Chapter 33- Sometimes The Hardest Thing And The Right Thing Are The Same

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Kensi's POV

The rest of the team had left and I stayed with Nell. I sat in the chair next to her and looked through a magazine. "Ohhh! A quiz! This should be fun!" I stated, sitting up straight in excitement. Nell looked over to me. "Quiz away. If you must." I looked at her and smiled. The funny thing was, there wasn't any quizes in the magazine. Nell didn't need to know that.

"Okay. Question number one. What is your biggest fear?" I asked, looking down at the magazine. "Spiders." Nell responded. I nodded. "Question number two. Have you ever been in-love?" Nell frowned. "Yes." I couldn't make it too obvious that I was making these questions up on the spot. "Question number three. Do you ever think about getting married and having kids?" I asked. "Who doesn't?" Nell replied. "Kens, this is boring! Let's play another game?" Nell suggested. How dare she say my questions are boring! I am officially offended!

I nodded. "What did you have in mind?" I asked. Nell giggled. "How about, I make up the questions this time?" She replied. "What? What are you talking about? I didn't make up the questions!" I argued, closing the magazine, so Nell couldn't see it. "Ohh Kensi, please! That's my magazine. You don't think I read that already?" Nell asked. Ohh crap. She caught me. "Okay, okay. What do you want to know?" I asked, placing the magazine on the table and picking up my coffee.

"When are you going to tell Deeks how you feel?" Ohh shit. Why did she have to say that? Why? Why? Why? I shook my head. "Nell, there's nothing to tell. It's not going to happen." I stated. Nell shot me a look. "Come on, what else do you want to know?" I asked. She nodded, cheekily. "Do you think Eric and I dating is a bad idea?" She asked back. That was random. "Why are you even asking that? You know I think you and Eric are great for each other!" I informed. "I know....It's just..." Nell started. "Nell, Eric loves you and you love him. What's the problem?"

She looked at me and a tear fell from her eye. "I'm afraid he will leave me when he finds out...." She continued. I looked at her, worry clear on my face. "Finds out what? Nell?" I asked. "Kensi. The doctors are saying because of all of the surgery and loss of blood, there is a very high chance that I will never be able to have children." Nell informed. Shit. Wait, what? "Oh, Nell... Nell? Hey, It's going to be okay. Like I just said, Eric loves you. He won't leave you, even if you can't have kids. There are always other options." I comforted.

I sat next to Nell on her bed and hugged her, careful not to hurt her. Tears were falling from her face fast. I pulled back. "I'm here for you. We are going to get through this. Everything is going to be okay. You should talk to Eric though. He deserves to know." I explained. Nell nodded. "Speak of the devil." I joked, as Eric walked into the room. "Hey Rockstar, how you feeling? Wait, have you been crying? Nell, are you okay?" He asked, walking up to Nell and standing by her bed, with a look of concern crossing his face.

"I'll leave you guys alone, so you can talk." I informed. Nell pulled me back. "No, Kensi. Stay, please. I need you to stay." I nodded and sat in the chair. "What's going on? Is everything okay?" Eric questioned. I looked at Nell and she still had tears dripping down her face. "Did you want me to tell him for you?" I asked her. She nodded. "Tell me what? What's going on?" Eric asked.

"Okay. The doctors are saying that because of the surgery and amount of blood loss, there is a high chance that Nell will never be able to have children." I explained. Eric looked shocked. "Oh my god. Nell, I'm so sorry. Nell, It's going to be okay. This doesn't change anything. I still love you and I'm not going anywhere. I am going to be here with you, supporting you through every step of the way." Eric informed. Aww, that was so cute.

Nell nodded. "I'm so sorry, Eric." Eric shook his head. "Hey, hey, hey. It's not your fault. You never have to say you're sorry to me. I never want to hear you say that again, okay?" He explained, making Nell nod. He smiled at her and leant down to face Nell, kissing her softly.

"Okay, I think that's my cue! I'll talk to you later Nell. Take good care of her for me, Eric." I stated, walking out of the room.

I didn't know where to go, so I started driving to Deeks' house. I don't know why.

When I got to Deeks' house, I walked up to the door and knocked twice. "Just a minute!" He called out. A few minutes later, Deeks had opened the door. "Kensi! Come in, come in! Sorry, I was just having a shower." Deeks added, inviting me in his house. "I can see that. Go get a shirt on, or I might just throw up." I stated, making Deeks run in his room and grab a shirt. "Ohh come on, you're telling me, you don't want to look at this incredible piece of gold?" Deeks joked. "That's just, eww." I replied.

"So, what brings you to my fine little lair?" Deeks asked. "I want ice cream. You got ice cream?" I asked, ignoring Deeks' question, which I didn't really know how to answer. "Rocky road or Cookies and cream?" Deeks asked back, walking to his fridge. I smiled. "A bit of both." We both replied, in union, before giggling.

"So, how's Nell doing?" Deeks asked. "She's okay. A little bit torn up. If I tell you something, will you promise not to tell anyone I told you?" I asked. I know Nell wouldn't be too happy about me telling him, but I had to tell someone. "Uhm, yeah. I guess. Hang on! You didn't kill anyone, did you?" Deeks asked, worried.

"No,I didn't kill anyone!" I stated. Well, actually I have killed someone. But only if they were aiming a gun at someone. "Good. Proceed." Deeks added. "There is a large chance that Nell will never be able to have children." I explained. Deeks looked down. "Oh my god! Is she okay? Does Eric know?" Deeks questioned. That's one of the things I like about him. You know. He can be tough and bad ass, but then there is this total other side of him. This caring, kind, sweet and funny guy, that doesn't mind the occasional 'gossip'.

"She's okay. Yeah, she couldn't bring herself to tell him, so I told him for her. They will be okay. They love each other, they will get through it." I informed. "Of course they will. They are Nell and Eric. They can get through anything. Hey, do you want to watch a movie?" I nodded in response. "Titanic?" Deeks suggested. I jumped up in excitement. "What else?"

Mission 101Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora