Chapter 53- If You Judge People, You Have No Time To Love Them

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Eric's POV

I felt a weird tension pass through the air. I have no idea how Nell know's Nate and it's driving me crazy. I know they don't want to talk about it and I would normally drop it and just leave it at that, but Nell obviously feels uncomfortable and she is my girlfriend now, so It's my job to make sure that doesn't happen. But then again, I don't want to stuff things up between us again, and that's almost certain, if I don't stop hassling her. I was cut off from my thoughts when Deeks asked for me, saving me the trouble.

"You guys do realise that I am a detective, right? I detect things. And right now I detect a little tension. Actually no. I detect so much tension that it is over mildly uncomfortable. How do you know each other? I'm not going to push you for an answer, it's just...You're acting really weird."

"This will probably be the only time that I will ever agree with Deeks, but he's right. You guys are usually all bubbly and cheerful, but now you seem like you hate each other." Callen added. "Come on, guys. You can tell us anything. I'm sure it's not that bad. What happened? Did you try to kill Nate or something? I would of said did Nate try to kill you, but I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to give Nate a gun, so you trying to kill Nate is the best explanation I can come up with." Kensi stated. I smiled slightly, before looking over to Nell who was standing next to me, with her hands intertwined in front of her and her head down, looking at the floor.

She looked back up and turned towards Nate. "You tell them. I don't care. I'm going to go and get my bag and then I'm leaving. I'll see you at eight, Kens. Night, guys." She stated, turning to me and kissing my cheek, before grabbing her bag and walking out of ops. I looked to Nate. "So? Do you want to tell us what's going on? I can't stand seeing my girlfriend and one of my closest friends look like they are ready to break down and punch a wall or something." I stated. Nate looked worried, but nodded sadly.

"Nell and I....We used to date...And ten years ago today, I proposed. She turned me down and we broke up that night." Nate explained. I froze. Nell and Nate used to date? "I didn't want to say anything, because I didn't want to make things awkward between us," He continued, gesturing towards me. "When I found out Nell joined NCIS, we agreed that we would never talk about it and forget about what happened between us. We were wrong to do that, we should have been honest with you guys. I'm so sorry." He finished, looking down at his feet. I looked to the door of ops and started running.

When I got outside I saw Nell getting into her car, I ran up to her and stopped her,calling out her name. She turned to me, "Yeah? Oh god. Nate told you didn't he?" I nodded, pulling her car door back, so she couldn't close it. "Nell, I don't know why you didn't just tell us. It's okay. It was ten years ago. You got me worried, like he killed your best friend or something. I thought he might of hurt you or something." I admitted. She looked at me and smiled slightly, grabbing my hand and holding it in hers. "Are you sure it doesn't bother you?" She asked. "Of course I'm sure. Just out of curiousity, if I proposed, would you say yes?" I asked, smirking. She got out of her car and stood up next to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Ohh, I don't know, Beale." She stated. I moved back and frowned at her, before leaning in and kissing her, intensely. When we pulled away, I looked into her eyes and smiled. "What about now?" She smiled. "Yeah, I think I could live with this..." She informed, kissing me again. I pulled back, holding her hand and kneeling down on the cold concrete. "Do we a pact then, Nell Jones? Sometime in the near future, you will marry me?" I asked, smiling intently. She nodded. "We have a pact. Sometime in the near future, I will marry you." She replied. I lifted her up and spun her around, making her squeal. When I put her back down, she hugged me and whispered in my ear. "Just don't tell Nate." I laughed and kissed her cheek.

"Come on, gorgeous. Let's go get something to eat. What do you say?" I asked. She nodded. "Wait, don't you need to get your stuff from ops?" I shook my head. "Nah, it's okay. I think I can go a night without my phone or tablet. Besides, all I need right now, is you." I stated. She smiled, climbing into her car. "I can't stay out long, I promised Kensi I would go out with her tonight. You don't mind, do you?" I smiled back at her. "Of course not, I was going to see if Deeks wanted to go night surfing anyway. Can you do me a favour, though?" She nodded. "Come back to my house tonight, instead of yours. I don't care if it's three in the morning and your wasted, I just want to be able to hold you. Please?" She nodded again, smiling brightly. "Of course, Beachnut."

I frowned. "What?" She looked at my confused face and giggled. "Beachnut. That's my new nickname for you. You know, those little nuts that grow on the beech trees? Well, I've decided I'd call you a Beachnut. You love the beach, so therefore you are a Beachnut. Okay, that sounded so much better in my head..." She admitted. I laughed. "No. I like it. It's cute. I'm your Beachnut and you're my....Cupcake. You love cupcakes and you are small, cute and yummy. Just like a cupcake." I informed, kissing her cheek again, as she started up the car. I walked around to the passenger side and got in as she looked at me. "Now I feel like a cupcake. What do you say we go to that cupcake restaurant we went to a few months ago?" She suggested. I nodded.


Hey guys. I am so sorry I didn't post yesterday. I have been really busy with school and I was in the hospital for a day, so I haven't had time to write. So I'm sorry for the late post. Hope you guys liked the chapter. Thanks for reading! Ohh and if you guys have any ideas for how I should end the book or anything, feel free to comment and let me know. Love you guys. Happy reading!

Molly L. Brookes

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