Chapter 18: Wild Confessions = Hard Day

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Previously on the last chapter ...

 "Who is she to you Arnold ...?" Lila asked again finally getting the answer she wasn't expecting to say. "She's my girlfriend " Arnold finally spoke up as he took Helga's hand repeating himself "Helga G. Pataki is my girlfriend ,and that's who she is to me. " he said confidently as he pecked her lips in front of everyone in the school. 


Helga's P.O.V. 

Helga was surprised he kissed her in front of everyone in the entire school , let alone confirm that she was now his girlfriend. As soon as Arnold released her from his admirable public declare for her , Helga looked over at Phoebe who was blushing alone with Gerald. The whole crowd went silent until everyone yelled and cheered."yeeeeeeah ! Way to go Arnold !" the entire student body went wild supporting Arnold. Helga blushed redder than a pomegranate seed. Feeling as if she might faint there was Lila snapping everyone back into quiet murmurs. "A-arnold... you're not ever so serious .." she says looking into his emerald orbs hoping that he was only joking.Helga watched them closely but also curiously as Helga stepped aside."Helga , don't move" she suddenly heard Arnold order her, she's never seen Arnold this way. Arnold is usually so kind and sweet, and such a goody two shoes natured guy. 

That's when the principle Mr.crabblesnitch walked outside yelling for everyone to get in the building and go to class.He walked around howling like there was a tornado outside " Everyone , get in the school building right now ! Every student out here has 2 minutes to get to home room pronto !" he said walking into the building satisfied with himself.Majority of the student body rushed inside the school building even Liiiiiila, leave Arnold and I alone. That's when the handsome guy of her dreams started walking over to her.Helga's heart began to beat wildly, as if it her heart was going to jump right out her chest.


Arnold's P.O.V.

When I walked over to Helga , she looked like she was about to get a heart attack.I smiled at her and she was blushing as red as a beet.'God she looks so cute when she's nervous.' he thought to himself as he gently grabbed her hand giving it a gentle squeeze."Helga, come on we're going to be late lets walk together to homeroom.Helga and I have homeroom together which was great I guess , or so I thought.As soon as Helga and I walked in the classroom everyone was screaming and shouting with cheers.Then questions were being thrown at us, if i could picture it , it would probably be a bunch of boulders.Not even just regular rocks you see in our everyday lives, but boulders ! "Man, I always knew you too had a thing for each other, but look at you two ! Already holding hands" said Gerald over the crowd of 20 students in our classroom. Everyone in the classroom was nodding their head in agreement , as the two blondes blushes wildly."Gerald !" Arnold called out to him s bit flustered because his best friend wasn't helping the situation.'I couldn't help but feel my face burning up with embarrassment, but Gerald wasn't helping me out!' Helga laughs historically as she enjoyed seeing Arnold's face so flustered. "Helga , you too ?!" Arnold found himself somewhat embarrassed that was until Helga kissed his cheek.

"Settle down now class, I know you're all moved by Arnold's little confession to Ms.Pataki but I think its time we present our projects" Mr. Jenson states as the class settles down just as they instructed. "why don't you two start it off since you're the center of attention." he suggested as Helga and Arnold sighed in sync, not really in the mood to present their project first.The golden haired couple presented their project with ease, except for the fact that they were still blushing frantically. 


Later that day.... 

The school chimed throughout the entire school 'lunch time' they both thought in sync although they were in different classrooms.Today was a hectic day, Arnold and Helga became what others would call it the "it" couple.Everywhere they went everyone would give them a smile and start whispering or giggling. Helga and Arnold end up meeting each other at the water fountain outside of their homeroom." was your day Helga?" Arnold asked sheepishly seeing just by her face she was kinda irritated with everyone being all weird around her."Arnold.. I've been having a terrific day" she said full of sarcasm sighing heavily as she looked away crossing her arms. Arnold pulled her into his arms gently kissing her forehead "i'm sorry but it'll all die down i'm sure but you're a pataki... you don't have to change completely" he said smirking see her look up at him with an evil smirk. "you mean..." she started as Arnold nodded pecking her lips softly "Listen I gotta run to my locker but, i'll meet you in the cafeteria as soon as I grab something from my locker" he said smoothly. 

Helga's P.O.V.

Arnold has been acting as cool as a cucumber lately,has anyone noticed that lately or was it just Helga? Helga sighed dreamingly as she watched her prince stroll away to the other side of the building closer to the exit.'Wow... Arnold is so...' she was cut off by someone grabbing her around her waist and they used one free arm saying "guess who "with an ugly weird pig snort.


SweetJazzCandy: Hey guys and gals. Alright finally getting a little bit of inspiration I wrote as best I could but I think i'm reaching a writers block... I made a new book basically about me and my daily life right now. It's called "my dork diaries" I don't know if you guys will like it but I encourage you to give it a try ! you might like it ? you might not... haha but what do I know i'm just a silly romantic dreaming of getting married and living in a nice house with a pet and maybe later kiddos ( 2 only because I can't deal...) 

<3 SweetJazzCandy out ! <3

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