Chapter 13: Helga In Wonderland(Part 3)

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In the Previous Chapter...

Helga opened her eyes as if just waking up from a ..dream?She found her asleep in a big comfortable red chair,that usually a pushy over controlling father would lounge in after a long day of work.When she sat up that's when she saw a tall slender man walking toward her with this crazy wild orangish-red hair. He was accompanied by Harold the hyped rabbit and Stinky the hyped up shorty.Helga was taken a back by Arnold who noticed she was finally awake."Finally awake I see.." he said simply making it somewhat obvious he was the one who rescued her from being a caged bird.  


Arnold's P.O.V.

Arnold and his two companions were going to have a tea party in their tea party garden just ways away from the queens castle.Entering the tea party garden,Arnold was the first to notice that the beautiful blonde maiden he rescued has finally awoken from her beauty rest.He approached her with caution  as he welcomed her the smile."You're finally awake I see.." he started trying to be cautious in case she freaked out. "Arnold !" she yelled as she hopped on him, making them fall onto the green strings called grass.Helga snuggled him and she kissed his cheek lovingly believing it was HER Arnold.

Although Arnold loved her kiss, he blushed lightly pushing her off of him."I'm not sure who this Arnold..." he began.Honestly for some strange reason Arnold doesn't even remember being Arnold,all he can remember is her  name.Although the mad hatter didn't remember his name was Arnold, he does know that he has special feelings for the girl in front of him."I'm the Mad Hatter..." he explained as he stood taking her hand and helping her to her feet as well. Helga looked at him confused by the sudden ""name change "". "Mad Hatter ? this isn't some kind of game football head!" she cried in annoyance. Arnold looked at her shocked by her sudden outburst and the fact that she even commented on his weirdly shaped head."That's pretty mean.." he commented as he glared a her starting to get annoyed."Lets have tea party !" both of Arnold's companions cheered with joy  as they danced around and sat down at the long dining table.Arnold looked over at them and sighed knowing they're only trying to help him calm down.His friends set up the table messily with fine china, perfect for tea and coffee.They grabbed some sweets such as cookies and cakes, and grabbed some tea from god only knows where.Arnold and Helga watch as they do all of this sharing a puzzled look,Both of the pair finally sat down as they madly drank as much tea as possible.Arnold sighed heavily as he poured himself a cup of lemon ginger tea, realizing it would probably be very gentleman like if he offered her a cup.He blushes a light pink as he looks up at her and motions the tea over to her as she looked at him puzzled.Arnold realizing she probably wouldn't understand his good intentions he sighed"would you like some tea?" he asked blushing a deep pink.Helga blushed as she nodded silently nodded her head as she smiled softly.

Arnold poured her the same lemon ginger tea for Helga in her tea cup."Thank-you" she said sweetly as she drank the tart but sweet goodness."It's soothing..." she said in a soft hushed voice as the other two companions continued and hopped around, that was until they ran out of tea.Harold and Stinky left to go grab more tea from god who knows where leaving Helga and Arnold alone.

 Arnold and Helga continued to drink their tea silently until Arnold tried to break the silence."So..Why were you caged in like that when I found you?" he questioned as Helga growled remembering Lila , Helga popped out her chair as if she was a popcorn kernel, furious at Lila."She's crazy or something! Talking about I challenged her authority !" She screamed in rage as Arnold looked at her completely puzzled.  "umm.. you mean queen Lila, queen of hearts ?" he asked confused by her outburst wanting to burst into laughter."This isn't funny Arnoldo ! and yes I hate her !" she exclaimed trying not to laugh.Arnold and Helga ended up bursting into a huge bubble of laughter, as tears streamed down their eyes.It wasn't what Helga said that was funny it was the fact she got all hyped up on a memory that pasted not too long ago.They continued to laugh , as their hands gently touched sending an electrified pleasure up their spines. They both looked at each other shocked, not just by their touch but the electric pleasure it brought upon them.They stared into each others eyes leaning close to one another.

"He's Mine Helga G Pataki , he will never love you !" the queen screeched breaking the blonde's apart by bashing Helga on the head with her scepter. Helga falls to the floor and everything goes dark as Helga hears Arnold calling her name repeatedly with worry .


SweetJazzCandy: Yaaaaay ! One more chapter left on Helga In Wonderland and then things will go back to normal ! It was fun and cute. Although, i'm still not feeling too good  but I knew you guys were probably wanting something to read ! There ya go my lovely's I hope you guys have a great day/night/afternoon ! <3

Arnold Has Returned !{Editing slowly}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat