Chapter 59- Almost Is Never Enough

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Tony's POV

I walked back into ops with a Caf-Pow and some coffee's for our team and the LA team. I handed them all their coffees, just before as my phone began to buzz. As I pulled it out of my pocket, McGee. I clicked 'answer call' and placed the phone against my ear. "What, McGee? I'm on my way up." The LA team turned to me and smiled at my annoyance. "Okay, just hurry. I think Abby is going to die if she doesn't get her caf-pow soon. I need to get out of here before she kills me, too." McGee replied. "What do you mean? What exactly did you do to Abby to make her want to kill you?" I asked back, giggling slightly. "I don't want to talk about it, okay? Just hurry up and get up to ops. Anyone would think you're getting old. It shouldn't take you that long to walk up a couple of stairs!" He replied. I frowned. "You keep this up and Abby won't be the only one playing a part in killing you." I yelled into my phone, before putting it back in my pocket and jogging up the rest of the stairs, leaving the LA team laughing at my comment.

"Hey Abbs, here's your Caf-pow. Sorry It took so long. So I hear you want to kill McGee? Any chance I could pitch in?" I asked, handing Abby her Caf-pow, before being gibbs-slapped across the back of the head. "Sorry boss. So what's the situation?" I asked. Abby nodded, taking a sip of her Caf-Pow turning to me. "Jimmy's in trouble." Abby started. "What? What do you mean?" I asked. "Wait. Where's Ziva?" Abby interupted. "Um, she's downstairs with the LA team." I informed. Abby put her Caf-pow down and crossed her arms over her chest. "She needs to be here. This concerns the whole team." Gibbs shook his head. "It's best that Ziva is not a part of this." I looked at him and frowned. "What? Why?" I asked, confused. McGee spoke up next, "Tony. The man that killed her father has kidnapped Jimmy and he would have taken Ducky too, if he wasn't in the bathroom." I stood back in shock. 

"If this involves finding Eli David's killer, Ziva needs to know. If Ziva isn't going to be read in and involved in this case, then neither am I. I'm sure you can deal fine without the both of us." I stated, walking out of Abby's 'temporary' lab, leaving Gibbs, McGee and Abby standing there not knowing what to do. Gibbs called after me, but I ignored him and kept walking. I love Ziva and I can't betray her like that and it surprises me that McGee and Abby would.

"DiNozzo!" Gibbs yelled, as I walked down the stairs. I closed my eyes in annoyance, deciding to keep ignoring him, before I say something that I'm going to regret. I got to the bottom of the stairs when I realised the whole LA team were staring at me in shock, wondering what was going on. I went to keep walking out of ops, when Ziva stood up from her chair and walked over to me. "Tony! What the hell is going on?" She yelled, looking angry and confused. "Well, I would really like to tell you, Ziva. But apparently, I'm not allowed to. Isn't that right, boss?" I asked turning around to look at Gibbs who was standing at the top of the stairs. "What do you mean you can't tell me? What's going on?" Ziva asked, looking from me to Gibbs. 

"Jimmy has been kidnapped and Gibbs seems to think that when you find out who the kidnapper is, you will kill them." I explained, making Ziva step back in shock. "Where? When? Gibbs? I need to know what is happening. Who has Jimmy and why do you think I will kill them?" Ziva asked, walking to Gibbs who was now standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Ziva. I'm sorry, I have been ordered by Director Vance. I am not allowed to involve you in this case. I'm sorry. And DiNozzo, If you say anything to Miss David, Director Vance has you set up for assignment in Greece for the next three years. So I suggest you keep your mouth shut. Now, If you are not going to work this case, I expect you finish all of that overdue paperwork of yours. And don't make me tell you again." Gibbs ordered, before turning on his heal and walking back up to Abby's temporary lab. 

I stood silently for the next minute, thinking, before Ziva got up and started to walk out of ops. I ran up to her and pulled her back. "Ziva," She turned around and looked at me sadly. "Tony. It's okay, don't tell me. I have ways of finding this stuff out. After all, I was with mossad for many years. I have friends in places. You should be working on this case. It is the best thing. If I can't work on it, then I need someone I trust to. Please Tony. You don't have to tell me anything, but please go and help McGee and Abby. I'm sure they could use your help. I need to contact my friends at mossad. You need to find Jimmy before it's too late." Ziva informed,calmly. "Ziva, I'm so sorry. Normally I wouldn't care if Vance sent me on assignment, especially in Greece. But I just don't think I could deal with being away from you for that long. Call me if there is anything I can do to help." I stated, kissing Ziva softly on the forehead, turning around, and starting to walk back up to Abby's 'temporary' lab, before being stopped by Callen.

"I thought Gibbs has rules about dating co-workers?" He asked, smirking slightly. I turned around and looked at him confused. "Yeah. And? Ziva and I are just good friends. That's all. Now if you don't mind, a good friend of mine has been kidnapped, so I'm going to get to work." I stated, turning back around and walking up the stairs. "Okay, well so are we. We're helping you." Nell stated following me up the stairs, along with the rest of the LA team. "That would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys." 


Hey guys, I am so sorry for not updating sooner. I have been really busy with exams and studying and not to mention just recently losing my grandmother. I haven't really been in the right state of mind, but I'm back on track now. 

Just letting you guys know, the next chapter is the last so it will be a little bit longer than usual. Please vote and comment if there is any scenes or anything that you would like me to add in to the last chapter. I will consider all suggestions. Love you guys, thankyou for reading. Stay tuned for the next chapter as it will be uploaded within the next few days or so.

Happy Reading,

Molly L. Brookes

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