Chapter 41- Don't Follow Your Dreams. Chase Them

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Sam's POV

We all looked around to see if we could find Eric, but we couldn't see him anywhere. Nell was starting to panic, so I went over to her and stood next to her. "Nell, It's going to be okay. I'm sure he's just gone to get food or something. We'll find him." I comforted. She looked at me and I could tell that there were small tears welling up in her eyes, because they were getting all glossy and watery. I gave her a hug and held her close and by this stage, she had tears pouring down her face. She was obviously worried about Eric, just like the rest of us. 

We were about to split up to go and look for him, when we saw him walking up to us, with a bunch of flowers and chocolates in his hand. Nell hadn't noticed, but everyone was looking at Eric with big smiles on their faces. 

When I noticed, I released Nell and motioned her in Eric's direction. Her face lit up when she saw him and she started running to him. When she got to him, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Eric held her tight, making sure not to drop the flowers and chocolates. Everyone was just staring at them, smiling widely. 

"Where the hell were you? I thought something bad happened! I thought you were hurt! Never do that again!" Nell yelled, hitting Eric on his shoulder, not enough to actually hurt him. Eric put her down, carefully and looked at her with regret full in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to get you something to make you feel better. You've had a tough week and I just wanted to cheer you up and show you how much I love you." Eric explained, looking into Nell's eyes, using his thumb to wipe away the rest of her tears and holding out the flowers and chocolate with his other hand. "Just having you with me, cheers me up. I love you so much, Eric. But you have to promise me, you'll never do that again! You almost scared me to death!" Nell yelled, taking the flowers and chocolates and wrapping her arms around Eric's waist, pulling him close to her. I smiled, turning towards Callen who was standing next to Joelle with his arm wrapped around her shoulders, kissing her head softly. All of this couple love is making me miss Michelle even more.

I think Tony and McGee felt where I was coming from, because they asked me if I wanted to go and play some more soccer. I nodded, willingly and walked over to the sand where we were playing soccer before. We set up the game again, and then Callen came running up to us, leaving Joelle with Abby and Ziva. "What? I don't get to play?" He asked, kicking the ball from underneath Tony's feet. I laughed. "I thought you would have wanted to spend time with Joelle." I stated, nodding in Joelle's direction. "Well, I do. But she wouldn't let me. She wanted me to have fun and play soccer with you guys. We have all night together. "Callen informed. "Eww! I didn't need to know that!" I joked. "Sorry!" He yelled, dribbling the ball past Tony and McGee and kicking in between with tree branches we had previously set up as goals.

The game went for a fairly long time, until Mcgee and Tony looked like they were going to pass out. I ran up and scored one last point, making the scores settle at twenty, nill. Callen and I being on twenty, Tony and McGee being on zero.

"You lose!" Callen yelled, jumping up and down like a little girl. Tony and McGee were bending over trying to catch their breaths, clearly exhausted. Let's just say, they aren't very good at sports that don't include running around shooting criminals. "Yeah, yeah. What ever." Tony sighed, kicking the ball at me and walking to the tables where the teams were sitting around talking. I laughed, turning towards Callen. "What's the bet McGee's going to pass out, in say ten minutes?" I asked. "I'm going to say five." Callen laughed, looking towards Joelle that was sitting with Abby, Ziva and Nell. "Go on." I urged, nodding in Joelle's direction. 

He nodded and walked up to Joelle, sitting next to her and wrapping his arms around her waist. I smiled, happy that after all these years, he has been able to find someone that he loves and that loves him back. All thanks to me and my other half. I walk over and sit on the sand, alone, staring out into the ocean, pulling out my phone and dialling Michelle's undercover number. She answered on the first ring. 

"Hey baby, how are you?" She asked, sounding happy to finally be able to talk to me. I smiled. "I'm doing okay, babe. I miss you." I informed. "I know, I miss you too. Hopefully I'll be able to come home in a few days. What have you been doing?" I looked back to the two teams that were laughing and joking around, having fun. "Nothing much.The team from D.C is in town for a few weeks, while their center gets rebuilt. We're just at the beach. I wish you were here." I admitted, looking back out onto the water. 

"Did you say you were at the beach? As in Venice beach?" She asked. I smiled. Michelle always loved the beach. "Yeah. Don't worry baby, when you finish your operation, we'll go for an evening stroll on the beach, what do you say?" I suggested. "That sounds fun. I have to go now, honey. I'll talk to you soon. Love you, Teddy." She stated, before hanging up. "I love you too, Michelle." I said to myself, considering she had already hung up.

I got up and walked back to where everyone was sitting around, talking. I sat down and picked up my water bottle, taking a sip. We all started talking again about a few of the latest cases, getting Gibbs' team up to speed, until everyone stopped talking and smiled, staring behind me. It made me feel like someone was about to kill me from behind or something.

I slowly turned around and almost fell out of my chair when I saw who it was. "Michelle? What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be on an undercover operation. Wait...I just spoke to you all of five minutes ago, why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I asked, confusion spreading across my face. She laughed. "Hey baby! Haha, the operation is over. I'm home now. I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you and if I told you, it wouldn't have been much of a surprise, now would it?" She responded. I smiled, happy that my wife is finally home. "Well, aren't you going to kiss me? Or are you just going to sit there and stare at me?" She asked. I smiled once again, getting up from my chair, wrapping my arms around her waist and lifting her off the ground, kissing her intensely. You have no idea how hard it is not being able to see the person you love. Even if it is only for a couple of days. 

I put Michelle down, not letting our lips break apart. I didn't care about the two teams that were probably watching us. All I cared about was my wife. Unwillingly, we pulled apart in need of air. She looked at me and smiled, leaning our foreheads up agaist each other softly. 

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