Chapter 22: Arnie ?!

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Previously On Chapter 18...

Arnold has been acting as cool as a cucumber lately,has anyone noticed that lately or was it just Helga? Helga sighed dreamingly as she watched her prince stroll away to the other side of the building closer to the exit.'Wow... Arnold is so...' she was cut off by someone grabbing her around her waist and they used one free arm saying "guess who "with an ugly weird pig snort.

And now the story continues....

As soon as Helga heard that disgusting weird ugly pig snort she knew just who it was . "Arnie ?!" she practically screamed out loud pushing him away from her."what are you doing weird football head ?!" she asked , staring at him with complete annoyance. Snorts "well Helga like I told you before I had to leave, I think i'm in love with you.." Arnie snorts again blinking one eyeball at a time slowly.Helga looked as if she could go into shock.Helga fell onto the cold hard tiles of the school as she stared up at Arnold's creepy cousin's face."Wanna go out ?" he asked simply as he snorted again loudly this time.

Luckily for Helga , Arnold showed up just in time to see Arnie standing over her. "What the heck , Arnie what are you doing here ?" Arnold asked surprised that his cousin was in Hillwood unexpectedly. Arnie spoke slowly with dullness " I came back to ask Helga to be my girlfriend." he said with a creepy smirk. Arnie  couldn't help the fact that he was creepy, and dull, and just weird. "I'm sorry Arnie but Helga already has a boyfriend.." Arnold said nervously remembering a dream he had in 4th grade about visiting his cousin Arnie, after that small flash back he shivered. Arnie stared at him and snorted as if he needed time for his brain to understand what his cousin just said."who is he then ?" Arnie asked in a gloomy dull voice snorting, the snorting ended up echoing the halls.

Helga finally stepped in between the two " Arnold. Arnold's my boyfriend." Helga said finally spitting it out to Arnie , knowing Arnold was trying to prolong the inevitable. Arnie snorted , finally letting go of that dull expression, he looks slightly irritated in some way. " Oh..? well congratulations" he said as he strutted past them in a cool matter. Which was weird , it wasn't like Arnie to just walk away suddenly. He always tells someone where he's going in a dull matter. Arnold and Helga took one anothers hand " Helga are you okay ?"  Arnold asked worried about her feelings , he knows how she gets around Arnie. Helga gets kind of frustrated and creeped out when he's anywhere close to her. Arnie makes everyone feel unbelievably uncomfortable, especially Helga.

Helga nodded quietly feeling Arnold's warmth generating off of his warm soft hands. His hands felt like a big soft fluffy pillow, his lips soft and have the taste of cotton candy, his eyes shine as bright as the sapphire gems, his voice sounds husky and deep yet soothing,and his scent he smelled like the soap Irish springs.Everything about Arnold drove Helga wild each and every day she saw him. She still keeps that golden pendant that holds Arnold's picture significantly as if it were a trophy. 'Of course Arnold doesn't know that , maybe I'll tell him someday' she thought to herself seeing her boyfriend smile down at her as they walked to the cafeteria to eat lunch together.

When they grabbed some grub from the lunch lady's they took a seat at a table far next to the windows.They both decided to grab a cheese burger and fries with juice pouches that were 6.75 fl oz. Arnold enjoyed apple juice and Helga enjoyed orange juice with their lunches. They talked, laughed , and ate happily enjoying each others company.It's like the world around them didn't matter anymore, because all they needed was each other. Love , it's such a strange word to define and yet hard to experience . Love can be a intense feeling of deep attraction. Love can also be a deep romantic and sexual attraction to someone. It makes me wonder if the definition of love is actually that simple.

When the two were finally done eating , Arnold walked her to her next class of the day. "Well only 2 more classes to go Helga." Arnold chimed trying to make Helga crack a smile.However Helga didn't smile she frowned and slapped his back. He ended up laughing though as if it were one big hilarious joke. " you look adorable when you're angry." he states kissing her cheek lovingly making Helga blush madly. " I'll see you after school gorgeous. I'll take you out for ice-cream." he said smiling making Helga happy " okay, bye" she said pecking his lips and going to class. 


SweetJazzCandy: Alright i'm sorry that this chapter is extremely late. I was having family issues and it made me not want to write anything but hey ! I'm back ! hopefully you enjoy this chapter but if not then the next chapter will be better hopefully. Check out my other stories for sure ! I think i'm starting to get better . Don't forget to like , comment, favorite ( if its worthy ) , and follow if you'd like to get news about what's going on . 

~ SweetJazzCandy out !~

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