Chapter 52: Protection

Comincia dall'inizio

"Slow down there, tiger," I said, slightly worried at how fast he drank the alcohol.

"I'm thirsty baby" he smirked.

"What am I going to do with you? Poor me" I whined playfully.

"You can do anything you want with me since I belong to you right?" he chuckled.

I shook my head and said, "I have a feeling that you invited me tonight on purpose"

"No, I promise I didn't invite you with anything dirty on my mind," he said seriously.

"But I came with something dirty on my mind" I whispered on purpose to make him laugh.

He shook his head with the biggest smile ever.

"Talking of inviting, where is Luca?" I frowned.

I had forgotten him and I felt bad all of a sudden.

"I'm sure he is having the time of his life with the guys"

"I hope so, let's go check? I want to make sure that he is alright and not bored or something since it was me who invited him. I'm such a bad friend for leaving him alone like that" I groaned.

"Baby, don't worry. Let's go check on him then" Neymar said and took my hand.

We walked to the back of the room where most of the guys were and found them drinking and having a great time. One of them was Luca, who had a bright smile on his face.

"Look who we have here! The long lost Mr. NJR and Ms. Photographer-Who-Only-Takes-The-Best-Shots -Of-Neymar" Rafinha yelled.

The guys burst out laughing, especially at the last part.

"Hey, that's not true!" I groaned.

"It is!" they yelled in unison.

"Don't mind it, they are just jealous that I have my personal photographer" Neymar smirked.

"Personal photographer huh?" Dani winked at me.

"Dani!" I groaned.

"Hahaha, sorry Olive! I couldn't resist!" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes.

"Luca, are you alright?" I asked, shifting my attention to him.

He was grinning like an idiot and seemed a little tipsy.

"I'm great, no greater than great" he giggled.

"I'm sorry that I threw you to the wolves and left you like that"

"It's alright Olive, I'm having a great time"

"Hey, we aren't wolves" Rafinha frowned.

"You are a werewolf," I said teasingly.

He smirked and slapped my shoulder.

"Hands off my girl, bro!" Neymar warned and punched Rafinha's shoulder playfully.

"Olive how is Adrian?" Piqué suddenly asked.

"He is fine, but he is barely home because of his girlfriend"

"That culo! Pardon my language" Piqué smirked.

"It's alright he is a culo!" I chuckled.

Pique grinned and said, "Well tell that culo that I and Jordi miss him!"

"I'll tell him if I ever see him home"

"By the way where the hell is this idiota, Marc?" Piqué asked.

The guys shrugged.

"I saw him leave with your friend Thais, Neymar," Xavi said.

"They are a thing now?" Jordi frowned.

Déjà Vu (Neymar)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora