Chapter 19- Every Love Story Is Beautiful

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Eric's POV

Callen and Sam picked up their jackets and ran out of ops, to go and interview the people that were working at The Vault last night, Kensi and Deeks were helping me and Nell try to locate Yu Ching. Although they weren't being much help. Actually, let me re-phrase that. They weren't helping at all. Well, Kensi was trying to think of where they might be and scrolling through some security footage with Nell from the past few nights at The Fault, I was running kailidoscope on the car that was tailing Lieutenant Holthbert, whereas Deeks on the other hand, was spinning around in circles, trying his best not to fall. Failing miserably, might I add.

"Nell! Would you mind taking a walk with me?" A very familiar voice asked. I turned around. Nate. Great! Nell got up from her chair and nodded, following Nate out of ops. "I wish Nate would just mind his own buisiness!" I yelled, not even realising that I was saying it outloud. "Eric, that's his job. He's a psychologist." Kensi stated. I ignored her and kept running through kaleidoscope, until I was stopped by a loud thud. I stopped what I was doing and turned around to see Deeks on the floor, in pain, with his forehead slightly bleeding. "What the hell happened?" I asked Kensi, who was laughing at Deeks.

"Haha, he fell when he was spinning and hit his head on the corner of the island." Kensi explained, between laughs, making me join in. We were too busy laughing to even realise Deeks crying out in pain, until Hetty walked in and told us to help him up and for Kensi to fix up his wound. Once we helped Deeks up, I went back to my desk, still laughing slightly at Deeks, who was hobbling across the room, trying to get to a chair.

Kensi sat Deeks on a chair and pulled out a first aid kit, tending to Deeks' head wound, just like she did with Nell. I was stopped from my work once again, when Deeks said something to Kensi that made me want to listen in. I didn't mean to!

"Ow!" Deeks yelled. Kensi just looked at Deeks with sympathy. "Sorry! Maybe if you would stop moving, I would be able to fix it!" I quietly giggled to myself. "Well maybe I would stop moving, if you didn't seem like you were getting ready for a bear attack!" Deeks complained."Well maybe if you weren't acting like such a girl, I wouldn't have to!" Kensi complained back. Deeks just looked at her and smiled.

"Why are you doing this? I mean, why do you want to help me, if I am acting like such a 'girl'?" Deeks asked. "Girls like to be taken care of." Kensi informed. Wow! Okay....

"Aww, can you see a bandaid in there? I think I just scraped my head falling for you." Deeks stated, staring into Kensi's eyes. Smooth. Kensi looked at him and laughed. "That's the best you can do? Wow! I thought you'd have better lines in store than that!" Kensi teased. Did she want Deeks to hit on her?

"Ohh sorry, it's just, whenever I look at you, I forget everything I was going to say." Deeks tried. Was he being serious? Are they forgetting that I'm in the room? Are they together now? "Umm, guys? You realise I'm still here, right?" I asked. They both nodded, not taking their eyes off each other. Okay. I feel uncomfortable now.

I finally relaxed when Nell walked in. "Hey! How was your 'walk' with Nate?" I asked, as she took her seat next to me. "It was okay. I feel a little better now. But do you guys mind if I talk to Kens alone for a minute?" She asked, turning to me and Deeks. We both nodded. "Sure." Deeks stated, walking out of ops. "Umm, okay." I replied, following Deeks out of ops.

What were they talking about? I have no idea. I hope she's okay. Deeks and I walked into the bullpen and sat down. "What do you think they're talking about in there?" I asked Deeks. "Ohh, man. Hot guys! Maybe Nell is telling Kensi how she thinks Nate is hot and how she likes him...." Deeks replied. Wait, what? I was shocked. Nell likes Nate? "Hahaha, man! Calm down! I was just kidding!" Deeks added. Ohh thank god!

I'm guessing Deeks was bored, because he got a peice of paper, scrunched it up and started tossing it to me, only when he went to toss it to me, Hetty came up beside me and caught it in mid-air. "Like a boss!" Deeks yelled, amused. "Mr Deeks, I am not 'like a boss', I am the boss! So get your butt up to ops and get back to work!" Hetty yelled, making Deeks jump. Gotta love Hetty!

We walked back up to ops, hoping that Nell was finished 'talking' to Kensi. We were wrong. We walked in on their conversation.

"Yeah, I know. It's that feeling you get when, his name shows up on your phone." Nell stated. "Oh my god! You get that too?" Kensi asked. Well this is awkward. "You get a feeling when who's name shows up in your phone?" Deeks interupted, walking up to Kensi. "Ohh, you don't have to worry. It doesn't concern you." Kensi replied. Ouch!

"Hey! It does too concern me! I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile.....And then walk into a pole." Deeks added. Now that was just plain rude. Nell and I were looking at each other, wondering if Kensi and Deeks were secretly dating. "Nice Deeks, real nice." Kensi replied, getting up from her seat across from Nell and walking over to the back of the island.

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