Driven Crazy

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Authors Note (You can read this if you want or you totally ignore it! You're choice 😬): First off before I start this chapter, you guys realize that this Fanfiction's Amourshipping right? Okay, good. Cause that's the way I'm going to keep it 😂 I ship Amourshipping and that's the way it's going to stay. I keep seeing you guys flipping out and asking if I'm shipping Serena with Alain now and not Ash. No. I'm an amourshipper and always will be 😅 I'm stuck with this ship for the rest of my life so don't worry guys😂 Also, question. Who else is stuck shipping Ash and Serena for the rest of eternity? 👋🏼 Me.

Serena's P.O.V

I watched Ash enter Spanish class, not even looking at me as I stood there, classically dumbfounded. Not knowing what was bothering Ash so much.

I frowned as I walked into Spanish Class and sat in my assigned seat next to him.

The moment I sat down, the teacher turned on the PowerPoint as usual and I grabbed out my notebook to take notes.

•~•~• 🍁🍂🍃 •~•~•

You know in class when time usually skips by. Yeah, not this class. It felt as if I spent the whole day in that dang Spanish class. It was finally over though, my mind stuck on Ash still. I can't get him out of my mind. I still can't figure out why he doesn't like Alain. It's unlike him.

I walked towards Social Studies, my thoughts on Ash started to recede from my thoughts as I got in line outside of Social Studies class and waited for Mr. Rowan to let us in.

As we waited outside of class, I saw Ash walk over towards the line as well and stood next to me, not saying a word.

Soon Mr. Rowan came out of the classroom and gestured letting us in.

I sat down, carefully watching Ash. It's annoying me so much. Why can't he just tell me what's wrong?

"Okay class. Does everyone have their partner in mind for this project?" Mr. Rowan asked, walking up to the front of the class.

No one said anything and I guess he took that as a yes. He then walked over to to his desk and grabbed a clipboard and a pencil.

"Okay, Kayla who are you teamed up with?"

Someone across the classroom yelled, "Cloette."

"Anthony?" Mr. Rowan asked.

Someone else in front of the girl named Kayla said, "Noah."

This went on, reaching everybody as he went down the rows in class. When he reached Miette, she surprisingly was working by herself- that's a first.

Mr. Rowan kept going until he eventually reached Ash.

"Ash?" He asked.

"Serena." Ash responded, as if he hated the idea, leading butterflies to enter my stomach and punch me like it always did and for some reason sent pain to my heart instead of my stomach.

Did I do something wrong? My mind's going to explode if I can't figure this out. Why was Ash acting like this? It seemed like he was taking it out on everyone, but it seemed like he was mostly aiming at me. It doesn't make sense. He said it's because he doesn't like Alain. Was that an excuse? Or is it something that went on between them that I don't know about? I don't know.

Once Mr. Rowan was finally down writing down the pairings on his paper, he put it away and got to explaining our project.

We're basically making a PowerPoint. Great, the thing I'm bad at- well... I guess I've kinda gotten better ever since I took a computer class last year, but still. It's not my thing.

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