Chapter 34- Sometimes The Biggest Arguments Happen Over The Smallest Things

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Deeks' POV

I woke up in the morning to a face full of hair. I turned around and saw Kensi curled up next to me on the couch, with her head resting on my chest. I smiled at the sight. She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. I carefully move her hair off my face, trying not to wake her and  got up quietly, walking into the kitchen to make breakfast. I don't exactly remember what happened last night, but what I do know is Kensi ended up falling asleep on my shoulder, while watching Titanic last night. Kensi's favourite movie.

I went to the fridge and opened it, pulling out the butter, milk and some eggs. I then walked to the cupboard and got out the flour, sugar and a bag of chocolate chips, walking back to the kitchen island and mixing the ingredients together. I poured a little bit of the mixture into the pan, before being almost scared to death by Kensi. She had walked up behind me and jabbed me on the inside of my waist. I turned around and laughed, trying to hide my faint pain.

"Morning!" She chirped, seeming way too happy for a monday morning. We get a week off work, but mondays are still my least favourite day of the week. I looked at her and nodded. "Morning, Fern." She frowned, before punching me hard in the shoulder. I yelped in pain, stepping back from the cook top and holding my shoulder tightly. Kensi may be a girl, but she sure can punch. I feel sorry for that fake NSA agent that she kicked in the 'nom de plumes'. Poor french intelligence guy, never saw that little boot coming. 

"Ohh come on, stop being such a baby! I hardly even touched you!" Kensi teased. I looked at her and smiled. "Hardly even touched me, my ass!" I argued. She just laughed, walking over to the cook top, which I had now backed completely away from. As soon as I saw her pick up the egg flip, I ran over to her and took it off her. "No, No, No! You are not allowed to help! Move!" I yelled. She looked at me and her smile faded. What the hell have I done? "Kens, I'm sorry. It's just that, you can't even cook a piece of toast, let alone pancakes!" I tried, as she shrugged her shoulders and sat up on the bench next to me. 

"Fine, but hurry up! I'm hungry and I want to go see Nell!" She stated. "Here! They're done now. Go get what flavour ice-cream you want. Chocolate syrup is in the fridge." I informed, pointing towards the fridge that Kensi was now looking inside. I went to the table and sat down our plates, full of chocolate chip pancakes. Not long after, Kensi joined me, along with cookies and cream ice-cream and chocolate syrup. What a healthy breakfast! 

I watch as Kensi adds five spoonfulls of ice-cream to her plate and almost empties my bottle of chocolate syrup. "Do you want some pancakes with that?" I joke, taking the bottle of chocolate syrup out of her hands and pour what is left of it onto my pancakes. I could hear Kensi quietly giggling at me tapping away at the bottom of the bottle. I looked up at her and frowned. "You know, I wouldn't have to do this, if you hadn't have poured the whole damn bottle on yours!" She giggled. "Fine, Shaggy. I'll give you some of mine." She replied, spooning off a whole heap of chocolate syrup off of her pancakes. I thought she was going to be kind and let me have some, but that thought was quick to escape my mind. She got the spoon of chocolate syrup and flung it right at my face. I frowned at looked at her. "Are you serious?" I asked, annoyed. She nodded and looked back at me. 

I threw my spoon down on my plate and went to pick up a napkin. "You seriously had to do that, Kens? Come on! I try everything to make you happy and then you go and make me look like I had just stuck my head in the toilet bowl?" I yelled, hoping to throw her off. Her smile faded once again. "Deeks, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to piss you off! I was just joking around!" She replied. I nodded. "It's okay. Just give me a hug and we can call it even?" I asked, laughing in my head. She nodded, walking around to me and giving me a hug, while I secretly put my hand into the ice-cream tub, grabbing a whole chunk of ice cream and  smudging it in her hair. She jumped back and I smirked evily. 

"Deeks! You asshole!" She yelled, charging at me. Ohh no. I looked at her, turned around and started running. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. "You can't stay in there forever, Shaggy!" She teased. I laughed and sat down on the closed toilet seat. I could literally stay here all day. "You know I can pick locks, right?" She asked. Oh shit. She can! I think quick and get a small bucket from one of the cupboards and start filling it up with water, hoping that Kensi hasn't figured out what I am doing. 

I finished filling the bucket and walk over to the door, waiting for Kensi to open it. And when she did, I got the bucket of water and tipped it over her head. Nicely done, If I do say so myself. 

"I hate you! You jerk!" She yelled, running away and out the front door. I smile and start to laugh, chasing after Kensi. I walk out the door to see Sam and Callen getting out of Sam's car, staring at Kensi, who was soaked, with ice-cream still in her hair. I walk out and stood next to Kensi. "Get away from me, you jerk!" Kensi yelled, stepping away. "What the hell happened to you? Actually, on second thought, I don't want to know." Callen stated, looking at us. "Kens? Are you okay? Why is Deeks a jerk? I mean, we know he is a jerk, but we've never heard you say that." Sam commented. 

"He smudged ice cream in my hair and then poured a bucket of water on me." Kensi explained. "Hey! She started it! She flung chocolate syrup at my face!" I argue, pointing to the chocolate on my face, that actually looks like shit. Sam and Callen laughed. "Kens? Did you stay here last night?" Sam asked, after realising that it is only six in the morning and she is at my house. They are going to kill me. Literally. Kensi nodded. "It's not like that, we were just watching a movie and we fell asleep. Nothing more." She informed. Sam and Callen smirked. "Mhm. Sure. Yeah. Nothing more. Don't act like we don't know about your little 'thing'." Callen added. "What 'thing'?" Kensi asked. I looked Callen. "There is no..'thing'..." I informed, although I wish there was. 

"Haha, if only you weren't so damn blind to see it." Sam commented. "Ohh shut up, Sam. There is no thing and there never will be a thing. What do you want? Why are you at my house?" I asked. Sam smiled. "Nell has been asking to see you, Kens. She said that there was something 'private' she wanted to talk to you about. Go on, go get ready. We'll meet you at the hospital, considering you might want to get changed before you leave. I doubt you'll want to go out looking like that!" Callen commented, gesturing towards Kensi. "Ohh and Kens? Is Nell okay? I mean, when we spoke to her, she sounded kind of...I don't know..Depressed?" Sam asked. I looked at Kensi, wondering if she was going to tell them what she knows. "She will be. Just don't say anything to her. I'll be there in twenty minutes, I'm gonna go home and clean up. Ohh and can you tell the jerk over there, to leave me alone?" Kensi asked, pointing to me and walking towards her car, getting in and starting the engine. 

Callen walked around to the passenger seat and opened the door, while Sam walked up to me and looked straight into my eyes. "You hurt her, I will make sure you won't live to see another day." He threatened, before walking to his car and opening the door, driving off after Kensi. 

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