Does He Like Me?

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"No. We'll always have them in our hearts." Ash said, throwing his hand over his chest and hovered it over his heart as he looked back at me with a smile. "The same goes for the other teachers and friends we meet and met."

"I guess so... but." I sighed and looked back over at the sun that was setting over the roofs of the houses. "Won't you miss everything at school? Even the routine and the homework they give you?"

"Heh, maybe not the homework, but yeah." He smiled. "I'll miss school. But hey, you can't just grieve about it and not enjoy what we have now!"

"Yeah. I guess your right." I said, giving in as my lips slowly curled into a smile. "Well I guess I'll have to use as every last second I have then." I laughed, flashing a smile and ran off towards my house with the groceries still in hand.

"Hey! Wait up!" I heard Ash yell from behind me.

I didn't listen and kept running, a smile still plastered onto my face as my heart started to lift back up to where it was supposed to be. I couldn't help but still feel depressed. It's the worst feeling, you know. Being depressed. It pulls you down as if you were a feather tied down to a anchor, pulling you down deeper and deeper until you finally run out of the strength to fight the weight and you run out of breath and drown. Or as if someone put an anvil onto your chest and your struggling to lift it off, but it's almost impossible. Almost impossible. If you could just find a way to lift it off of you. To find a way to break free of the rope that's tied you to the anchor, then everything would be better. Sometimes you almost succeeded in doing so, but you could only lift up the anvil for so long, or you're about break free of the rope, that you can see and forget the depths of the ocean dragging you down and the floor that your always trapped and laying on. Just because you can't find the way to break free.

But the things we don't realize is that we were never tied to that rope tied to the anchor, or even have an anvil holding you down. It's yourself that you're fighting in another form. Something of the same strength that all of us can conquer if we all just stood up to it... But that rarely happens. We are just all trapped in our own grips.


I continued to run towards Ash's house when I saw something at the corner of my eye.

I turned around and saw Ash, running right next to me and then ran in front of me, smiling.

"Hey!" I yelled and started to run faster.

Ash laughed and looked back at me. "Sorry, but-" he stopped there as he ran strait into a pole that belonged into a streetlight and fell down to the ground.

I broke out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Ash looked up at me as he rubbed his forehead.

"I- I'm sorry!" I laughed.

Ash looked up at me, his face stern, but his face soon started to relax and he began to laugh with me.

I held out my hand still laughing and he took it, so I pulled him up.

He stumbled up still laughing as well and we ended up laughing until smiles were both stuck onto our faces. We eventually started to stop laughing and everything became quiet. As if nothing happened. I looked up at him as he looked down at me. Both of our smiles disappeared as I looked into his eyes, my heart pounding against my chest and I found myself leaning in towards Ash, him doing the same.

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