Chapter 13- Nothing Is Impossible

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Kensi's POV

Nell just told us she needs to go out of town for a few weeks. What was happening? It seriously looked like she was crying. Callen, Sam and I all ran down the stairs after Nell. She was just about to leave, before I called out her name. She turned around and looked at me."I'm sorry guys, I have to go. I'm going to miss my flight." She replied. "Wait.. What flight? When you said 'out of town' I didn't think you meant out of state! Seriously, what's happening? You can tell us. Did you find something on the case?" I questioned. She shook her head. "I know I can tell you guys anything, I just don't want you guys to worry about me. I'll be fine. But right now, I need to go. Bye guys. Make sure Eric doesn't work too hard without me." She replied, walking out of ops and getting into a cab.

That. Was. Weird. I am literally so confused!!! I turned to Callen and Sam and they both shrugged their shoulders.I was going to go and ask Hetty but then I thought,if Nell wanted us to know what was going on, she would have told us. I just hope everything is okay. Maybe she's following up a lead? Oh well. It looks like Eric will be flying solo for the next few weeks.

"What was that about?" I asked, hoping Callen or Sam would know something. Unfortunately they didn't, because they just shrugged their shoulders, again. "I have no idea, but we should get back up to ops." Callen stated, leading the way to ops.

We were all standing around the island, looking at the screen with Siderov on it. Trying to think of anything that could help us, when a faint beeping sound started coming from Eric's computer. "Guys! We got a hit! Okay, yep. Siderov is scheduled for a flight to Russia in one hour." Eric announced. "Where are they taking off?" Sam asked. "Okay, pulling up helipad locations. Yep, okay. Umm, guys the helipad Siderov is taking off from is on top of the hospital Deeks is at right now." Ohh crap.

Sam grabbed his keys and we all ran downstairs and into the parking lot, getting into Sam's car, considering his car was the fastest. I ended up squished in the back of the car while Callen was in the passenger seat and of course Sam was driving because he doesn't let anyone drive his car.

With the way that Sam was driving, I'd say we were at the hospital within five minutes, although usually, it takes me about twenty minutes and I'm not even a slow driver!
"Kensi, you go in and check to see if Deeks is okay, knowing Siderov, he could have Deeks. Sam and I will go up to the roof and secure the helipad. We'll hide out until Siderov comes." Called ordered. I nodded and ran inside to reception and asked for Deeks' room number. I hadn't heard anything since Deeks was shot. I actually don't have a clue on Deeks' condition. "I'm sorry Miss, Mr Deeks is in a coma and cannot have visitors." The nurse informed. I felt as if my heart was being crushed. Deeks was in a coma? I needed to see him. They weren't going to let me in his room anytime soon, so I decided to play my Federal Agents card. "Okay. Let me put this differently. I'm a Federal Agent and I'm investigating a case. As far as I'm concerned, Mr Deeks is in danger and needs security watch." I argued, holding up my badge. "Oh. I'm sorry. Certainly. Third floor, room one-seven-five." She replied, before I quickly ran up to the third floor and walked in Deeks' room.

He doesn't look great. He has bandages all around his waist and right arm from where he had been shot. He looks horrible. I sat next to his bed and looked into his closed eyes. If I had of been with him, maybe this wouldn't have happened. This is the second time in two days, where Deeks has been in hospital and I haven't been able to do anything to stop it. He has had such a rough time and I feel so guilty that I can't be there for him.

I relax in my chair and I hear Callen's voice through my comm. " Kensi, we have secured the helipad. No sign of Siderov yet. Have you got eyes on Deeks? Is he okay?" I looked back at Deeks again. "He's in a coma, Callen. Th nurses said he wasn't allowed vistitors so I told them I was on security watch." Callen didn't say anything, instead he just sighed. "Okay. We'll keep you posted. Kensi?" Sam asked. "Yeah?"

"Deeks is going to be okay." He replied. "I hope you're right, Sam."

I had been sitting with Deeks for about half an hour. I moved closer to him and held his hand tight, when I realised there was a scar going right across the back of his left hand. That was weird. Deeks didn't have a scar on the back of his left hand. Why was there suddenly a scar? I know the doctors did some type of surgery, but nothing on his hands. Even if they did, the scar wouldn't be showing just yet. It's barely been twenty- four hours. How did Deeks all of a sudden have a scar?

It can't be.....

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