Chapter 23- There Are No Secrets That Time Does Not Reveal

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Eric's POV

I walked with Nell to the Indiana Jones Adventure ride, although she was practially running. It was so cute how she got so excited.

When we got to the ride, we lined up, gave the lady our tickets and climbed into the wagon things. We put our safty belts on and the wagon started moving. I think Nell was a bit nervous, because she grabbed onto my hand and held it tightly. I looked at her and smiled. It was sad she was never going to be mine.

"So, Miss Jones, are you excited to meet the Indiana to your Jones?" Okay. That was a weird thing to say. Why do I always say the stupidest things? I'm almost as bad as Deeks. Maybe even worse. Wait, who am I kidding? Nobody is worse than Deeks.

"I already have." Nell replied, looking at me. "Haha, right. I meant like,I know how you love Indiana Jones, oh don't worry!" I stated, confusing myself. "No, Eric. I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I wouldn't want to date 'Indiana Jones'...." Nell started. "Ohh. So, who then? Satipo?" I asked. "No, Eric. You." She replied. Did she just say what I thought she said? Oh my god. Nell just said that she wanted to date me. This has got to be a joke, so I started laughing. "Why are you laughing? I'm serious. Eric, I like you. I have ever since the day we met. Ohh, great! You already have a girlfriend, don't you? Ohh no! Why did I say that? I'm such an idiot!" Nell stated, pulling her hand away from my grip and using it to rest her head on. "Nell.." I started. "Eric just stop, okay. I get it, you don't feel th-" She started, before I cut her off by kissing her.

At first she was confused but then she returned it, as I wrapped my hands around her waist. "Nell. I do have a girlfriend. You." I informed. She looked at me shocked. "That is... If you will." I added. She nodded. "Of course!"

Was this happening? Are me and Nell dating now? I feel like I am in a dream. I try pinching myself a few times, to make sure that I'm not dreaming and when I am satisfied that this is real, I moved closer to her and wrap my arm around her waist. She took my free hand, interwined it with hers and rested her head on my shoulder.

The ride was over pretty quickly, probably because I was daydreaming through almost the whole thing. Just thinking about my conversation with Nell and the fact that after all of these years, we are finally a couple.

"Hey, Nell? Do you wanna tell the team? Or just keep it to ourselves for now?" I asked. She turned to me. "Umm, I'm not sure. I don't think Hetty will approve though." She replied. I nodded. "Okay, So just between us for now." I confirmed, causing Nell to nodd.

When we got off the ride, I pulled Nell to the side, where we weren't visable to people walking past. I held her close to me and gave her a kiss. "I'm sorry, I had too. I won't be able to do that for a while." I stated. She nodded and smiled widely. "Well, if we won't be able to do that for a while..." She replied, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me intensly. "Come on, let's go meet up with the others. They are probably back at the meeting spot." I informed, once we pulled away. I took Nell's hand and started to walk back to the table.

When we got closer, I noticed Callen, Hetty, Kensi, Deeks and Kam sitting at the table. My mood was dropped when Nell let go of my hand. "Hey, guys! How was the Finding Nemo ride?" Nell asked Kam. "It was so fun!!" Kam yelled.

Nell took a seat next to Kensi and I sat next to Deeks, considering Kam was sitting on Callen's lap and Hetty looked like she was going to throw up. "Hetty? Are you okay?" Nell asked, looking at Hetty. "She doesn't want to talk about it." Callen responded, before mouthing the words 'Golden Zephyr'. Nell and I laughed quietly. Ohh, Hetty.

We were soon joined by Sam, Michelle and Aiden? I didn't know he was back. When they saw us, they giggled quietly. "Hey, guys!" Sam stated. Everyone turned around. "Aiden? Nice to see you! How was your mission in Virginia?" Callen asked. "It was great! Can I just steal my sister from you for a minute?" Aiden asked Callen. Callen nodded and moved back so Aiden could pick Kam up. "Aiden! Aiden! Aiden! You're back! I missed you!" Kam yelled. "I missed you too, princess!" Aiden replied. "Uhm, Eric? Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?" Sam asked. I looked at him wierdly,wondering what Sam would want to talk to me about. "Sure." I responded, getting up from my seat and walking with Sam over to a near-by tree.

"What's up?" I asked. "What's going on with you and Nell?" He asked. Why is he asking me this? "What do you mean?" I replied. "You know when you're on a ferris wheel, you see everything. Even the little area enclosed by trees near the Indiana Jones ride." Sam informed. Ohh great. Sam knows. "Okay, fine. We were on the Indiana Jones ride and she may have..I don't know...told me that she likes me.... and I told her that I feel the same way." I mentioned, nervously. So much for keeping this a secret. Sam laughed and pulled me into a man hug. "I'm happy for you man!" Sam yelled.

"Guys? We're going to get some lunch and then go on some more rides. You guys c-" Deeks asked, walking up to the tree where Sam and I were. "Ohh! Wow! Bromance here! I don't think Callen would be too happy about this, Sam! Oh and Eric! I thought you loved me?" Deeks teased. Sam let me go and we walked back over to the table.

I walked around to Nell and whispered in her ear, letting her know that Sam, Michelle and Aiden know. She nodded. "Lunch is on me. Everyone okay with pizza?" I asked the team. They all nodded. "I'll be back." I added, walking up to a food stall. I jumped when a hand came around my back. I turned around to see Nell standing there. "Hey, you." She stated. "Hey, Rockstar. Couldn't stay away, hey?" I joked, making Nell laugh. "Nope, you're just that hot!" Nell joked back.

"Does it bother you that Sam knows?" I asked her, as the guy handed me our pizza's over the counter. She shook her head. "Nope. Here, give me one of those." She ordered, taking one of the pizza boxes out of my hands. "Thanks."

When we got back to our table, I could see Sam and Michelle looking at us, smiling. This was going to be hard to hide.

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