Houses and Streetlights

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Serena's P.O.V

Me and Ash continued to walk over towards the house until we heard someone scream Ash's name. We both turned around to find Gary.

"Hey, Ashy-boy! Didn't think that you would be here this early!" Gary ran up to us.

"Gary, do you really have to still call me that?" Ash sweat dropped.

"Call you what?"

"Ashy-boy. Don't you think it's kinda getting old?"

"That'll never get old." Gary laughed and continued to head towards the house.

Ash stood there, slouching as he watched Gary walk away towards Miette's house.

I laughed and said, "Come on." and for some odd reason, my hand went for his and grabbed it, dragging him over to Miette's house.

We followed Gary in and saw that there was already a bunch of people at the party. There was loud music, that I swore if I got any closer, my eardrums would burst and there was different colored lights. People walked around and talked to their friends like every second. I immediately saw Miette though. And thank gahhhh that she wasn't dressed up for this occasion, but she saw me and Ash after I noticed her, leading me to become like a statue.

"Oh, hi Ash." Miette said, as if she was a child.

"Hey." Ash gave a smile.

"I'm so happy that you decided to come!" Miette clapped her hands together. She then gave me a quick glare and then looked back at Ash with a smile and said, "I hope that you will enjoy the party." And then walked away.

"Um... What are you exactly supposed to do at a party?" Ash starred at the house, people walking around the whole place.

I shrugged. "I have no idea."

We both stayed quiet for awhile, watching people walk into the house and try to see what the heck they did, so we could get an idea of what to do, but all they did was pretty much talk about 'I don't know what'- which led me and Ash to be completely dumbfounded.


I turned around to find Dawn. Maybe it wouldn't be so boring with her around... Or maybe she would just bring embarrassment, you can never tell with her.

"Hey!" She ran up to me.

"Hi." I sweat dropped.

"What've you been doing?" Dawn asked.

"Uh. Just standing here."

"What? You've just been standing here!?"

"Yep." I edged closer towards the wall.

I honestly didn't mind just standing here while everyone else gossiped and talked crap about everyone. I would rather just leave, but now that I'm here, I'm pretty much stuck here in this place called "Miette's home"... yeah, now I just hate it more.

"Oh, come on! Come with me!" She walked off into the crowd of people, barely visible.

I decided to stay put. No way I would be going over there.

I looked over at Ash, he was starring over at me, leading me to blush like heck.

"Aren't you going to follow her?" He asked.

"Would you follow Gary?"

"No." He laughed.

"Then that should answer your question." I sighed and leaned up against the wall.

A few more minutes passed by until Dawn found me again.

"Are you seriously just gonna stand here!? You can't just do nothing during a party!"

"Yes, I am and I'm totally fine with it." I said, managed a smile.

"That is so not how you spend time at a party." She looked at me in disbelief.

I continued to stare back at her.

"Ugh, follow me! Please!"

I continue to hear the voice in my head yelling, "Hell no!" As she continued to beg me.

I should of never agreed to go to this party now that I think of it. Agh, I should of stayed home.

"Fine! If you want to stay here and miss the fun, I'm fine with that, but I'll be back to see if you've changed your mind." Dawn sighed and walked back through the crowds of people.

"Maybe we should of followed her." Ash laughed.

"Yeah, no way." I sweat dropped.

"Hey- um..." Ash started. "Remember when I said I had a crush?"

"Yeah." I looked over at him, hoping that he at least didn't have a crush on Miette.

"About that-" He rubbed the back of his head. "I kinda... have a crush on-"

"Oh, hey Ash!" Miette walked in between me and Ash, interrupting him. "I was wondering if you could go help fetch more ice for the cooler. The ice is in the freezer." Miette pointed to the kitchen.

Ash blinked a few times before he said, "Okay?" And walked over to the refrigerator, leaving me there with Miette.

Miette turned back around to me and gave me some kind of death stare and then walked away.

I stood there waiting for Ash, wanting to hear the rest of the sentence that he didn't finish as I thought, "I should of never came" repeatedly in my head, which was totally true, but before Ash could even come back, I felt something freezing cold fall on to my head. My body immediately took action, I gasped as I stood there frozen, more freezing punch falling over me and eventually landing on the floor, creating a puddle of red punch underneath me. I stood there, not able to comprehend what just happened.

The whole room went silent. Everyone looked over towards me, my hair sticky, including my clothes and shoes wet from fruit punch. I stood there fro, embarrassed and humiliated as I could ever be in my entire life.

Miette walked in front of me, a smirked glued to her face as she held an empty, plastic cup in her hand and whispered into my ear, "You better stay away from Ash."

My eyes widened and she stepped back, happy with her audience watching as I stood there, completely covered in fruit punch.

I looked down at the ground and ran out of the room, people still silent as they watched me leave.

I saw the front door and ran towards it, running passed people who didn't see what happened, but could clearly see that I was covered in fruit punch.

I felt tears form on my eyes lids. My vision blurred as my hand reached for the doorknob.


I didn't need to turn around and see who it was, who ever called my name, I could tell by the voice. It was Ash.

My eyes closed shut as I turned the doorknob, me trying to hold back my tears.

I ran out of the house and down the sidewalk, not daring to even look back.

As soon as I knew that I was far enough that no one could see me or hear me, I broke. Tears streamed down my face as I ran passed houses and streetlights.

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