Chapter 32: A Night To Remember ( Part 3)

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Previous On The Last Chapter : As if on cue Helga looked up at Arnold with a small smiled taking her hand into his making him snap back into his senses. Arnold has to enjoy this moment with Helga, it just might be his last..

Suddenly the limo comes to complete and slow stop, finally hearing the chauffeur call " We're here Mr.Shortman" from behind the glass.

And Now The Story Continues :

Before Arnold even had time to blink Arnold and Helga were walking hand in hand inside of the school gym. The school gymnasium was almost unrecognizable, the light was perfectly dim with an old school disco ball rotating slowly above . There were balloons of all colors, some were floating and some were scattered across the gym floor. Thanks to the disco ball rotating above, it was tiny colorful dots dancing among the walls. All of their friends were already scattered among the gymnasium, enjoying their selves . Arnold and Helga feasted their eyes upon the gorgeous view of the gym, that was well known for reeking of sweat and must from athletes.

" Do you want some punch ?" Arnold suddenly asked hid gorgeous blonde date attempting to break the thick glacier of ice. Helga scoffed but laughed " nervous already Arnold ?" she asked teasing him trying to lighten the atmosphere as well. That's when Arnold had that sexy devilishly handsome smile of his plastered on his face yet again causing Helga to blush. Suddenly Arnold grabbed Helga's hand pulling her close to his body, next thing she knew it they were dancing across the dance floor. Their fast but swift moves grasped everyone's attention in the gymnasium. It was the Tango. It brought back even more memories, when they were in the 4th grade and it was April Fools day. There was a dance being held that night and Arnold accidentally cause Helga to go blind temporarily but he little did Arnold know that Helga was pranking him.

That was until Helga opened her big fat trap and told her plan to Phoebe not thinking Gerald would hear her. Of course Gerald told his best friend, so Arnold was gonna play her for a fool just as she had majority of that evening. The gripped her tight and they danced the tango attempting to expose one another. Although they had it out for each other, they had a fantastic night . Arnold gripped her body tightly spinning her around and dipping her in such a high fashion. People from the 60's would probably be proud how fast he was going. After a good 10 minutes of dancing, you could probably guess what happened next.

That's right they were extremely thirsty, they her huffing and puffing as if they were the big bad wolf. "Nice going, football head." she complimented rolling her eyes trying act as if she wasn't pleased with his dance moves. " Yeah, yeah, I'll get us something to drink." he said gently landing his hand on her shoulder for a short moment, only to be leaving her to grab some punch. Helga took a seat at a nearby table at the far end of the gymnasium, as she began to fan herself she saw Lila Sawyer. That little she devil signed her death sentence when she cut up my dress Helga thought to herself as she glared at rodeo loving trashy -

Helga's thoughts being interrupted by Arnold clearing his throat as he gives her , a tiny glass filled with blood red liquid. Helga drunk it as if it were whisky in a shots glass. Arnold shaking his head and smirking " I saw the way you were looking at her " Arnold started up seeing Helga blush with embarrassment as she looked away " I wasn't looking at anyone Arnaldo" she counter crossing her arms childishly. The football headed blonde chuckled reaching over and putting his finger under her chin making her turn to him. " You're the only girl for me, now stop worrying." he said putting her mind at ease.

The night was still young and gorgeous , but there was still something on Arnold's mind. He was keeping something from Helga and she could feel it. It was as if he was becoming more and more distant the more she tried to open it out of him. He would brush it off as if it were nothing. Arnold what are you hiding behind that handsome smile ...?


SweetJazzCandy: Sorry for the lack of my prescence and uploads lately ugh damn cramps kill me ! I will be around tomorrow to help out anyone who is stuck with their stories or would like advice from me. Goodnight everyone <3

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