Chapter Thirteen :RE

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"Sasaki, where the hell are you? First disappearing and showing up at my house like you did, now this? What the hell are you playing at? You wanna know what I just heard?! I just heard from Mutsuki that you stormed out of a coffee shop in some sort of fit today! What the fuck was that? That's not the example the CCG is supposed to set you idiot. Get your priorities straight before you call me back. Bye." I say angrily as I end the call and shove my phone into the pocket of my cloak. Huffing, I walk toward the curb, holding my hand out as a yellow vehicle comes speeding down the street and pauses in front of me. 

Opening the door in the rear and throwing myself in, I situate myself in the tattered old seat.
"Can you take me to this address please?" I ask out of breath, handing the old taxi driver a small, ripped piece of paper with the designated street address written in messy cursive. The man twirls his mustache for a second, before nodding his head and restarting the engine. The car comes to life with a loud rumble, and we speed down the street. It's around six 'o'clock at night, and the canopy of darkness has fallen over the city. Club lights brighten the streets, and several drunks line the curbs. It takes only about five minutes to get to the destination, and, upon arriving, I get out of the cab and tip the bus driver. Shoving the piece of paper into my pocket, I make my way toward the large brick building that stands tall in front of me. I bring my hand up to the door in one, swift movement, and quickly rattle my hand against it as I step back from the ledge.  Sighing heavily, I await the attention of the residences' owner, but to no avail. I grit my teeth as I grunt in frustration, stomping my feet against the ground once, twice, three times. I try again. No answer. I kick the door. 
I lean my arms against the soft oaken surface of the door as I bow my head in anger, looking down at the ground. Where the fuck could he be? 
Turning around, I once again grab my phone out of my pocket and dial Mutsukis number. He picks up on the third ring. 
"Yeah, hi. It's Kirishima here. He's not at his apartment." I sigh exasperatedly, leaning my back against the door. The cold seeps in through my coat. 
I hear a sigh from Mutsuki. 
"Got any other ideas?" I ask after a moments silence. I hear no reply. I check the time; it's getting too late to search anywhere else for him. 
"Do you have any idea of where he might be, Kirishima-san? You know him better than anyone..." Mutsuki trails off, his frail sentence cutting short as he continues to let his words disperse into the atmosphere. I shake my head. 
"No, I don't thi-" My eyes widen mid-sentence, and my voice cuts itself off. 
"Kirishima-San?" I hear Mutsuki question, and I mentally slap myself for having been so stupid. 
"Shit!" I exclaim, running down the steps and running down the road. Looking up at the signs, I quickly hang a right, and down the road. I run into several people, bumping into them as I try to dodge the mass of bodies that mask my view of the path. 
"Umm-Uh-Uh K-Kirishima-S-San? Wh-What's wrong? Ki-Kirishima-San?" 
"Sorry Mutsuki, I've got to go. I've got an idea. I'll call you back if I find him, 'kay?" I say, pressing my thumb against the 'end' button as I shove it back into my pocket for what seems the thousandth time tonight. 
Turning the corner, I slow my pacing, replacing my running with a brisk walk. The streets soon become familiar, and I withdraw a breath from my lungs as I inhale deeply and then exhale. 
I scan the buildings around me, and I come to a very familiar looking building. A corner buildings, with purple topiaries and a small redbrick wall. I scan the building; there's nothing different - aside from a smashed in glass door and blood trailing the floor outside the entrance. Shit. I clench my fists, walking into the building as I step over shards of sharp glass and bloodied tiles. I'm gonna be the one to clean this up, aren't I? I think as I walk toward the back door of the quaint coffee shop, silence wrapping itself around me like a thick blanket. My breathing quavers as I hear something fall, and then drop, only to make a large smashing sound against the wooden floors of what I think is my apartment. Great. More mess. 
Quick-stepping my way across the dark room, I walk through the ajar door of the back, only to find the lights once again off. Where the hell is Yomo these days? I never fucking see him. Storing that complaint for later, I try to find a light switch as my fingers fumble around the walls. I feel like a fucking idiot. I'm feeling up a goddamn wall.  Finally  getting of hold something plastic and square, I press my finger down on it, not caring whether it turns on the lights or the washing machine in the back room. It's worth a try. 
The lights above me flicker, before my eyes meet with a strong light hanging from the center of the hallway, and red over every white surface I can see. Yay. Might as well tear this place down and rebuild it.  
