"He can't see any visitors right now!" She said while obnoxiously chewing gum.

"What the fuck do you mean, I can't see my brother?" She screamed.

"Mam' calm down!"

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down. What room is he in?" She screamed and banged her fist against the glass.

The secretary flinched and typed quickly on her computer. Visitors in the hospital watched as Scar screamed and broke the glass that separated her from the woman. The lady screamed in fear and guards all came rushing in. The doctor rushed towards Scar, asking what's the matter.

"I need to see my brother!" She yelled. "What fucking room is he in?"

"T..tell her what room he's in!" The doctor stammered.

The guards watched, agile of what she can do next. Her fist was bleeding but she didn't care.

"He's in room 102." She didn't wait to hear anything else. She rushed towards the stairs, frantically searching for her brother. When she found the room, she rushed in. All barriers she had broke, as she watched her brother almost life less.

"He suffered a brain concussion which put him into comatose. Multiple ribs were broken and his spine shifted. It was a miracle that he is alive, but the chances are, he'll be paralyzed." The doctor's words scared her.

"Wi..will he make it?" She choked out.

"He will. He is a fighter." The doctor placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and gave her a slight squeeze. He walked out of the room leaving her in the privacy of her brother.

"Why did this happen to you?" She cried even though tears weren't coming out her eyes.

"You promised to never leave me!" She held his hand carefully. "I'll be here till you wake up." She smiled sadly.

She laid her head on his head and gradually fell asleep.

Sydney and Jinx sped through the waiting room, anxious to see Scar. They never knew that it will be so faithful. When Jinx hit his car from behind, she expected him to hit the light pole, except he flew off the road. They wanted to stay and make sure nothing happened to him, but the plan will be ruined by such. So they waited and fled to the hospital.

Sydney quickly asked where his room was but then noticed how the glass around the clerk were broken. The clerk timidly told her and both her and Jinx ran upstairs. Upon entering she saw Scar sleeping peacefully.

Malik looked battered. His temple was wrapped in a gauge and his foot was elevated with a cast around it. The beeping sound of his IV was the only sign of him living. Guilt washed over them both. They both did this and if Scar ever found out, their both dead. Sydney should of told Scar the truth from the beginning and Jinx wasn't innocent in this neither. They both were to blame if Malik died today.

By the guilt Jinx turned and walked back into the waiting room. She couldn't stand to see her best friend in this state again. It broke her. This was all her fault; She thought.

Sydney timidly walked towards Scar and stooped down to her level. She caressed her face and smiled. Scat looked so beautiful, even distressed. Scar's eyes opened lightly and stared intently at Sydney.

"Sydney!" She croaked.

"I'm here baby!" Sydney smiled.
Scar raised her head and placed a light kiss on Sydney's lips. Sydney blushed and smiled lightly.

"It happened again!" Scar said sadly.

Sydney looked confused and Scar continued.

"Our parents..." She begun and cleared her throat. "They um... They were drunk so Malik had to drive them. He was high and... He was speeding." Sydney knew where this was going and it didn't ease the guilt she already faced.

"They crashed. They crashed into a truck. They died and Malik was in a coma for two years." She turned and stared at her brother.

"I blamed him. I blamed him for years. I never visited h in the hospital. I had to take over the gang and I had to pick up the slack at age twelve." She shook her head and stared at Sydney.

"The day I finally decided to see him, he woke up. His words to me was; he woke up months ago but saw no one. He thought he was alone in this world and slipped back into comatose." Scar smiled sadly.

"I forgave him that day. It wasn't his fault. No matter what, they still would have died." Scar held onto Malik's hand tightly.

"He's the only family I have left and when I find the person who did this..." She turned to Sydney. "Their death will be in my hands."

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