Chapter 18- Good Friends Are Hard To Find

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Nell's POV

I walked into ops and noticed that I was interrupting Eric. He stopped half way through his sentence, when he noticed me walk through the door. My makeup was smudged and it looked like I had been crying. My hair was a mess and my clothes were torn. Eric went to walk over to me and noticed the cut on my thigh.

"Ohh my god! Nell! Are you okay?" He asked, walking up to me. The rest of the team were stunned. "Nell? What happened?" Sam asked. "Nell?" Callen and Deeks asked. "Wow, guys! I'm standing right next to you, no need to yell!"I shouted. Why in the world are they yelling and why are my ears ringing? "Nell, we're not yelling. What happened? Are you okay? You can tell us." Eric informed. "I know, Eric. It's just....I'm sorry..I would rather speak to Kensi. Kens?" I asked. Kensi nodded and we walked out of ops and into the girls bathroom, ignoring the looks Sam, Callen, Deeks and Eric were giving me.

When we finally got inside the girls bathroom, I pushed myself up onto the sink and looked at Kensi. "I don't know what happened, Kens. It all went so fast!" I informed. Kensi looked at me. "Hey, Nell, It's going to be okay. I'm here." She told me, walking up to me and hugging me carefully. "I was just feeling  so depressed with everything that has been happening the past few weeks, I mean, with my mom passing away and everything. I just needed to forget everything for a little while." I continued. 

"Okay..." "Well, I went to a club. I forgot the name. Anyways, this guy came up to me, he seemed nice and he asked me if I wanted a drink, I agreed and we had a few drinks together, everything seemed to be going fine." I stated. "Okay, so then what happened?" Kensi asked. "Well, I went to go home and he called me a cab. We walked outside and waited for a cab, when he pulled me into an alleyway." I continued. "Aww, Nell." "He tried to get me, but I pushed and shoved and then he pulled out his knife. He stabbed me in my thigh and a security guard heard me scream and pulled the guy off me. I ran as fast as I could and got a cab here." I finished. Kensi went into one of the toilet stalls and got some toilet paper. She folded it up nicely and wet it with a dab of water.

Kensi got out a first aid kit and tended to my cut as best she could, before she wiped my smudged makeup off and made my face look presentable.

"Kensi?" I asked. "Yeah?" "Thankyou. For everything." I mentioned. "Nell, you're my bestfriend. It's my job to make sure you're okay. You don't have to thank me." She replied. I smiled at her.

"We should probably get back out there, before they come in here with freaking wrecking balls or something." Kensi joked. I nodded, as she helped me down from the sink. She put her arm around my waist and we walked out together. I wasn't surprised when we saw Sam, Callen, Deeks and Eric standing there, with worried looks on their faces.

"Nell? Are you okay?" Eric asked. I nodded. "I'm fine." "Nell, I know when you're fine. You are not fine." Eric bugged. "Eric, just drop it okay? You don't have to worry. Just stop bugging her!" Kensi yelled. "Kens. It's okay." I stated, holding Kensi back. "I'm sorry. I just want you to be okay. Guys can be such tools!" Kensi added. You can say that again.

"Oh my god. A guy did this to you? Do you have a name? You know, I could go beat him up, if you want?" Eric suggested, making everyone laugh. "What? What's so funny? Stop laughing!" Eric yelled. "Man, I don't mean to offend, but you couldn't hurt a fly, even if you had a fly swat!!!" Sam stated. "Ohh, come on!! Stop laughing. I'm not joking!" Eric yelled.

"Aww, mate. You put the joke in ajokeli." Deeks teased. Wow, Deeks. Kensi punched him. "Ow! What the hell was that for?" He yelled. "You took that too far." Kensi stated, punching him again. "Ow! What was that one for?" Deeks asked. "You forgot the extra sugar on my donuts this morning!" Kensi informed. "Seriously?" Callen, Sam, Eric and I all asked, in union. Everyone knows that, if you buy kensi donuts, you have to ask for extra sugar!

"It was an honest mistake, okay?" Deeks argued. Well, I think I feel better now. I went to say something but was cut off by Eric's tablet making a noise.

"Guys, we may have a location!" Eric stated, pulling up a file on his tablet. "What case are you guys working on?" I asked. Eric pulled up the file onto the screen in the bullpen and started to talk. I fainted as soon as I looked at the screen. It can't be. Can it?

Of course they allowed Deeks to do the honour of pouring water on my face. When I woke up, I told Kensi. "Kens? That's him!" Kensi's jaw dropped.

"Who's who now?" Deeks asked. "Long story short. He's the guy who 'attacked' me last night." I informed. Eric dropped his tablet in shock, Sam and Callen just stood there, not knowing what to say and Deeks looked confused.

"Okay, Nell? Do you remember where you were last night? When you last saw him?" Callen asked, nicely. Trying to stop himself from getting angry. "Callen, calm down. You don't need to worry about me. I don't know, some club. I think it was The Vault, but I'm not sure. It was, I don't know, maybe one in the morning?" I replied.

"Okay, first of all, I do need to worry about you. Just like I worry about Kensi, if anyone ever hurt her. Don't think it would be any different with you." Callen argued. I wasn't expecting that. "Are you serious, Callen?" I asked. "Of course I'm serious, Nell. You're like a sister to me. We love you!" He continued. I didn't respond, instead I just walked up to him and gave him a hug. "Thanks, Callen" I stated. "Nell. I think you can call me G, now." He replied. I have the most amazing friends.

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