An "Accident"

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First off... WHY ARE YOU GUYS SHIPPING ALAIN AND SERENA!? YOU TRAITORS!!! 😂 SECOND OF ALL... I hope you enjoy this chapter and please tell me if I have made ANY mistakes! Thank you 😊... 😆


Ash's P.O.V

It was quiet for awhile as we walked down the hall after getting our slips. My mind kept telling me to apologized to Serena, so maybe that's what I should do.

"Listen... I'm sor-" I started off, but then stopped as Serena turned to the right, but then she bumped into this boy with dark purple hair.

She fell down and her binder slid across the floor.

"Ow." Serena put her hand up to her forehead and looked back up at the boy with purple hair.


🌾 Flashback...

"See that guy right there?" Gary pointed to some kid with purple hair.

"Uh- yeah. What about him?" I asked.

"He's the second most popular guy in high school."

"Who's the first?"

"Me of course." Gary grinned- should of expected that.

"Girls are all over that dude." He crossed his arms. "Make sure to stay away from him."

"Why?" I looked at Gary, one eyebrow lifted as I did.

"Cause he's stealing all of my girls Ashy-boy!"

I sweat dropped. "Yeah... Sure. But you got to give me something other then 'stealing your girls away from you' to convince me that he's not a nice guy."

"Trust me. You won't like him the moment you meet him."

🌾 End of flashback...

"Serena, are you okay!?" I asked in concern.

Serena didn't respond and instead continued to stare at Alain.

"Uh- I'm sorry." Alain stood up and held out his hand for Serena.

Serena willingly took it and he pulled her back up.

"Are you alright?" Alain asked Serena.

I asked her first. Why would Serena answer him-

"Uh... Yeah. I'm fine." Serena responded gladly, a smile slowly forming across her face.

I felt anger rise up. You got to be kidding me.

Alain looked over to the side and saw Serena's binder lying on the floor and picked it up. He handed it back to her, giving me this weird feeling in my stomach.

"What's wrong?" Serena asked Alain for some odd reason.

Alain shook his head and then said, "Eh- nothing... It's just that... you're pretty." He said, giving this weird smile that made me cringe.

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