Chapter 26: Quality "Girl Time"

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Meanwhile at the mall...

" I can't believe you guys dragged me to the mall with you to go shopping for a stupid dress.." grumbled Helga crossing her arms over her chest. Rhonda picking up more dresses from the clothes rack sighed getting annoyed with Helga's moping " Look Helga, You're going to prom with Arnold aren't you ?" she asked Helga. Giving Helga no chance to reply she continued on with her lecture. "Well then you're going to want to look fab for Arnold. He obviously likes you as you are but this is the one chance to make Arnold lose his cool." she stated smirking feeling intelligent. Helga sighed in defeat knowing she was right about something, and that was she did want to impress Arnold.

The girls walked aimlessly throughout mall, looking for a gorgeous prom dress to leave their dates "stunned". It was Rhonda Lloyd,Lila Sawyer,Sheena,Nadine,Big Patty,Phoebe Heyerdahl and of course Helga Pataki. It's been 2 hours since they've been stuck shopping in almost every store in the mall, and the girls were getting hungry. Rhonda still not being able to find a fabulous dress that matches her expensive snazzy taste, won't give up on looking until she finds her dream dress."Rhonda don't you think it's about time we try to eat something ?" pleaded her best friend Nadine. Rhonda sighed obviously annoyed that Nadine was complaining about eating at a time like this. "No Nadine ! We still haven't even found our dresses for prom. You may want to look like you found your dress at a thrift store but I Rhonda Lloyd will not and I repeat WILL NOT look like she got her dress from a dumpster!" she shrieked throwing her first in the air, finally turning away and shuffling through the clothes rack as if they were solitaire cards."And that means you girls can't either until we find our dresses" she stated with a yawn picking up a dress and tossing it out of her way in disgust. 

Nadine sighed frustrated crossing her arms over her chest" I don't know about you guys but, I'm going to the food court. I refuse to starve myself over a dumb dress I'll only wear once in my lifetime." and with that said she stormed out of the store. To Rhonda's surprise she took Lila,Sheena,and well Big Patty left ages ago. Rhonda sighed with disappointment realizing the girls probably didn't want to listen to her anymore.Embarrassed that the girls left her alone she just continues to shuffled through the racks.

On The Other Side of The Mall...

Helga and Phoebe were meandering around the mall had just walked into a store called "ABC's Classy Concepts" It's a store specifically for all formal dress wear occasions, which is great for the most cliche' dramatic event in a teens life. "So Helga , do you know what color or style dress you're looking for ?" Phoebe curiously asked walking beside her best friend. " pfft, puh-lease Phoebe I'm not into this girly froo-froo la de-da stuff." stated an annoyed Helga, just the though of her wearing a girly dress made her shudder in disgust. Phoebe chuckled covering her mouth by her delicate soft fingers " But Helga, don't you want to look nice ? I mean you are going to the dance with Arnold." she stated pointed to a rack of beautiful dresses at the back of the store. The two made their way over to the rack of clothing where Phoebe pointed. "I do want to look nice for Arnold Phoebe, I really do it's just.." Helga started as she flipped through the dresses as if they were pieces of paper. " It's just what Helga ..?" Phoebe asked doing the same but on the opposite sided of the clothes rack. Helga sighed in defeat knowing she'd have to explain why she's practically sulking.

"It's just that I'm actually nervous about this whole, prom thing . I mean what if he doesn't like what I'm wearing... or what if I make a complete fool of myself !" she exclaimed loudly , making everyone in the store stare in their direction. Helga notices " Oh what are all of you looking at don't you have some shopping to do ?! Mind your own business or I'll give you something to stare at" she hissed shaking her fist in the air like a rowdy old woman would. Everyone immediately went back to what they were doing, as if they were practically about to pee their pants if Helga were to actually march over to them and serve them a buffet full of pounding. Suddenly Phoebe shrieks happily finding a beautiful blue dress "Helga look ! This is perfect for the look I'm going for !!" spinning around with the dress held tightly in her delicate little hands.

Helga looks at her best friend puzzled by her behavior, that was until she finally stopped twirling. "That will look great on you Phoebe.." Helga pointed out trying to be polite about her choice of the dress she believes is the "One". The dress was absolutely stunning, it was a dark slate grey colored sleeveless dress. It would stop approximately past her tights slight but flowed elegantly if she danced the salsa with Gerald." Go try it on" Helga told her pointing to the changing rooms on the right side of the store, not too far from their location. Phoebe nodded excitedly running over to the changing room, dragging Helga along of course. Helga sighed bored out of her mind, as she looked through the clothes rack nearby finding a grey dress. She puts the plain grey dress up to her body thinking it was good enough. With that thought in mind Phoebe finally came out of the dressing room striking a pose for once in her life. " Uhmm, Helga do I look okay ?" Phoebe asked her best friend knowing she'd give her the complete and honest truth. Helga's eyes near pop out of her eye sockets seeing her best friend look amazingly hot . 


SweetJazzCandy: I'm honestly proud of this chapter, Although I didn't have this wonderful experience I sure can imagine best friends like these two doing things like this. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and leave a comment,follow, and favorite pretty please ? A delicious Mister and Misses Freezer Deluxe with a cherry on top ? I might write a chapter for monday so it can replace Tuesday. I hope you all have a great day/night/afternoon ! See You Guys Next Time :D

~SweetJazzCandy Out !~

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