Chapter Six :RE

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I sit in the dark IT room, where the lights are all off and the only source of light is coming from the bright blue-lit screen of the computer. I squint my eyes, sighing as Saiko continues to spin on her chair. does she ever take anything seriously? Shaking my head as I search file after file, I find absolutely zilch. sighing, I rub my right hand over my face, feeling the hot temperature of my fingers wipe off onto my face in the form of sweat. I need to stop touch typing so fast. Mutsuki looks at me a little solemnly, seeming to have given up hope as well.

"Well, I can't find any files on Eyepatch or The one eyed Owl. Any ideas?"

I ask desperately. Saiko just shakes her head, squealing quietly every few seconds as she spins around over and over again. A moment of silence washes over us, before Mutsuki has what I assume is a breakthrough.

"I know! If I could find a way to hack into the settings database, I can configure the computer's components so that all files on the CCG's software database will be accessible without a password. That way we can find every file in every computer within the CCG System's hard-drive!"

Mutsuki smiles, pushing me out of the way as my swivel chair sends me floating to halfway across the room. I smile. Immediately I see a different side of Mutsuki I don't think I've seen before, spectating while his eyes dart from left to right, and his hands type furiously across the keyboard. Scripts and element inspection tabs start to pop up on the previously blank screen, and a few minutes later a smile spreads across Mutsukis face, his eyes wrinkling in the area just below his eyepatch.

"We're in."


I feel a sharp pain run up my left arm, and a warmth move in the opposite direction as blood flows from the freshly cut wound on my shoulder. I grit my teeth, wincing at the pain. My body aches, yet I hold on to my briefcase harder and tighter. Why do I even have this stupid thing? Chucking it aside, I let it slide across the gravely road and somewhere outside of my peripheral vision. I avert my eyesight back to the scene, where I see both Urie and Shirazu fighting Torso, the ghoul we were aiming to annihilate. Torso, whose body is nimble and scrawny, wears a makeshift mask made from a button up, collared dress shirt, revealing only his beady eyes. I scowl; I remember those eyes from somewhere, yet now isn't the time to be worrying about trivial things like that.

Suddenly, I hear a series of static, before whipping my hand up to meet my left ear. Continuing to evaluate both the other two Agents and the situation, I listen for any feedback. Then, I hear someone speak.

"Right. Screw the professional talk, I'm going to talk to you how it is."

I recognize the voice as Urie's and I'm almost amazed by that fact that he can sound so calm in a situation such as this.

"Urie, what is it?!"

"I think we're going to need your help on this one. Shirazu's gettin' pretty worn out-ah."

Simultaneously, I see Torso's kagune flare out, and gash Urie's leg rather bluntly.

"Urie! Are you alright, Urie!" Fumbling aimlessly with the earpiece in my ear, I continue to hear only slightly loud static as I await the reply.

"I'm fine. But get in here, now."

I nod my head. Regardless of the fact that he's my subordinate, it's important that I do what he tells me and keep him alive then turn up at the CCG's front doorstep with a dead body.

I bring myself to my feet, summoning my kagune as I do so. I feel a sharp pain stab at my shoulder blades, and a warmth spreading across my upper back. Within seconds, my kagune stands tall and proud, hues of deep, royal blue and rich yellows and reds. My Kagune burns brightly, lighting up the early morning with ease. I attempt to disguise my Kakugan with my fringe, managing to conceal it only just. I look at Torso. His attention is focused on Shirazu, which makes him an easy target for me. I drive my feet into the ground before pouncing on the dreary-eyed ghoul, extending my kagune out in order to injure him.

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