Chapter 8: Arnold + Helga=Love ?

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Helga's P.O.V.

The evening was going well,Arnold was thinking to himself about what else he wanted to do with Helga especially since it was only 8 o'clock.Arnold smiled finally coming up with a solution to make this date one of the most amazing dates of her life... the movies.Helga was wondering what he was thinking about, he seemed distracted by something; as if he was planing this date as he went along." everything okay?" she asked seeing that he started smiling suddenly."Yeah..Yeah, I'm fine" he replies holding her hand giving it a gentle squeeze.The bill for their food had arrived,Jock took the liberty of splitting the bill for the party of 4.Arnold picked up the bill as did Gerald , paying what they owed for their fancy meal as they leave the restaurant. "So, what now...?" she asked looking down at the watch on her wrist knowing it was only 8:30pm. Arnold smiled having a surprise in store just for her.Gerald and Phoebe decided they were going to go to the arcade to teach Phoebe how to actually play a video game. Gerald and Phoebe said their goodbyes and good nights walking into the night on their way to the arcade.Arnold looked over at Helga smiling as he pulled her along in the dark deep depths of the night."Where are we going footba-" she began as Arnold turned to look at with a slightly disappointed face."Sorry.." she apologized not wanting to ruin this night just because she was curious.Arnold smiled "I'm taking you to the movies,we can see whatever you'd like" he said beaming with joy seeing her reaction.  Helga's smile was as bright as the sunshine as she found herself learning on Arnold's arm.Arnold was finally taller than her,she didn't have to crouch or slouch.Arnold linked his arms with hers smiling finally arriving at the cinema.'he's so warm, and he smells yummy' she thought to herself


Arnold's P.O.V.  

'Helga is so warm, and she smells like fresh cut mixed fruits' he thought feeling like a certain shock that sent shivers up his spine.Arnold bought tickets for "Night of The Living Dead" walking inside with Helga in his arm.Helga smiled pulling herself away from him "how about I get the popcorn and you find some good seats?" she offered smiling ever so sweetly at Arnold.Arnold smiled kissing her cheek and nodding as he hand her $20 knowing the concession stand can be quite pricey.He gives her , her ticket leaving to go find some good seats for the both of them.Helga bought a large poporn, 2 large drinks,ice-cream duds,and she got Arnold a hot-dog. The manager thought she was gorgeous so he helped her carry all of the food she purchased. She soon met up with Arnold, seeing Helga on her way ..with a man behind her ? "Helga, are you alright?" he asked as she sits next to him , the manager put the food in her lap and left quietly realizing she was already spoken for."Perfect she said handing him food."For me? wow.. thank you Helga" he said kissing her cheek as the movie finally starts. They both cuddle up watching the movie and sharing the popcorn,Helga laying her head on his shoulder;He felt a smile creep on his face .


When the movie was over,Arnold and Helga left the cinema and he was taking her home. It was 10:30 and Arnold figured that he would be able to blow 30 minutes with her somehow.Arnold managed to get her home 20 minutes earlier as he sighed with relief."Arnold?"Helga started as he turned to her with a small smile plastered on his face"thank you for tonight, I had a really great time. I never thought in my life that I would be living this moment." she admitted honesty.Arnold looked her somewhat surprised but then again everyone did treat Helga kinda mean..and he wasn't all that nice either sometimes.After all, she was his enemy/friend I guess they've always been like that except maybe pre-school."Helga.." he began until he was interrupted "Arnold, I've always had feelings for you,I really really like you.. but you never well noticed,You liked Ruth or even Lila more... so I thought there was no hope.." she said nearly breaking into tears "Helga, I feel the same about you, I just..wasn't sure sometimes because you were some mean to me. You always called me names like football head or hairboy" he explained They sat on the steps next to each other smiling at one another.After a while they both stared into each others eyes,they were both captured by each others eyes, as if they told them everything they've been meaning to know since 4th grade. They both leaned close to each others faces lips barely touching, wanting to meet until...Big Bob Pataki opened the door " I thought I heard voices out here , get in here Ogla and tell Alfred goodnight" he howled. Helga sighed annoyed by her father ruining their perfect moment.Arnold smiled kissing her cheek "Goodnight Helga ,I'll see you tomorrow..maybe?" he asked smiling looking at her beautiful face. "Tomorrow" she said returning a kiss on his cheek as well "bonne nuit..Arnold" (good night ) Arnold walked home with a lovesick expression on his face sighing happily the entire walk home.


SweetJazzCandy:  Hey Hey Hey ! :D what's up my readlings ? I'm on chapter 11 on the other book so hopefully i'll update it today ! I hope you guys have a great day/night Byyyyyyyyye <3

Arnold Has Returned !{Editing slowly}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora