Chapter 12- It's Just A Bad Day, Not A Bad Life

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Hetty's POV

I hate having to be the one to tell everyone the bad news. It sucks. I didn't know how to tell her,especially with everything that is going on at the moment. I mean, with Mr Deeks in the hospital and Siderov probably keeping close eyes on him and then Sam wanting to use himself as bait to lure Siderov out. We'd be lucky if we got to celebrate christmas in July!

"Miss Jones, I'm afraid we have some bad news." I informed. It turns out the rest of the team are quite worried for Miss Jones and want to make sure everything is okay, because they had walked over to my desk. "Mr Callen, please take the rest of the team back into the bullpen. I need to speak to Miss Jones,alone." I ordered. Mr Callen was going to object but then looked to Miss Jones who nodded in approval, telling him it was okay to go.

When Mr Callen and the rest of the team left to go back to their desks, Nell sat down in the chair across from my desk and looked at me. "So, what's wrong?" She asked. " I'm terribly sorry to have to inform you, but we just got information that leads us to believe your mother has lung cancer." I informed, sadly watching her draw drop in shock. "What do you mean? Are you serious? Oh my god."

"I'm afraid I am serious, Miss Jones. I figured you would want to be there for her, so I have booked you a flight to Puerto Rico at eight o'clock tonight. Again, I am terribly sorry."
Miss Jones stood up, tears slowly making their way down her face. "Thank you, Hetty." She thanked, walking out of my office and running up to ops to grab her stuff. Ohh bugger.

"Hetty? Is Nell okay?" Eric asked, walking back up to my desk. "I'm not quite sure, Mr Beale. But I can assure you that she will need a friend." I informed, pointing upstairs to ops. Eric nodded and ran up stairs after Nell. Those two are so cute!

I really don't like to spy on my Employees, but I needed to know if Nell was okay, so I clicked a few buttons on my computer and brought up the camera footage from up in ops.

"Nell? Are you okay? You're crying. What happened?" Eric asked. "I'm fine, Eric. There's just something that I need to do and somewhere that I need to be." Nell answered. "Let me come with you, maybe I can help you." Eric offered. "Eric, I appreciate the offer, really. But I don't think it would be a good idea. I have to go to Puetro Rico." Nell replied. "What? Why? What's in Puetro Rico?" Eric questioned. "My family. If I tell you, can you promise not to tell the others? I don't want them worrying about me." Nell replied. Yep, that sounds like Nell.

Eric nodded, placing his hand on Nell's shoulder. "You can tell me anything." Okay. Maybe I shouldn't be watching this....."Okay. Well, I have to visit my mother. Hetty was informed that she has lung cancer. She has me on a flight at eight o'clock tonight. I'm going to stay with her and take care of her for a few weeks." Eric nodded once again, but this time pulling Nell into a hug. "Aww, Nell. I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do. I want you to know that I'm here for you. Where ever and when ever you need me." Eric voiced. Nell just nodded and started to tear up, resting her head on Eric's chest. Until Callen, Sam and Kensi walked in. Ohh bugger, they had to ruin the moment!

"Ohh, Um, sorry. Are we interrupting something?" Called asked, giggling slightly. Eric let go of Nell, as Nell stepped back and wiped away her tears. "No. Umm, I was just leaving." Nell replied, picking up her stuff and starting to walk out of ops. "Nell? Where are you going? Have you been crying?" Kensi asked. Nell shook her head. "I'm fine. I have to go away for a few weeks. I'll see you later." She continued, walking out of ops. Callen, Sam and Kensi were staring at Eric as if to say,what's going on? Eric just turned around and sat down in his chair continuing watching the camera footage,
not bothering to say anything.

I actually forgot why I am still watching this. I just wanted to make sure Nell was okay. I guess I got a little bit carried away. I think it's best I turn my computer off, considering Nell has already left ops. Although, it would be entertaining to see Callen and Sam interrogate Eric to find out what was happening. It's kind of  funny when they interrogate Eric or Deeks, because Eric and Deeks are majorly scared of them. Especially when Sam and Callen are trying to find out information!

Mission 101Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora