Chapter 3 - Life Is A One Time Offer

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Kensi's POV

I slowly walked into the factory, my gun loaded and ready to fire, with Callen and Sam following behind. Callen gestured for me to clear right and him and Sam would clear left, considering there was a bigger area to the left.

I carefully walked around the corner, prepared for gun shots to go blazing around the room, filling the room with loud bangs and booms. I found a door, leading to a room downstairs, almost certain that was where Deeks and his so called 'family' were, I whispered into my comm and let Sam and Callen know. I didn't bother waiting for them, instead I quietly walked down the stairs until I reached the bottom. I looked around stunned that I couldn't see them anywhere. Although, it's not so much what I didn't see, but what I did hear.

"Ahh, Marty. You found me! It's great to have you here to witness your own mothers death. Wow! It must suck not being able to do anything about it." Brandel teased.

"Hahaha, you underestimate me, dad!" Deeks bit back.

"Ohh, what was that? I think I made a pretty good estimation of your behaviour when you shot me. Don't you think?"

"Ohh, you haven't seen the part of it!" Deeks yelled. Maybe that's my cue.

"FEDERAL AGENT!" I yelled, walking into the room, my gun aimed high.

"Awww, lucky Marty, your girlfriend is here to save you!" Brandel teased, making Deeks get angrier. I have never seen this part of him before. Wait... Hang on... What!? Girlfriend? Hah! He wishes!

"Drop the gun darlin', you're only making things worse." He informed, pushing the gun hard into the back of Deeks' head.

"Let him go!" I demanded, looking at Deeks and giving him a reassuring look, letting him know that I wasn't going to let anything happen to him. He dropped his hand down to his side and starting making numbers with his fingers. Then I noticed what he was doing. He was counting down. I slightly nodded, letting him know that I understood what he was trying to do.

As soon as he put his third finger down, I shot Brandel in his knee, making him fall instantly, while Deeks elbowed Brandel in the Stomach, lifted his hands up, grabbed the gun and pulled it back releasing it from Brandel's grip.

Callen and Sam came running in after hearing the gunshots. "You guys good?"

"We're good." I answered, not even realising that Deeks was screaming at Brandel, with a gun pushed in against his chest.

"Fiery little one now aren't yah? I bet your girl over there enjoys your company in bed!" Brandel teased. I just stood in shock. What was he talking about? Me and Deeks aren't together. Pathetic loser!

I didn't even realise that Sam and Callen were staring at me and Deeks quietly giggling to themselves, like a couple of teenage girls.

"What the hell did you just say?" Deeks yelled, pushing the gun harder into Brandel's chest.

"Deeks calm down, it's okay." I reassured. It didn't do anything though. Finally Sam stepped up. "Deeks, put the gun down. Don't do this." Deeks didn't listen, so then Callen tried. "Deeks! Stop it! Give me the gun." He demanded, but Deeks still didn't stop.

I walked up to Deeks and noticed tear pouring down his face. "Deeks. Come on, hand me the gun. It's okay." I looked up at him and he nodded, handing me the gun and falling to the floor with his head in his hands. It kills me to see him like this. I took the gun and carefully handed it to Callen, while Sam handcuffed Brandel. I went over to Linda (Deeks' mother), sat her up carefully and called an ambulance. They were here within five minutes and Linda was loaded onto a gurney and taken in the ambulance, with Deeks sitting next to her, holding her hand tight trying to hold back any tears that dare threaten his eyes. I got in Deeks' car and followed the ambulance to the hospital,leaving Sam and Callen with the honours of interrogating Brandel in the boat shed.

When we got to the hospital Linda was rushed into surgery and I waited with Deeks in the waiting room. He looked completely broken. I had never seen him like this before. I sat next to him and held onto his hand, trying to be comforting.

"Family of Linda Brandel?" The nurse called, instantly getting mine and Deeks' attention. We both payed all of our attention to her while she was explaining Linda's condition. Deeks let out a sigh of relief when she said the surgery went well and she will be okay. "She is still sleeping, but you can see her now." The nurse stated, pointing us towards room two-sixty-eight.

Deeks turned and looked at me. "Come in with me, Kens?" I nodded and followed Deeks to Linda's room. We went in and sat on the chairs next to the bed. I watched as a smile spread across Deeks' face. After not having seen his mother for so long, being able to see her and know that she is okay must unload a whole heap of guilt and worry that he has been loaded with over the many years they have been apart. Deeks held on to his mothers hand and looked into her closed eyes. I put my hand on his back, reassuring him that everything was going to be okay.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Just when we thought things were getting better the machines started going off, making all kinds of noises. Nurses came rushing in, clearing us out of the room. "What the hell is going on?" Deeks yelled. "I'm sorry, sir. We are not sure yet. Please step out of the room. We will inform you when we know more."

"Is she going to be okay?" The nurse didn't answer, instead she just urged us out of the room and closed the door as well as all of the blinds, so we couldn't see what was happening. Since there was no use standing outside the window not being able to see in, I finally convinced Deeks to sit with me in the waiting area.

We were both waiting there for two hours, still not knowing what was happening. It was nine o'clock at night and we were both struggling to stay awake so I offered to go and get coffees from the cafeteria. I left Deeks sitting in the waiting area and walked downstairs to the cafeteria to get the coffees.

I walked back upstairs and saw Deeks almost asleep on the chair, I handed him a coffee and sat next to him, noticing tears slowly making their way down his face. I pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly and he sobbed into my shoulder for what felt like forever.

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