Chapter 14- Family Means No One Gets Left Behind

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Sam's POV

The past twenty-eight hours have been nothing but drama. I have hardly seen Michelle because I've been working so much on trying to solve this case.

Callen and I were sitting behind a brick wall, waiting for Siderov to turn up and making sure our guns were fully loaded. Things could get messy. Just as I went to turn to G, I heard a noise. As I moved closer I noticed Siderov walking out onto the helipad with a brief case, holding another guy by the arm. It looked like the guy had been torchured, I mean, the guy could hardly walk. I nudged G, making him look up. "G, Siderov's here. Looks like he's been working hard." I stated, pointing in the direction of the guy that was being forced onto the middle of the helipad. When the guy turned around, I noticed it looked like Deeks. Hang on, was that Deeks? Or was that Max? Gosh, this is so confusing! I clicked a button on my comm and called Kensi.

"Hey Kens, are you with Deeks?" I asked. There was a long pause until she finally responded. "Nope. I'm with Max. Deeks isn't the one in the coma. It's Max. Gina shot Max, not Deeks." So it is Deeks! "G, that's Deeks. Siderov has Deeks. They must have gotten Max and Deeks confused. Max is the one in the coma." I quietly whispered, after clicking the button on the comm off. I didn't want Kensi to know Siderov had Deeks. She would get insanely worried and scared. "Ohh crap. Things just got a whole lot worse." Callen admitted. "You can say that again!"

Callen being the annoying guy he is, replied with "Okay, things just got a whole lot worse." I start laughing. "Haha, I'm laughing, but I'm not finding this funny!" Callen smirked. I kind of forgot for a minute where we were and what we were doing, but a soon as I realised again that Siderov had a torn up Deeks in arms length, I was jolted back to reality. Callen and I ran in, screaming 'Federal Agents'. Siderov just laughed. "Ahh, David. Nice to see you again. At least your not lying to me. Special Agent Sam Hanna."

"Siderov, let him go!" I yelled, pointing towards Deeks. Deeks shook his head. "Sam, it's not worth it! Don't let him do this to you again! Go! I can handle it! I'm not worth it!" He argued. I shook my head back at him. "You say that again, I might just shoot you myself!" That caused a smile from Deeks. "Sam, just go! And do me a favour? Tell Kensi I'm sorry." He stated. Siderov wasn't going to kill Deeks. Anything he had to say to Kensi, he would have to tell her himself, because he's not dying today! I can't take it anymore, I don't care if I get fired, as long as Siderov is out of the picture and not able to ever hurt me, Deeks or anyone else for that matter. So without any further discussion, I shot Siderov. Right in the chest. Full impact. Dead within the minute. Callen glared at me and Deeks looked shocked as he fell down from the pain. I gave Callen a look, as if to say, you're seriously gonna look at me like that? I don't care, I would rather kill Siderov and get fired from my job, than have Siderov kill or torchure anyone else!

"Sam! What the hell were you thinking?" Callen half asked, half yelled. I ignored him and ran over to Deeks. "Deeks! You okay?" Deeks nodded and slowly stood up, using my arm for support. "Sam, you shouldn't have done that." He admitted. I frowned. "I just saved your life and the only thing I get from you, is questions and telling me I shouldn't have done it? What? No, thanks for saving my life, Sam. Man!" I yelled. It's true though.

Deeks nodded his head. " Sam, I'm sorry. I know I said you shouldn't have done it, but I'm glad that you did." Hahahha great! Now I get sympathy?

"Come on, let's get out of here. Kensi's probably still inside and you need to get medical attention." Callen added, pointing at Deeks and leading the way into the hospital.

When we got into the hospital,we saw Kensi speed walking from one end of the waiting room to the next,probably trying to make sense of this whole situation,which might I add,I still haven't made sense of myself.

When Kensi spotted us,she ran up to us. "What the hell is going on? Where's Deeks? Is he okay?" I turned to Callen and he gave a reassuring nod. "Deeks will be okay. Siderov got to him first,turns out the whole 'shooting' was only to make us think that Deeks was dying,so he could torchure him. You were right. Max is the one in the coma." I explained.

"Okay. But you still haven't answered my question! Where is Deeks and is he okay?!" Kensi yelled in response. Callen pointed towards room sixty-seven. " He's being looked at now." Kensi didn't respond instead she sat down and leant her head against the wall. "Okay. So then, where's Siderov?"

I looked at Callen. He just looked straight back at me. "Kens? Siderov's dead. I killed him. He was going to kill Deeks. I couldn't let that happen." I was expecting Kensi to get mad,but she looked relieved. "Thankyou,Sam." I nodded and walked over , sat next to her and gave her a hug. "It's gonna be okay." I informed.

When Deeks came out of his room,with his doctor,he had a few stitches in his arms and forehead and a bandage around his thigh. Kensi ran up to him and hugged him tightly,careful not to hurt him. "Deeks! You're okay!" She screamed. Aww, they are so cute. Haha. I know they're not dating or anything,but if he ever hurts her, I will make sure he won't live to see another day.

"Hey Kens, how are you?" He asked. Stupid question. "I'm good. Clearly a lot better than you are!" Kensi joked. Yeah,she still has to work on her joking skills. Deeks smiled. "I'll have you know Fern,I am doing great!" Hahah. "Ohh really, you think that's funny? I might just punch you right in your bullet hole!" Kensi joked. Ohh no. What has Deeks gotten himself into?

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