Chapter Fifteen

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I have an the end of this chapter hehe(:

-----------------------------------------------------------Chapter Fifteen------------------------------------------------------

"Okay, Frankster, bed time!" I turned off the T.V. as the ending credits of 'JONAS L.A.' came onto the screen.

I hated watching my brothers on T.V. as much as I hated watching myself, it was so awkward. But, Frankie loved the show, and the ten year old could make me do anything. Speaking of my brothers, my dad and them were stuck at the Record label, planning the stage design for the tour. The tour was to open in Chicago so we were flying out next week to watch them set up the stage.

Franki groaned, "Fine."

I patted his back as he walked past me, "Night, bud."


I smiled as he walked upstairs and I slumped back on the couch. I wanted to go to bed but I didn't feel like walking up those stairs, besides Joe will probably....nevermind. I don't want him to carry me. I got off the couch and dragged myself up the stairs.


No P.O.V.

Sonny fought to stay awake as she sat at in conference room at Hollywood Records Headquaters. Her manager called her saying it was a meeting about the stage design for the tour. Yet, Sonny didn't understand why she was there. Everyone was huddled around the tiny laptop, so she couldn't see a thing. She didn't care though, all she wanted to do was play her music, meet some fans, and hang out with Jenny.  

Jenny. She thought of her friend as Sonny watched her brothers talk about what they wanted for the design. She knew that Jenny had made amends with Nick and Kevin, who seemed to be the most understanding of the boys, but Joe was a different story. The boy didn't even talk to Jenny, so Jenny decided that she would make an effort when he decided to.

Her thoughs were interrupted when the head tour manager shut the laptop, "Okay, I think we're done for the night! We made some great progress, see you all for our meeting on Friday."

Everyone got up from their places and exited the room. Sonny went into the lobby and had a cup of their complimentary coffee. She's more of a tea drinker, but she needed something to stay awake on the drive home. She cringed as she took the first sip, how could anyone drink this stuff? She took another sip.

"Well, you seem to be enjoying that." Joe chuckled as he poured his own.

Oh no, was she allowed to talk to him? All best friends know not to talk to the person your best friend is mad at. It's like, the RULE. But, it was Joe...the guy that she has had a crush on way before she met Jenny. One little conversation wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Oh yeah, it's my favorite drink." She said sarcastically.

Joe laughed, "Of course! It's obvious that it is." He said back in a sarcastic tone.

The two started to talk, Sonny liked it.  She knew, from the many magazines she read, that Joe was the funny one....but he was HILARIOUS! She almost spit out her coffee when he told her jokes. She could see them together....holding hands, kissing, talking.....but she stopped there. There was no way that she could think about a romantic relationship with Joe when he was causing so much pain to her best friend, his sister. She looked up at the clock, 11:55, she had to be up by seven AM to get to the studio. Sonny threw away the styrofoam cup.

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