Chapter 46- It's All About Finding The Calm In The Chaos

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Sam's POV

"So, Joelle's good?" I asked Callen, walking into the bullpen. We were supposed to have a week off, but there is work that needs to be done and it's not going to do itself. He looked at me and smiled. "She's good. She's great." He replied. I laughed. "That's great,great, great." We went to our desks and sat down in our given seats. "How's that play set that you're building for your daughter, coming along? Hasn't fallen over yet? You know, not broken or anything?" Callen teased, making me laugh sarcastically.

"Haha, very funny. It's already done. I finished it a week ago and it's standing up fine." I replied, glaring at him and opening up my laptop. "Sure. I still don't get why you didn't just pay a professional. It would save both your time and energy and it's all done for you." Callen informed, pulling out some unfinished paperwork.

Kensi and Deeks walked in, and placed their bags on their desks. I wasn't expecting to see Deeks at work today. "What's all done for you?" Deeks interrupted. "Sam built a play set for his daughter." Callen answered for me. I laughed, as Deeks and Kensi sat in their seats. Deeks put his feet up on his desk and took a sip of his coffee. "Why didn't you just pay a professional? You know, sit back and relax, enjoy a mojito and watch them do all the hard work?" Deeks suggested. Callen turned to Deeks and pointed at him smiling. "That's what I'm talking about!" Deeks smiled back and pointed at Callen. "That's what I'm talking about!" He repeated. "Hey, Deeks? Not to be a buzz kill or anything, but why are you back today? I thought after what happened yesterday, you'd take a few days off? Are you sure you're okay to work?" I asked.

Deeks looked at me and frowned. "Sam, I'm fine. What happened yesterday, doesn't affect me. Im fine to work." Deeks stated, however I know a lie when I see one, and that was definitely a lie.

Kensi turned to me and motioned her hand across her throat, telling me to stop and let it slide, while she pulled out her laptop and turned it on. We all stopped talking when we heard yelling coming from ops. It sounded like Nell and Eric. "Eric, this is not about you! I'm fine, just drop it! Okay?" Nell yelled, loud enough for us to hear.

I turned around to Callen, Kensi and Deeks and we all exchanged looks of confusion, before Nell came running down the stairs with her bag."Nell! Nell! Wait!" Eric yelled, following Nell down the steps. Nell turned around and stopped, walking back to Eric. "No! You're not my father! You can't tell me what to do! I love you, Eric. But this is not your decision to make! Hetty specifically said we could be together, if it didn't interrupt our work and right now, that is exactly what we are letting it do. If it keeps being this way, maybe we just shouldn't be together!" Nell yelled at Eric, before turning around and walking out of ops, without looking back.

I looked at Callen who looked shocked, exactly like Kensi and Deeks. I turned back to Eric and he looked like he was going to break. He looked worried and stressed. Did Nell just end things with him? I turned to Eric and went to ask him what the hell was going on, but he looked at us and frowned. "We have a case. You are needed in ops, however, I need to have a little 'talk' with Hetty." Eric stated, turning on his heal and walking towards Hetty's office. I looked at Callen, Kensi and Deeks who shrugged their shoulders and followed Eric to Hetty's office, disregarding what he said about us being needed in ops.

"Ahh, I was wondering when I was going to get a visit from you lot. Mr Beale? Everything okay with Miss Jones?" Hetty asked, turning towards Eric. Eric glared at her. "Ohh yep, just perfect Hetty! Nell is just recovering and you sent her on an undercover mission! Do you not know how dangerous this could be? She could get hurt or.....or....killed!" Eric yelled, making Kensi and Deeks step back in shock. Callen looked at Hetty, also in shock. "What? You let Nell go undercover while she is still recovering? We don't even know the situation! This is a low move, Hetty. Even for you!" Hetty stepped forward. "Mr Callen, this is not my doing. I had not a say in this case. I suggest you take your anger up to ops, where Assistant Director Granger awaits. I will be waiting in my office, when you have been briefed." Hetty replied, sipping on her tea and getting back to her paperwork.

Eric turned around and rolled his eyes, walking up to ops, literally dragging his feet along the ground. When we got into ops, we saw Granger standing in front of the main island, looking at the big screen, most likely waiting for us to arrive.

"Before you get all angry and bad tempered, I suggest you let Eric brief you on the case." Granger informed, turning to Eric who had his tablet out and was clicking buttons, making pictures appear on the screen. "Eight days ago, Brent Bolton died in a local parking garage from what was reported to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound, unfortunately there was no surveillance video." Eric explained, with not a hint of enthusiasm like he usually does. I was ready to fall asleep.

"The gun that killed him was registered to his wife, Mia Bolton. That was purchased sixteen days before the shooting. I need you to identify who killed Brent Bolton and what, if any information has been compromised." Granger added. Callen sighed. "We are in the middle of several on going investigations...." Granger glared at him. " I am aware of your open files, Agent Callen. But right now, this is our top priority!" Granger announced. "Okay, what ever. But why is Nell going undercover? She is an intelligence analyst, not an agent. If anyone should be going undercover, it should be one of us." I stated, gesturing towards Callen, Kensi, Deeks and myself. Granger glared at us.

"Miss Jones has been sent to Brindell Research as an interm replacement for Brent Bolton. It's a think tank, Agent Hanna, not a cartel. Miss Jones has the training and an IQ that is higher than your combined credit scores. She was actively recruited by Brindell Research. Get going, Mr Beale. Pull up the feed from Miss Jones' earwig and button cam." Granger stated. "I understand that, sir. But Nell has just come out of hospital. She hasn't fully recovered yet. You can't expect her to do field work!" Kensi added. "From what I can see, Miss Jones is fine. If she wasn't up for the task. She would have said so. This is a very important case and I suggest you get working. Keep me updated." Granger replied, walking out of ops. Callen and I exchanged a look of annoyance.

"Okay... Kensi, Deeks, you go talk to his wife. See if she knows anything. Sam and I will go to the crime scene. Eric, keep an eye on Nell." Callen ordered. "On it." Kensi responded, walking out of ops. "Double, double, toil and trouble." Deeks muttered, following Kensi.

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