I continue to step over stains of blood as I walk toward my apartment door, pushing it open as I immediately see a human that does not usually sit on my living room couch. My eyebrows crease in anger. 
I stalk over, my body taut as my face becomes hot with anger. 
"What the fuck are you doing here?!"  I shout, ignoring the amount of blood that currently drips down the poor bastards face. He looks up at me, only half awake. 
"Fucking hell, Sasaki! You're a goddamn idiot, you know that!" I shout. Sasaki attempts to sit up, but I stand back. He says nothing. 
"Did you even hear my voice message I left for you? Or were you too  busy getting your head smashed in that you just 'forgot' to pick up? Y'know, Sasaki, you might not be interested in doing your fucking job right, but everyone else is! This isn't even a fucking joke anymore. The only thing that's a joke around here is you." I snarl, rolling my eyes as I grab a cloth from the bathroom and wet it, rinsing it it out as I step back into the living room. By that time, Sasaki has managed to stand, and I chuck him a cloth, to which he catches. 
"You could've at least cleaned yourself up, you egg." I say monotone, turning my back towards from him as I pull my phone out of my pocket - again - and dial Mutsukis number. 
"Hello? Kirishima-San, did you find him?" 
"Yeah I found him." I say exasperatedly. I hear a sigh from the other end of the line. 
"Thank god. Where was he?" 
"That doesn't matter. Look, I've gotta get him cleaned up. He's not exactly in the best shape at the moment, Mutsuki. Can you guys carry on the investigation without me? Contact me if anything comes up. That includes the DNA Results." I say. 
With that, I hang up, and turn around to see Sasaki again. I raise an eyebrow. He looks at me with an a apologetic look as he wipes the blood from the side of his face, and runs his hand through his hair. Silence follows. 
"Touka, I'm so-" 
"I don't want your apologies Sasaki. I'm done with apologies. What the hell were you thinking? Throwing Mutsuki into a crowd of people, and using Urie to smash a goddamn window? Running off to who-knows-where without telling anyone where you were going!?" 
"Touka , I-I d-d-" 
"And then, proceed to 'stay missing' during the one goddamn time you're actually needed, only to be found in my apartment, drenched in probably not only yours but some other street ruffians' blood!? What the hell were you thinking? 'Oh, I'll just y'know, hurt my subordinates and then go on a rampage through some miscellaneous coffee shop, and then crash at Touka's for a coffee?'"
"Touka, sto-" 
"You're such an idio-" 
"Touka, shut up and listen! I have no idea what you're talking about! What's all this bullshit you're going on about? Going on a rampage? Some talk about street-fighting? I just woke up here. Fuck, I don't even remember leaving that goddamn coffee shop so excuse me for being a half-arsed agent who can't do his job right!" Sasaki's voice booms over mine, and I glare at him. We stand further than a meter apart, Sasaki holding the cloth to his head while I fold my arms.  
"Don't lie to me Sasaki, you did this last time, it's not going to happen again. It's time you got your priorities straight, you idiot. Until then I don't want you on the case. Deal with whatever it is you're dealing with by yourself. The rest of the squad will probably be able to do better now that they don't have to carry any dead weight." I snap. 
"Now get out. I have a mess to clean up." I say. Silence. For a moment Sasaki just stands there, his bloodied hands running themselves through his bloodied hair. He looks a lot worse than the last time he came crashing in here. 
"Out." I snap again. A sigh.
I watch as Sasaki takes a shaky step forward, and my breathing catches as he eventually reaches the door and stumbles out, walking down the already messed up hallway and out of the from of :RE. My eyebrows crease in frustration. I bring my thumb and index finger to my forehead, massaging the area above my eyebrows in pure frustration. 

Yomo's going to fucking kill me. 

Hallow! Tis Touka here :3 
How is everything? Sorry for not updating - haha shit author here - Mkay well,  my sister just read through this and called it a 'filler chapter' -_- 
Eh. I am really excited, as my friend who I have not seen for four years is finally coming to my school tomorrow, and I just can't! 
I am hoping you guys are having a great time without my updates - Sorry for not updating - Things have been sooo busy, but I just wanna tell you that I'm a lazy shit and I barely do anything :T 
Please accept my apology! I love you guys to the moon and back, please vote, share, follow, and comment! Your comments are what keeps me going and inspires me to write more, so please do? You guys are so awesome thanks for over 30,000 reads! (Btw what if I told you that Touka finds out that Haise is Kaneki soon? Lol idk it's getting close though) 

Love you guys, 


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