Chapter Ten

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-----------------------------------------------------------------Chapter Ten---------------------------------------------------

Give it up for the cast of 'So Random!'!

We all walked out of our doors and waved to the audience as they all started cheering and clapping. Another show successfully wrapped! We clapped for each other then stopped as the spectators quieted down as well.

"And we would like to thank Chad Dylan Cooper for being an amazing host!" Sonny smiled.

We all clapped and the audience cheered for Chad as he ran through the center doors and went between Sonny and I. He waved to the audience and even did some winks to a couple of screaming girls only making them scream louder.

"Let's not forget our musical guests, The Jonas Brothers!!" I smiled.

The boys came through the same door as Chad and went to my opposite side. The audience screamed for the boys as they waved and did a couple of mini-gractious bows. We all clapped.

"And thank you guys for being such amazing fans!" Nico said, pointing to the audience.

We all returned the favor from them by clapping and 'whooping'.

"We wouldn't be able to put on such a fun show without you!" Grady said, making the cheers become louder. 

"Have a great night!" Zora said.

We waved at the camera and audience as they screamed. Just another ending to a perfect show, no matter what the critics say, our shows are always perfect because we have fun. No doubt about that.

"And...we are clear!" Marshall said, smiling at us.

He walked onto the main stage with a smile plastered on his face. Classic Marhsall, he always enjoyed the show even though he has seen the sketches throughout his entire week.

"That was great, kids! You know the drill, some autograph signing then you are free for the weekend." He said.

I nodded, "Got it!"

"Bye guys!" He walked off set.

We all walked towards the studio audience as they pushed up agantist the railing, holding up anything from blank pieces of paper, to magazines, posters, and even a few DVDs of our show. I smiled as I grabbed a paper from a little girl, signed it, and handed it back to her giving a little wave. I looked over at the boys, who were going down the line right next to me.

"How are you guys holding up?" I smiled, noticing the size of the crowd increase as they got to that area.

Kevin gave me a quick thumbs up, all of them obviously to busy signing and talking to give me an answer. I smiled wider, then went back to signing and smiling to the fans. I looked over at Sonny who was ahead of me.

"Ready for pizza night?" I asked, signing a poster for a fan and smiling at them.

Yep, I'm a multi-tasker. When you're in this buisness for a while, you learn to talk to a friend as you give a fan of yours a moment they will always remember. Sonny practiced this strategy too, actually, she was the one who helped me master it.

"I'm actually going to miss it! I have a meeting with your brothers, your dad, and my manager about tour." She said, smiling and signing for a fan then looking at me with a sympathetic look.

My heart sank. Sonny missing pizza night?! It was a tradition after every show that we all get a pizza, sure, some of us miss at least one but never Sonny. She's the one who always guilts us to go, even if we don't feel like it. Either way though, we always end up having a great time and it's all thanks to Sonny! Her missing a pizza night makes me want to go home to prepare for the apocolyspe.

The 'So Random' Life of Jenny JonasWhere stories live. Discover now