in return.' I'm falling for Helga G. Pataki' he thought to himself as he walked her home silently


After a short walk to Helga's house,Arnold led her up to the porch.For some strange reason though, he just couldn't let go of her delicate hands. Although her first has come into contact with just about almost every boy at P.S. 118, her hands were still soft and full of nurture and love."Hey...Helga? can I ask you something? I know it might seem strange and weird but, don't laugh or make fun of me for it." Helga looked at somewhat annoyed that he would even accuse her of making fun or him." what is it, Arlando ?" she asked giggling softly shaking her head and giving him an apologetic look after she's had her laugh. "I was wondering... If you weren't busy or anything that is..Umm.." Helga sighed her patience growing low each time he prolonged this question of his. "Spit out hair boy ! before you joke on your own words" she said sounding clearly annoyed and yet ever so anxious. Arnold smiled shaking his head " Would you like to go out with me tomorrow night , 7 o'clock ?"he asked nervously as he blushed almost as red as a tomato."Arnold are you asking me out on a date?" Helga asked him sweetly as her eyes shimmered  with excitement.'Well, I managed to ask her out' he thought to himself finally answering"Well.. yeah, that is if you wouldn't mind" he said nervously. Helga had a lovesick happy expression plastered on her face, shaking her head coming to her senses she probably shouldn't show her mushy side."Ah..sure, what the heck hair boy. I'm feeling generous" she says with smirk on her face; feeling her heart melt. Arnold smiled smirking inside knowing how she actually feels deep down inside.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SweetJazzCandy:  Hi guys sorry its short and simple this time, like very simple... I'm so sorry. Next time the next chapter will be better than this one. I have to read the other story and hopefully get a chapter in before I got to bed tonight. :D 

I might do another chapter before I go to bed on this one too but I'll do my best! Thanks Readlings <3

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