Chapter 56- Bad Things Come In Three's

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Eric's POV

I was sitting on my surf board,next to Deeks who was doing the same. I was about to say something,but was interupted by Deeks screaming in what I can only think was agonising pain.

I looked over to Deeks to see him with his head on the board,with blood starting to pool out of his chest. I screamed out his name,paddling as fast as I could on my surf board to get to him.

I sat on my board next to him and carefully lifted his head off the board. "Deeks? Deeks! It's going to be okay. Stay with me,mate. Stay with me!" Deeks eyes were slightly open,but he was on the verge of shutting them. I lifted him up and helped him,so that he was laying on his back and his stomach was facing up. I'm no federal agent or doctor,but I was certain he had been shot. I pulled my shirt off and placed it on the wound, pressing it down,stopping the blood from pouring out and started paddling as fast as I could,once again.

When I finally got to the shore, I dragged Deeks' surf board out of the water and onto the sand. "Someone call an ambulance! He's been shot!" I screamed at the top of my lungs,to the people were walking around on the beach. A few people got up and started getting scared,but one lady dialled nine-one-one.

I sat next to Deeks and kept holding my shirt on his stomach,yelling his name. Every few seconds,his eyes would flicker open. "Take care of Kensi." Deeks whispered,before his eyes completely closed,not opening again. "Deeks! You can do that yourself, you're going to be fine. Stay with me! Deeks!"

About a minute later,the ambulance showed up and Deeks was loaded onto the ambulance. "Can I come?" I rushingly asked one of paramedics. She nodded as I climbed into the ambulance and sat down next to Deeks' bed.

I sat there staring at Deeks. He looked lifeless. He was always so bright and cheerful,seeing him like that made me feel completely helpless. The paramedics were doing their best. I was too distracted to notice what they were doing.

I didn't even see anyone with a gun and we were in the middle of the ocean. I mean,yeah. There were a few people on canoes and jet ski's, but none of them seemed like they wanted to hurt Deeks.

We got to the hospital and they took Deeks straight into emergency. I went into the waiting room and called Hetty.

"Hetty! You need to get to the hospital,now! Deeks has been shot!" I practically yelled. "I'm on my way,Mr Beale. Inform the team." Hetty replied,calmly. I don't know how she does that. In the worst possible situations, she always seems to be completely calm.

I called the team,just as Hetty walked in. "What's his condition,Mr Beale?" Hetty asked,taking a seat next to me. I had blood all over my hands and shorts. I totally forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt,because I used it to hold on Deeks' wound.

I looked at Hetty and frowned. "Don't know yet,still in surgery. I gotta tell you,Hetty, I sure am getting sick of the sight of hospitals. You know,Deeks told me something,before he went unconsious...He told me to look after Kensi." I informed. Hetty nodded,understandingly. "Yes,well. I can assure you, that will not be necessary. Mr Deeks can take care of Miss Blye himself. That's what partners do. Mr Deeks is going to be fine,Mr Beale. Why don't you go home and take a shower,get some rest and something to eat. I will call you when I find out his condition." I sighed, "With all due respect,Hetty, I'm not leaving until I know that Deeks is okay. I don't care what anyone says,if Deeks doesn't get better or if they can't save him, I will never forgive myself." Hetty nodded.

I was taken by surprise when Sam and Callen ran in and stood around Hetty and I. I told them what happened,just before Nell and Kensi ran in. They were both dressed up. Nell was wearing a beautiful long dark blue dress with small black boots. She looked amazing. I turned to Kensi who was wearing a purple dress that stopped just above her knees. They were serious when they said they were going on a girls night out.

Nell ran up to me and was about to hug me,but stopped when she saw the blood on me. I explained the story for about the hundredth time. Kensi looked like she was going to cry. "Did you see the shooter?" Kensi asked. I shook my head. "We were in the middle of the ocean. I wasn't exactly looking out for someone with a gun. There was a few people on jet ski's and canoes. I didn't pick up on anyone looking like they were about to commit murder or anything." I explained.

"Family of Marty Deeks?" A doctor called out,making everyone jump up and run to him. He nodded. "The surgery was a success. The bullet missed his heart. Mr Deeks is going to be fine,although that may not have been the case if it weren't for this young man. If he wasn't there, there would be no saying on what Mr Deeks' condition would be.He is asleep now,but you can go in." I smiled in relief as the doctor walked out of the waiting area.

"Well now that we know that Deeks is okay, I'm going to go home. I don't think I can handle having Deeks' blood all over me anymore. Night guys. I'll talk to you in the morning,gorgeous." I stated,kissing Nell on her cheek and starting to walk away. Nell frowned, "Nice try,Beale. Your car is still at the beach and I don't think you want to be walking home at two in the morning. Come on, you're coming home with me." I nodded, walking to the door.

Kensi looked over to me and smiled,running up to me and hugging me tightly,obviously not caring about getting blood on her dress. "Eric, wait. Thankyou. You saved him." She stated. I smiled and pulled away. "I didn't do anything. Go see your partner,Kens."

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