Chapter 26- Love Is An Open Door

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Kensi's POV

I was so confused, I really thought that Jack was dead. All these years, I have woken up wondering why he would have left me and now I may finally be able to get the answers to all of my questions.

Once Hetty had left to go meet the others back at the meeting table, I didn't bother to stop my anger from taking It's lead. "Jack! Seriously, what happened? Where have you been all these years? And why of all places are you at Disneyland on christmas?" I half asked, half yelled. Jack stood there frozen, unable to let any words escape his mouth. I was about to start yelling again, but this time he spoke. "Kensi, I can explain."

"Yeah, well you better! My friends are probably waiting for me, so you have five minutes. Starting now." I stated, looking down to my watch, that I apparently wasn't wearing today. Crap. Jack notices that I am not wearing a watch, but thankfully doesn't bring it up and just starts his explaining.

"Kensi, I had to leave. Me being with you, put so much responsibilites on you. You had to make sure that I took all my meds and also that I didn't break. You were my rock. You believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. I was falling and I couldn't let you fall with me. You deserve so much better than that." Jack stated, taking a deep breath. "That's when I realised you would be so much better without me. I found out that my team were looking for someone to go on a mission back at Afghanistan. So I got them to sign me up. I figured I was so stuffed up after I got back that it wouldn't hurt to go back there. I knew you wouldn't let me go back, considering you spent so much time trying to help me forget all of those horrible memories. So I left in the middle of the night, so you wouldn't have time to stop me. I'm sorry." Jack explained. I was so frustrated with him. How could he do this to me? Or more so, how could he do this to himself?

My anger started to rage and I started to yell. Probably not the best thing to do, considering there were hundreds of little kids running around and my team were only a few meters away. They couldn't see us, but they could most definitely hear me yelling, because they came running over to me.

"Kensi! What's going on? Who the hell is this?" Deeks asked. "Ohh I'm sorry! Let me introduce you! This is Jack, also known as complete and utter jerk!" I yelled, pinning Jack up against the tree. "Okay, okay! Calm down Kensi!" Sam yelled, pulling me off Jack.

"You're an idiot to ever think that!" I yelled, looking at Jack, Sam's arms still holding me back. "Kens-" Jack started. I cut him off. "No. You don't get to talk anymore. I'm over this. I thought you were dead! You didn't even bother to leave me a note. You could have told me! We could have worked through it! You know I was willing to help you! You were just too much of an idiot to see it!" I yelled, releasing myself from Sam's grip and walking away. I couldn't deal with this anymore. I could hear Deeks call for me, but Hetty told him to leave me be. Nell must have managed to convince Hetty to let her come after me, because she came running to me and walked by my side.

"Hey, Kens. Are you okay? You can talk to me. I am here for you." Nell stated, stopping me from my tracks. "You know that guy I engaged seven years ago? Well, that's him. I thought he was dead. One Christmas morning I woke up and he was gone. He just told me he asked his team to send him on an assignment back in Afghanistan so he wouldn't put all the pressure on me. I really loved him and he left me and just seeing him...I don't know...I just can't handle it!" I explained. Nell moved closer to me and wrapped me in a hug. "Kensi,kensi,hey it's okay. Look you have eight very worried friends back there. Especially Deeks. Kensi, Deeks needs you. You need Deeks. You both need each other. Deeks has gone through the exact same thing with Gina. He may be able to help you. It's going to be okay." Nell stated. I nodded and walked over to the meeting table with Nell. Eric and Deeks came over and joined us, Hetty, Sam and Callen were talking to Jack, while Michelle and Aiden were taking Kam to meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

Deeks sat next to me. "Hey, Kens. I know what you're going through. I'm just saying, if you need to talk to someone, I'm here for you. Always. Even if it is just to be you're personal punching bag." Deeks joked. Although he sounded serious. I smiled and thanked him, before turning to Nell and Eric who were secretly holding hands under table. I giggled. "You guys do realise that I'm a detective, right?" Deeks asked, looking at Nell and Eric, they both nodded. "Yeah. Why?" Eric asked. Deeks smiled. "I detect things. Right now I detect some hand holding going on underneath the table." He stated, causing Nell to blush. "Oh shut up. Kens? You going to be okay?" Nell asked.  "There is one thing that would make me feel better...." I started. "What's that?" Eric asked. "Knowing full details on how this happened. When, where and what." I replied, using my hands to gesture in between Nell and Eric. Deeks laughed. "Yeah. I mean, what would make me feel a whole lot better too!"

Nell and Eric looked at each other. "I mean, if it will make you feel better." Nell started. Eric nervously finished for her. "Well. It was on the Indiana Jones ride. I was joking around with Nell and I asked her if she was excited to meet the Indiana to her Jones. Don't even ask. I know that was the weirdest and stupidest thing to say." Deeks stepped up. "Nahh man. Everything you say is weird. But go on." I laughed. "Well, I told Eric that I wouldn't ever want to date Indiana Jones and that the only person I wanted to date was him." Nell added, turning towards Eric, who smiled at her. Deeks and I stared in awe at this cute little couple that were sitting in front of us. "Nell started rambling on about how she shouldn't have said that and how she was such an idiot and then I cut her off by kissing her." Eric finished. Deeks and I were still looking at Nell and Eric in awe. "Oh my god, that is the cutest story ever!" I yelled.

Deeks looked sad, but he turned to Eric and Nell. " I'm sad that Sam, Michelle and Aiden got to see you too kiss. I missed out. That would have been so damn cute. I've been shipping you since day one." Deeks complained. Eric and Nell must have felt bad for him, so they turned towards each other and Eric kissed Nell, holding it for a few seconds. I nudged Deeks, who was looking down at his intertwined fingers. He looked up at Eric and Nell and smiled. "Okay, okay! I've seen enough! Eww! Stop it! Gosh!" Deeks yelled, making me laugh. Callen must have seen Nell and Eric kissing because when they walked up to us, he made a comment. "Um, okay. Eric? Nell? Sorry to burst bubble...of yours, but there are kids around here. If you haven't noticed."

Nell and Eric pulled away from each other and acted innocent. "Sorry." Eric stated.

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