Chapter 32- You Have To Fight Through The Bad Days, To Earn The Best Days

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Nell's POV

I woke up in total agony. My stomach felt like the knife was still inside of me, poking at me. I couldn't breathe properly. I tried to sit up but I couldn't. My legs were numb and my chest was hurting. I looked over to Eric, who was sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to wake him, but I needed a nurse. "Eric! Eric! Get a nurse! Now! Quick! Please!" I yelled as loud as my body would allow. Eric jumped up. "Okay, Nell. It's gonna be okay. I'll be right back!" He yelled back, getting up,running out of the room and getting the nurse.

Eric was pushed outside of the room, as a whole heap of nurses and doctors came running in. They pushed a needle in my arm and I was out.

I was in a dark room. No walls, no windows. No nothing. The only thing I could see was darkness. It was horrifying. I couldn't move, I couldn't see, but I could hear voices. Although, I couldn't quite make out what they were saying.

The voices stopped, until there was just one voice. Eric. I could hear what he was saying very clearly. "Nell, Please wake up. I love you. I need you. You know, all those times, we would sit together, in ops. I would watch you tap away at your keyboard and help solve all the biggest crimes in the city. I always thought, If I stole your heart and you stole mine, wouldn't that just be the perfect crime? All these years, I have loved you and now we are finally together. I can't lose you now! I have lost a lot of things in my life, but losing you...Losing you would be the toughest of them all." Eric stated, holding my hand. I tried to squeeze it, it hurt, but I managed to do it. Just enough for Eric to know, that I can hear him. I slowly opened my eyes, in pain, and looked at him. "I already told you, Beale. I'm here to stay." I whispered quietly.

Eric looked at me and jumped up, in excitement. I think. "Nell! Oh my god! You're okay!" I smiled and carefully nodded. He went to hug me, but stopped himself, considering I was in pain. Instead, he just leant down and kissed me, until Kensi and Deeks walked into the room, anyway. Seriously? Why do they keep doing that?

"Oops! Sorry! Gosh, You know what Kens? Maybe we should start knocking, before we walk into rooms. What do you say?" Deeks asked, turning to look at Kensi. Kensi nodded. "I think that's the smartest thing you've said all day!" I giggled and so did Eric.

"Hey, what's with all the tubes and machines?" Deeks asked. I hadn't even realised until he pointed it out. He was right. There was like 5 different tubes sticking out of my arms. I looked around and they were all connected to machines. What the? Thankfully Eric answered for me, because the whole 'situation' was still a little blurry. "We had a little 'incident', but it's all okay now." Eric explained. "What do you mean, incident? What happened?" Kensi asked. "Her blood level dropped. They put her on some more meds and they had to do a blood transfusion." Eric continued. I freaked out. "Wait! What? Who's blood? Oh my god! Am I going to go crazy? Am I going to die?" I asked, confused and scared. "Haha, no Rockstar. Luckily, I'm B- too." Eric informed. I sighed of relief. Kensi and Deeks looked at me and laughed, along with Eric.

"What's going on in here? What'd I miss? What's so funny?" Sam asked, walking into the room with Callen. "Ahh nothing." Kensi stated, immediatly stopping her laughter. "Hey, Nell? What's with all of the tubes and stuff?" Callen asked, looking towards my tubes. I looked at Kensi, Deeks and Eric and we laughed.

"We had a little 'incident', her blood level dropped and she had to have a blood transfusion. We're alright now. Right Nell?" Eric repeated, looking at me. I nodded. "We're great now." I confirmed. Sam and Callen shrugged their shoulders. "Hey Kens? Can you come here for a second?" I asked Kensi. Kensi nodded and came to my side. I whispered in her ear and she nodded. "I'll be right back." She added, walking out of the room.

Everyone looked at me as if to say 'what was that all about' and then Eric spoke up. "So, The doctor said, you should be right to come home tomorrow." I looked at him. "SERIOUSLY?" I screamed. Eric nodded and everyone laughed.

"So, how you feeling Nell?" Sam asked. "I've been better, but i'm okay. I'm glad you guys are here. I missed you guys." I informed. "Ahh Nell? It's only been like 8 hours since you seen us last." Deeks explained. I looked at him. "Really? Because when you're stuck in bed and high on painkillers, it kind of feels like forever! Especially when you have someone snoring right next your ear all night!" I argued. Everyone laughed, except Eric. "Hey! Fine! You can stay here alone tonight then!" Eric joked. "Ahh, only been dating for 3 days and you're already starting to sound like a married couple!" Deeks teased. "Ohh shut up Deeks!" I yelled. Deeks stopped laughing and backed up.

Kensi walked in with a little paper bag. She put it next to my bag and sat in the chair. "What is that?" Callen asked. Ohh great! "You're know... are you?" Sam asked, intrigued. "Ohh my god! Can't a girl have her privacy? And no! I'm know!" I yelled. The team all looked at me and backed off.

"I'm sorry. It's just...I hate this specific time of the month!" I stated. "What's wrong with the 28th of december?" Deeks asked. Eric, Sam and Callen laughed. They new what I meant. "Oh my god!" I stated. Sam moved over to Deeks and whispered in his ear. Deeks stood back and nodded. "Right..." I laughed. "You should get some rest. We'll come back and check on you tonight. Okay?" Callen asked. I nodded. "Thanks guys." I replied as Callen, Sam and Deeks walked out of my room. Kensi went to stand up, but I stopped her. "Kens? Do you think it would be okay, if you stayed for a little while? Eric looks almost as worse as me and I think it would do him good, if he went home, had a shower and got something to eat." I stated. Kensi nodded. "Of course! Eric go with Deeks. He'll drop you off at your house. I'll stay with Nell and you can come back later."

"But.." Eric started. "No, Eric. Go home! I will be fine. You will be back before you know it, please." I begged. Eric nodded. "Okay. But if you need me, call." He stated, kissing my forehead and walking out to catch up with Deeks.

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