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Serena's P.O.V

"You made those for him!?" Dawn squealed as she looked at the small pouch I had in my hand, full of macaroons.

"Yeah, but don't take it the wrong way. He asked me to make some for him, so I did."

"How stubborn can you get!?" Dawn looked at me in disbelief. "You obviously made them because you like him."

"N- no I don't!" I yelled as I felt my cheeks become warm.

"You're such a lier." Dawn sighed.

"No I'm not!"

"Yes, you are."

"Agh." I turned around and headed towards class.

"Where are you going!?" Dawn asked.

"I'm going to Math class." I replied, flatly.

"Oh no you're not." Dawn ran up in front of me, blocking my path. "School doesn't start till 8 and its 7:45."

"Yeah, so what? I always go to class at this time." I looked at her weirdly.

"So what? You still have to give those macaroons to Ash!" Dawn complained.

"I don't need to give them to him now." I walked around Dawn and continued to head towards Math.

"Yes you do." Dawn followed me.

"No, I don't."

"Um, yes! You do!"

We continued to argue over whether or not I needed to give Ash the macaroons I made for him later or right then. I didn't know why Dawn wanted me to give them to him right then and there, but I convinced her that I will give them to him at lunch. I guess she just wants to see me give the macaroons to him?

Any who, Math and Language Arts went by quickly, which meant that I was finally at Lunch, Dawn trailing me as I held the pouch that held the macaroons, in my hand.

I felt my heartbeat quicken again as I looked for Ash in the cafeteria. Maybe I shouldn't of made the macaroons. Maybe I shouldn't of told Dawn.

"There he is!" Dawn squealed as she saw him enter the cafeteria. "Now go give them to him! I want to see his reaction!"

I didn't respond and instead, I walked over to Ash, my palms becoming sweaty for some reason.

"Hey Serena!" Ash walked over to me after seeing me walk over to him.

"Uh... I- I made you th- the macaroons that you asked me to make." I stuttered, me flinching at my own stupidity.

"Really!?" Ash's eyes widened.

"Yea- yeah." I stuttered again- damn it. I held up the pouch with about half a dozen macaroons.

Ash gladly took the pouch and untied the string holding the top of it together and took out a strawberry macaroon.

Okay, so I'm being honest here, I actually crossed my fingers in hoping that my cooking ability hasn't changed since the time Ash left.

A wide smile slit across Ash's face as he ate the first macaroon, some relief entering my body.

"Their so good!" Ash's grinned widely, leading me to blush a deep pink. "There just the way I remember them too!" He exclaimed as he took another macaroon out from the pouch and put it back into his mouth and swallow, but then started to cough as he started to choke.

"Eh-" I looked at him, sweat dropping as I watched him finally swallow and breath in air.

After finally taking more deep breaths, he looked up at me, embarrassed and said, "Hehe, sorry about that. Thank you for making these for me though, there delicious!"

I felt myself give a sigh of relief and smiled, "I'm glad that you like them." And headed over to my table, Ash heading over to the lunch line.

Once I took my seat I sighed and saw that everyone was here. Misty, Iris, Calem, May, and Dawn.

"You still like him!?" May exclaimed.

"Since when did he even come back?" Misty asked.

"Oh my gosh, this is so cute! We got to get you two together!" Iris jumped out of her seat in excitement.

"Wait-" I looked over at Dawn. Crap. This was her plan. She must of ran to the table to tell them to watch and tell them that I like him again. "DAWN." I said, straining her name as I did.

"What?" Dawn asked as she casually took a sip of her chocolate milk.

I took my my hand and slapped the side of my face. You have to be kidding me.

"How can you still like him? It's been 3 years." A similar voice said, as if it was a stupid idea that I still liked him.

I looked up and saw Calem, his arms crossed.

"I don't like him!" I lied, this time knowing that I did have a crush on Ash.

"Told you she's stubborn." Dawn sighed.

"You obviously like him. We just watched you and you were blushing like twenty-four seven!" Iris yelled, waving her arms in the air.

This was exactly what I didn't want. "Mph." I pulled down my hat to hide my face.

"Oh come on, we promise that we won't tell him, but we will help you guys get together." May winked.

"I'd rather not." I sighed.

"Don't you remember what he did to you when he left." Calem scoffed. "You were practically heart broken."

"That wasn't his fault Calem." I said.

"He even pushed you in front of a fucking car!" He yelled, his voice becoming more angry.

"That wasn't his fault too!" I yelled back. "Don't forget that you were the one who was also in the fight!"

Calem stayed silent, sitting silently as he didn't touch his food.

"Agh." I sat up from my seat and walked over to the lunch line as ordered my food and ate outside of the cafeteria, not bothering to sit with my friends since all they would talk about would be Ash and me.

Note to self: Don't tell anyone about your crush or else it will end up badly

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