You Have To Use Up Every Last Second

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Ash's P.O.V

"Ash, why won't you get off that stupid game and actually do something?" My mom asked, stomping into my room.

I ignored her, continuing to play Super Smash Bros. on my WiiU.

"Ash, I mean it." She continued.

"Just two more minutes." I said, looking up at the timer in the top corner of the screen.

"No, I'm not waiting two more minutes. Now go do something else! You've been playing that game nonstop for the past two weeks!

"No! I've not been playing it nonstop!"

"Agh, I should of never bought you that game." My mom said, covering her face with her hands.

My mom then walked over towards the T.V. and pulled out the plug to both the T.V. and the WiiU and the screen turned black.

"HEY!" I yelled.

"I'm not dealing with this anymore! You're going to get outside and your going to have to deal with it!"

"Ugh." I threw the WiiU gamepad onto my bed and walked out of the bedroom and downstairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked.

"You said to do something else besides playing video games, so I'm just going to sit here." I said, taking a seat on the step on the stairs.

"No, you're going to go do something." My mom said, coming down the stairs. "Here." She held out list and with money on top of it.

I took it and scanned the list. It was all groceries.

"You want me to do your groceries for you? Man, never mind. I would rather want to go over to Gary's." I mumbled, so she couldn't hear.

Seriously though? Making me do her own groceries? What kind of mom does that? I just want to go over to Gary's now just so I can make her do her own work.

"Now, I want you to go get some groceries for dinner." My mom said, going towards the kitchen.

I sighed, standing back up from the stairs and headed out the front door, not bothering to say bye or get my car keys because the store was just a few blocks away. Who would need to waste their money on gas? It's just too expensive.


It's been almost a month now since summer break has started, and it's been boring as hell since then too, so I convinced my mom to buy a video game for me without me paying a nickel. I've texted Serena over summer though. It's always great having her to text me first. Although, she does usually text me often, I'm usually sitting by the phone and be the first to text.

As I walked, I got out my phone and put on Spotify, putting in my earplugs that I always had on my phone and started to rock my head back and forth to the beat of the song I was listening to.

I walked past Serena's house, my eyes wondering away from it.

As I passed the house, my heart shattered, crumbling into a million pieces and fell down to my stomach, making me feel nauseous as my chest felt empty. I could remember my last heartbeat before it happened. When it did, it seemed to burst, causing the heart to fall apart. My memory came back and reminded me that Serena was going on a date with Alain this summer. Did they already go on a date? If so, when? Did Alain ask her to be his girlfriend? Oh, please no. The one thing I don't want is to come back to school and see Serena hanging around Alain and calling her his girlfriend and calling him her boyfriend.

•~•~• 🍁🍂🍃 •~•~•

"Have a nice day." The employee said, handing me four grocery bags.

I grabbed the groceries and said, "You too." and headed out the front doors of the store.

Once I did, I sighed in relief and started to walk back home, the grocery bags seeming to pull me down along the way. On the other hand, maybe I should of brought the car.

I turned around a building and saw something that caught my eye, so I turned back around and saw Serena who was walking down the sidewalk across the street.

"Serena!" I yelled with a smile and ran over to her.

"Oh, hey Ash!" Serena smiled.

"Hey..." I said nervously, finally catching up to her.

"Why are you here?"

"My mom needed groceries." I sweat dropped, lifting up two of the bags in each of my hands, but then one fell out of my hands and fell to the ground next to me.

I reached down to grab it, but then I dropped another bag. In my mind I mentally face palmed myself, realizing how stupid I was acting in front of Serena.

Serena laughed and knelt down, picking up the two grocery bags while smiling and said, "Here let me help."

"No, you don't have to do that." I scratched the side of my cheek and held out my hand for the groceries, but Serena didn't give them to me.

"Hey, just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean that I don't have to volunteer to help carry some groceries." She laughed, joking around obviously, but didn't hand back the groceries.

I sweat dropped and put my hand back to my side. "Okay then."

"So how's your summer been?" Serena smiled and started to walk down the sidewalk.

I followed her. "It's been alright I guess, but boring."


"So have you've been on that date with Alain yet?"

"No." She looked down at the pavement below us and then back up at me. "Why do you want to know?"

"N-no reason." I stuttered.

Serena sighed and looked back ahead of her. "I miss school."

"Already?" I scoffed. "There's no way! I'm glad we're finally out."

"But how will you feel when you're actually out. For good? You leave all your teachers and friends. And then your off to college and the rest of life."

I lowered my head. She was right. The past is all just memories now. I could still remember my first teacher and now we're coming up to our very lasts. Friends who've come and gone. It all seemed to pass by so quick. I then lifted my head back up.

"No." I said flatly. "We'll always have them in our hearts." I said, throwing the hand, that wasn't holding groceries, to my chest and hovered it over my heart while looking back over at Serena with a smile. "The same goes for the other teachers and friends we meet and met."

"I guess so... but." She looked over to the sun that was setting over the rest of the houses. "Won't you miss everything at school? Even the routine and the homework they give you?"

"Heh, maybe not the homework, but yeah. I'll miss school. But hey, you can't just grieve about it and not enjoy what we have now!"

"Yeah. I guess your right." Serena sighed, a smile slowly appearing on her face. "Well I guess I'll have to use as every last second I have then." She said and then ran off towards my house with the groceries still in hand.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yelled and chased after her.

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