Chapter 21- Believe In The Magic Of The Season

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Deeks' POV

I woke up in the morning and I surprisingly felt better, considering how hard that guy kicked me yesterday. I totally forgot I slept at ops last night, until I was greeted by a happy looking Hetty. "Good morning Mr Deeks and Merry Christmas!" She stated. I looked at her weirdly. Does she always come into work this early? Seriously, It's not even nine yet! "Good morning and a Merry Christmas to you too, Hetty!" I replied, as she took the seat next to me.

"There are no new cases, so you don't have to work today. Go enjoy christmas, Mr Deeks!" She added, urging me to get up and go out. I started a group chat and messaged Sam, Callen, Nell, Eric and of course Kensi.

Me: Merry Christmas guys!!! Do you guys wanna do something?

Callen: Merry Christmas! Why not? It's not like I have anything else better to do.

Sam: If my wife and Kam can come, I'm in.

Nell: Umm, I was going to go back to Peurto Rico, but hanging out with you guys sounds better. Count me in.

Eric: Sure, but what would we do?

Me: Sam? Kam ever been to....Disneyland?

Sam: No...

Me: Then it's settled, we're going to Disneyland!!!

Callen: Seriously, Deeks? What are you a five year old?

Eric: I'm with Deeks, Disneyland is awesome!!

Nell: Disneyland!!

Sam: Wow, okay. Hey, Deeks? Where's Kensi?

Callen: Hey, yeah! Where is Kensi? I thought she would have been the first one to respond. She's always on her phone!

Me: Ohh, yeah! She's probably just sleeping. I'll tell you what, I'll go over to her house and get her. Meet at ops in half an hour? Should I ask Hetty?

Hetty: Why thankyou Mr Deeks, count me in!

Me: Ahhh! I didn't realise I added you in this chat....

Hetty: Ahh, but you didn't Mr Deeks. I thought you would know by now, If a group chat is created at ops, I am automatically joined onto it! It is a part of the regulations.

Me: Okay...Well, I'll see you guys soon.

Everyone: Bye

I switched off my phone screen, grabbed my jacket and keys and went to my car. I turned the engine on and started to drive to Kensi's house. I know Kensi doesn't like Christmas, I'm just hoping that it's not too hard to get her to come out with us.

I pulled up at Kensi's house and walked up to her doorstep. I knocked on the door and waited for her to come and open it. After about five minutes, I figured she was still sleeping, so I picked the lock. Yep. I can pick a lock. I'm not as good as Kensi, but I can do it.

I walked inside and went into her room. Her blankets were messed up, chocolate and twinkie wrappers were scattered everywhere, but she was no where to be seen. That's weird. Her car was in the driveway. I was getting worried now, so I started to call her name. I jumped when I heard the front door open.

"Oh my god! Deeks! What the hell are you doing here? How did you get inside my house?" Kensi yelled. I looked at her. "Kensi! I came to pick you up. Where the hell were you? You almost gave me a heart attack! I thought you had been kidnapped or something!" I yelled back at her. "Okay, um. I was out on a run and I stopped to get some donuts!" She informed, holding up the bag of donuts she had in her hand. I nodded and laughed. "You still haven't answered my question! How the hell did you get into my house?" She asked. I held up my tools. "I picked the lock. Now go have a shower and get dressed. We're going out with the team. They are meeting us at ops in twenty minutes, so hurry up!" I stated, urging her to her bathroom.

"Deeks, I'm not going anywhere. I'm not in the mood." She replied. "I don't care. I'm not going to let you sit at home by yourself all day, moping around, eating yourself through all this depression you seem to have builded up inside of you!" I yelled, pushing her towards her bathroom. She didn't bother to argue anymore, instead, she did what she was told. That was a first!

Kensi took forever to get ready, but after about twenty minutes, we were out the door and driving to ops. When we walked in, we realised everyone else was already there.

"Took you long enough!" Callen stated. "Yeah! Daddy? Can we go to Disneyland now?" Kam asked, looking up at Sam. "Yes, we can. Come on, I race you to the car!" Sam yelled, running slowly outside, so his daughter could win. Kam is so cute! We all followed them outside. "We're going to Disneyland?" Kensi asked Michelle, walking with her out the door. "Don't look at me! It was your partners idea!" Michelle stated, nodding in my direction. "Ohh, come on Kens! Everyone loves Disneyland! I mean, look at Kam! She's as excited as anything!" I argued, running after Sam and Kam. Nell and Eric were following slowly behind, along with Callen and Hetty.

Considering there were nine of us, we had to take two cars. Sam, Michelle, Callen and Hetty went in Sam's car and Kensi, Kam, Eric, Nell and I went in my car, considering Kam wanted to sit with Kensi.

"So, Kam? Are you going to get your dad to go on all of the clown rides with you?" I asked. Kam giggled. "Nahh, Daddy is too scared of clowns. He will scream." Everyone laughed.

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