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One day it just happened. All of it. No one expected it. Storming weather, so I was running to the car. I don't know what happened next because I woke up in a dark wet room.

I woke up with my head pounding, I tried to lift my arms but I couldn't, they felt too heavy. I tried to open my eyes, but some pressure was keeping them closed. A distinct whirring getting louder, and louder; so loud I couldn't hear anything else. I wanted to scream but my throat was dry as if someone had poured sand in my mouth. It burned. The whirring getting so loud that my clamped eyes were watering and my whole body was trembling. Then the light turned on. All noise stopped. I could tell when the light in my eyelids went from black to red someone was in the light room. Then mumbling, mumbling I couldn't understand. As if someone put ear muffs over me. Then I felt something, a force pulling me upward, too much force against my chest it hurt. Then relief. But where am I now? I feel no more pressure keeping my eyes closed so I open them, the only movement I can without my body aching. All I see is light, a bright white light. I was trying to close my eyes wishing I had never opened them, but they would not close. Then it went black again. My eyes closed shut.

“Walk here boy.” a voice said. Who is that? Why does the voice sound familiar? I try to get up but my whole body was aching and trembling.

“I said walk here!” the voice booming so loud it scared me. So I obey, walking forward into the darkness, with the pain unbearable I scream unable to stop myself.

“Are you Travis McLoyd?” the voice boomed.

Barely able to stumble the simple, small word I shake as I say “Yes.”

“I told you he was the one!” a different deeper voice yelled from the other side of the room, the voice unfamiliar. With my body shaking in pain I collapse on the cold wet floor. Wishing I could see the bodies of the faces, but at the same time, horrified by who it might be.

“He is weak! He is not the one.” The first familiar voice says, this time quieter.

“Give him time, everyone is at first. YOU were first.” said the deep voice. I wait lying on the floor trying to suck air into my lungs but my throat burns, my chest burns. I feel unable to breath. The time feels like I have been on the floor for an hour, now panting in exhaustion.

“Open your eyes!” said the familiar voice. As I opened my eyes, I saw a face, almost familiar.

“Do you remember me?” he said. Unsure of how to reply I stayed silent.

“Do I look familiar? Sound familiar? Maybe a distant friend… or family member?” it was then I remembered… this was a different form of my father.

“You look familiar, sound familiar, but you’re not my family anymore. And you never were! You adopted me and then abandoned me!” I yelled.

“Oh but I am your father. I adopted you to be able to show you the sights of my world, to share my joy with you. I had to abandon you to protect you because you were not ready to enter the mystery of my world… but now you are.” He said in almost a whisper, walking slowly towards me with a key in his hand.

“And what if I don't want to see this world? What then? I don't want anything to do with you!” I screamed, hoping I could leave, go back to my apartment pretending none of this happened.

“You have no choice. You have to, it is for your protection, I had to put your mother in there to.” He said, getting too close for comfort.

“You’re crazy! I’m never following you. I don't even know where this world of yours is, for all I know there isn't this imaginary world.” I said backing away from him.

“The door is right there, all you have to do is ask for the key, and you can enter…” He said holding the key up in his hand towards me. As if some force of curiosity got the better of me, I reached out for the key. Holding it in my hand, it glimmered. I turned around and slipped the key into the lock… a perfect fit… I slowly turned the key. It unlocked with a click. I turned back to the man who had once been my father and said;

“When I open this door, you will see you’re crazy and there is just a empty room. Then I will call the cops, have you thrown in jail for kidnapping. When you get out of jail, if you ever get more than 20 feet of me I will shoot you.” I said calmly and confidently, hoping it knocked some sense into him. Then I opened the door, a bright golden light shone through, too bright I looked away to see my former father smirk and push me into the room.

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