Chapter 44- The Safety Of The People, Shall Be The Highest Law

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Kensi's POV

I turned to Deeks and he looked like he was going to pass out. I went over to him and put my arm around his back, looking into his eyes. "Deeks? Are you okay? Did you know Max was back in town?" I asked, calmly. Deeks shook his head. "I'm fine. No, I didn't. But I have a pretty good idea where he will be." He replied, storming out of ops. I didn't hesitate to run after him. He was not doing this alone. I won't allow it. I am going to make sure I do everything I possibly can to help. After all, I love him and my father always told me to be there for the ones you love.

"Deeks, wait! I'm coming with you!" I yelled, catching up to him. He didn't stop, instead he just kept walking until he got out of ops. "Kens, I don't want you getting hurt. I have to deal with this, alone. You don't know what he is capable of!" He yelled back, finally stopping at his car and turning to look at me. I felt tears start to form in my eyes and I punched him, hard in the shoulder. "I can take care of myself and I will have you there with me. I love you Deeks and I am most definitely not letting you do this alone! Please, just let me come with you. I can help. Please, Deeks." I begged. He nodded. "Fine. Only because I love you too." I smiled at this, before reaching up on my toes and kissing him softly on the cheek and walking around to the passenger door, getting in and putting on my seatbelt, Deeks doing the same.

We pulled out onto the main rode, Deeks driving as fast as he could, dismissing all traffic laws. My phone started ringing and when I pulled it out of my pocket, I saw Callen's name come up. I looked over to Deeks who nodded in approval. "Kensi." I answered, putting it on speaker phone. "Kensi! Where did you guys go? Is Deeks okay? Does Deeks know where Max is?" He questioned. Deeks sighed before speaking up. "Phones on speaker, Callen. I'm fine. I have a feeling I know where he is, yes. Don't worry, I'm dealing with it. We'll have Joelle's sister back in no time. Not sure I can say the same about Max though. That is if I don't kill him first." I looked over at Deeks and frowned.

"Mr Deeks, I suggest you tell your team where you are thinking Max will be, they can help you. You are not to kill him, unless necessary. Do I make myself clear, Mr Deeks? Miss Blye, I can trust you will make sure the situation is taken care of according to protocol?" Hetty chipped in. I looked at Deeks who frowned. "Very clear, Hetty." He replied, not giving away where he thought Max was. "I'll try my best, Hetty." I added, hanging up and turning my phone off, so they couldn't trace it. I think it was what Deeks wanted, because he looked over at me and gave me a reassuring smile. "Kens?" I looked at him and smiled, nodding for him to go on. "Yeah?"

"Thankyou. For always being there for me and supporting me. If you weren't here, I honestly don't know how I would be so calm. " I smiled and held Deeks left hand, while his right hand was taken to the steering wheel. "You don't need to thank me, Deeks. That's what I'm here for. I love you so much and I don't want you getting hurt. Ever." Deeks smiled and squeezed my hand, softly.

We pulled up to this big mansion-like, house. "Wow! What is this place?" I squealed, stepping out of the car. "This, my beautiful Kensalina, is my childhood home." Deeks replied, grabbing my hand and leading me around the back of the house. I was completely gobsmacked. If you can even call it that. We got to the back of the house and there was a door sealed to the ground, like it was leading to a wine cellar or a basement. Deeks let go of my hand and drew his gun, placing his other hand on the door handle. He nodded for me draw out mine, but I was one step ahead of him, with my gun out and the safety already clicked off.

When we got to the bottom of the steps, we heard yelling and screaming, Deeks started running faster, until we found Max yelling at a tied up and beaten girl, that I assumed was Joelle's sister. Max had a gun held to her head and was close to pulling the trigger when Deeks spoke up. "Drop the gun, Max."

Max turned around and started laughing. "Ahh, Marty. Nice to see you again. Sorry I left without saying goodbye. How's things with the slut? You too together yet? Haven't had the full experience yet, I bet. After Gina, anyway." Deeks looked him and frowned. "Shut the hell up and drop the damn gun! Let the girl go!"

"Ahaha, you think I'm going to let her live? After everything she put me through? You know, she didn't even put out until the fifth date. She's pathetic!" Max yelled. Deeks leant back to me and whispered in my ear. "What's her name?"
I smiled, uneasily. "Stephanie." Deeks smiled back, turning to Max and Stephanie. He mouthed words, but I didn't know what they were because I was behind him and couldn't see. Deeks held up his fingers, discretely. And when his third finger went down, so did Stephanie. Deeks shot Max straight in his chest, killing him instantly.

I ran over to Stephanie and untied her. "Stephanie, it's going to be okay. You're safe now. We're Federal Agents. The amblance is on it's way." I comforted. "I'm fine. I just want to see my sister. Please, just take me to my sister. She's the only family I've got and I don't want to go to the hospital!" Stephanie stated, shakingly. I nodded, telling Deeks to call off the ambulance.

"Okay, let's go. You will need to be checked out by an agent when you get there, though. Okay?" I mentioned. She nodded, standing up, using mine and Deeks' arm for support.


Hey guys!! Sorry for the late update! Just got back home! Will update next chapter in the next few hours!


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